That explained the attitude. Alexis nodded and let Claire continue.
“I have a master’s degree in educational leadership. I spent four years with Teach America, teaching fifth grade in Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn. I’m good at what I do. I’m married and have a two-year-old son. I’m dedicated to my job but I will be honest, my family comes first.”
Alexis smiled. “That was the most impressive thing you said...about your family.” That little ache that echoed in her belly was still there, not as powerful or as painful as when her mom first passed away, but there nonetheless. She knew the importance of family. She was sure that if her mom would have still been here she would have never left Atlanta, no matter how good this deal was. She cleared her throat. “I think we’re going to make a formidable pair.”
Claire smiled and appeared to physically relax.
The knock diverted their attention.
“IT,” a voice announced.
“Come in,” Alexis said, standing. Claire followed suit.
“Morning, I’m Jason. I’m gonna connect all of your equipment and set up your accounts.”
“I’ll get out of your way.”
“It should only take about fifteen minutes.” He sat down at the desk, booted up his laptop and turned on her computer. He got set up and went to work.
“Where can I get a cup of coffee?” Alexis asked.
“Come on, I’ll show you the employee lounge and my office...and,” she added with a grin, “the ladies room.”
* * *
By the time Alexis and Claire returned to her office, Jason was just finishing up. He showed Alexis how to sign into her email account, and had her sign for an iPad and a company cell phone.
“Thanks, Jason.”
“Sure thing. Any problems or questions, we’re at extension 2100.”
Alexis and Claire sat down to finish their coffee.
“While you’re at the meeting with Mr. Stone, I’ll get your files set up on your computer and check your supplies to see what you may need.”
Claire got up. “If you need anything before your meeting, I’m on speed dial.”
Alexis grinned. “That’s definitely good to know.”
“And I’ll email you my cell so that you can program it into your phone,” she added on her way out of the door.
Claire quietly shut the door and Alexis released a long breath. The combination of excitement and nerves ran rampant through her veins. She was eager to get started. She’d had the opportunity to review Graham’s plan and she had some ideas on how to make it happen, as well as a suggestion that she hoped he’d agree to. After studying the company’s objectives and their projects already in operation, she found one area that had been overlooked and if implemented could elevate R.E.A.L. on yet another level.
She turned on her computer and took her jump drive from her purse and popped it into the computer’s USB port. Once the notes that she’d made appeared on her computer screen she reviewed them, made a few corrections and additions and then sent them to a secure folder. Just to be on the safe side, she printed two copies of her report.
She jumped at the sudden ring of her desk phone. She picked it up. Claire was calling to inform her that Mr. Stone wanted to move up their meeting to “right now.” She added that it was something she would have to get used to as he often changed meeting times when he was juggling several projects.
“Thanks. I’m on my way.” She collected her notes, laptop and cell and took the elevator down. It occurred to her as she stepped off that it was odd that Graham, as the founder and CEO, should be on the lower floor. But from everything that she’d gleaned about Graham Stone he was anything but status quo.
Alexis took a moment to get her bearings. She caught a glimpse of soft pink at the end of the corridor, moments before the slender figure crossed a threshold and was out of view. She wondered if Tracy would be attending the meeting. Hopefully she would. It would give Alexis an opportunity to see up close and quickly how Tracy operated and the dynamics between Tracy and Graham.
The rhythmic click of her long-legged stride was absorbed in the dove-gray carpet. Graham’s door was open. Several people were in the office. She walked in.
* * *
Graham sensed her before he actually saw her. The short hairs on the back of his neck tingled. He turned from the conversation he was in with one of his staff members and his gaze zeroed in on Alexis. The tingling sensation spread down the center of his spine. His jaw clenched.
“Ms. Montgomery, please come in.” Graham waved her in and the other four people in the room stopped in midsentence and looked at her.
Alexis felt like she was on the runway at Fashion Week and was being appraised by potential buyers. Graham made the introductions.
“All of you are aware that R.E.A.L. has a new VP of Development. I would like to formerly introduce Alexis Montgomery.”
Alexis’s gaze swept the small assembly and graced them with a warm but professional smile. “Good morning.”
Graham continued the introductions that included Anthony Harrelson, Vivian Small, Kwame Knight and Jae Jennings. They were all the heads of each of the departments: Finance, Corporate Communications, Marketing and Social Media. They would all report to Alexis.
“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. I’m looking forward to us working together and me getting to know you.”
“You can set up your individual meetings with the department heads and they can bring you up to speed,” Graham said with a briskness that indicated this would not be the place for chitchat and small talk. Everyone took their cue and moved to the rectangular conference table and sat down.
Graham undid the single button on his suit jacket before he took his seat at the head of the table. Alexis found herself between Jae and Vivian. Jae was head of Social Media, and Alexis was sure the evolving digital platforms kept her challenged. She reminded Alexis of a lightning bug in a bottle, buzzing and flashing pinpoints of light and biding its time until the lid was opened and it could escape. Vivian was the diametric opposite. There was a calming aura about her. The strands of silver that ran through her intricately twisted upswept locks belied the buttery smoothness of her skin. Alexis placed the head of Corporate Communications in her early to mid-forties, and noted she wore a striking wedding band encrusted with diamonds.
Anthony Harrelson and Kwame Knight, heads of Finance and Marketing respectively, sat on the opposite side of the table. They could have easily stood in for magazine cover models—gorgeous from head to toe. Alexis absently wondered if good looks was part of the hiring criteria.
Then much to Alexis’s surprise Tracy strutted in and joined them, taking the seat nearest Graham.
“Let’s begin,” Graham said, turning to Tracy.
“The first agenda item is from Finance.” She gave a short nod to Anthony and placed her iPad on the table. She took notes as each executive outlined issues of concern in their departments and gave updates on pending projects.
Alexis remained an observer, which allowed her to get a good sense of the staff members’ styles and personalities, as well as the dynamic between Graham and Tracy.
It was clear that he relied on her and she knew it. Alexis had to give Tracy her props, though. She knew her stuff. She was up on every nuance in every department and if she didn’t understand what was being conveyed, she had no problem challenging the information.
Alexis was surprised at how laid-back Graham