The underlying pain in his voice touched her so deeply she could almost feel his loneliness. “But what about your stepmother?” she asked gently.
“She was there,” he commented in a monotone. “We never really had a relationship. I always sensed that she resented me for some reason. And I could never understand why.” He hesitated before speaking again. “I tried to get to know her, be a good son, but nothing made much of a difference.”
“It’s strange,” she began slowly, “but we have a lot in common. Even though you had parents, they were lost to you, just as my parents are lost to me.” She sighed, casting aside the melancholy. “Where are some of the places you’ve been?” she asked, wanting to change the subject.
“All over Japan.” He briskly stirred the contents in the wok, then turned off the jet. “Parts of Europe, Africa, South America, and the Philippines.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“Is that the reason why it’s so important for you to have a place to call home when you travel?”
He turned to look at her, curiosity and a deeper sense of awareness swam in his eyes. “That’s part of it,” he answered softly and turned back to his work, spooning the food onto a platter. Maxwell took a deep breath and let out an inaudible sigh. He struggled to keep from smiling. Just talking to her like a person and expressing his feelings about something so personal to him, actually felt good. It didn’t hurt like he thought it would. She seemed to be able to read him and gauge his feelings. Maybe it was the journalist in her. But a part of him knew better. Reese was a naturally caring and compassionate woman. He wanted to trust her. He wanted to let go and be all that he could be—and he wanted it with her.
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