She walked up to the driver.
“Hi, I’m Alexis Montgomery.”
“Ms. Montgomery.” He gave a short nod. “Michael. I’m your driver. I’ll help you with your bags and then I’ll go and get the car.”
“Great. Hopefully it won’t take too long.” She headed in the direction of carousel three with Michael at her side.
“How was your flight?”
“Very nice, thanks to a first-class ticket. The organization treats its employees very well.”
They stopped in front of the carousel that had already begun to fill with luggage.
“Yes, it does.”
Shortly her bags came around on the belt. Michael took them and walked to the exit. “If you wouldn’t mind waiting a moment, I’ll bring the car.”
“I can walk with you to the car.”
“No worries. I’ll be right back.”
She inwardly shrugged. Fine with me. She walked over to a nearby bench, sat down and watched arriving travelers run into the arms of waiting loved ones. She experienced a momentary twinge of melancholy, knowing there were no open arms to greet her, just a furnished apartment in an unfamiliar city. She sniffed, opened her purse in search of her cigarettes and then remembered that she’d recently quit and suddenly wished that she hadn’t and took out a stick of gum instead. She glanced around, took in the sights and sounds. Although it was early May, it was a balmy seventy-five degrees. Almost like home, she thought.
Just then a black Lincoln pulled up in front of her and Michael quickly got out. He reached for her carry-on and opened the passenger door. Alexis slid into the roomy interior and gasped in alarm.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Please. Sit.”
Alexis’s pulse raced. She settled herself opposite her surprise guest.
“Graham Stone.” He extended his hand.
Her eyes widened. “Graham Stone, CEO of R.E.A.L.?” Her hand, of its own volition, found its way into his. His long fingers wrapped around her hand and it was as if he’d cut off the oxygen to her brain.
He grinned and even in the dim interior she could see his eyes sparkle. Her stomach fluttered. She pressed her knees together to silence the lady that had jumped up and started to purr.
“Guilty as charged. My flight from London came in just before yours. I told Michael to find you. Much more efficient for him to take the both of us than to have you take a cab in a strange city.”
“I...appreciate that.”
Graham leaned back against the plush leather of the car. His steel-gray suit was in that new slender cut and it clearly outlined the long lean lines of his body. He looked her over in slow motion. “I have to apologize for this impromptu meeting,” he said, and she caught the barely there British accent. “It was unfortunate that I was out of town when you came in to meet with the board last month. And that we couldn’t ‘meet’ on the conference call.”
“I was beginning to think that maybe you were only a voice or a figment of everyone’s imagination.”
Graham chuckled, the kind of deep robust sound that made you all warm inside.
“Not the first time I’ve heard that. Unfortunately, my focus is on building the organization and getting the kids of the inner city into the kind of schools that they deserve. I don’t always have time for the elbow rubbing and schmoozing. I prefer to remain behind the scenes as much as possible, in addition to which the work involves a great deal of travel.” As he spoke he stared directly at her, never averting his gaze. It was mesmerizing as much as it was unsettling.
Alexis cleared her throat. “And that’s why you hired me?”
“Yes. I want you to be the face of R.E.A.L. and I need your expertise.”
Want and need had never sounded so erotic. She shifted in her seat and linked her long fingers together and rested them on her lap. The pure surprise of stepping into a car and meeting her very gorgeous boss for the first time completely threw her for a loop. She was accustomed to being in control of a situation and certainly in control of her thoughts—but not now. And what was that intoxicating scent he was wearing?
“At least you have the weekend to get comfortable—a little.” He grinned.
“I’m looking forward to getting started,” she managed.
He slowly nodded his head without taking his eyes off of her. “Good. I have several new projects waiting for you on your desk. You’ll have to hit the ground running.”
“I’m ready.” The instant the words were out of her mouth she wanted to pull them back. She knew what she’d said was simple and direct, but in her head they held a completely different meaning.
He stroked his clean-shaven chin with his thumb and forefinger and Alexis had the overwhelming need to open the window. It was as if someone had struck a match in her belly.
“Would you like something to drink?” he asked, jumping into her head.
She blinked and smiled. “That would be great. Thank you.”
He reached into the minibar. “Water, juice, soda or something stronger?” He gazed across at her from beneath his lashes.
“Uh, water is fine.”
He produced a bottle of water and plucked a glass from the holder, and handed both to her.
“Thank you.” Somehow she managed to get the bottle open and pour it into her glass without making a mess and a fool out of herself. She was quite amazed actually as her fingers wavered between being board stiff or weak as wet noodles. When she lifted her head from the minor task she was rattled to see Graham looking at her with a bemused expression on his face.
“Are you always so intense?”
She straightened. “Intense?”
“Yes. You were working on that bottle as if it was the most important job you’d ever undertaken.”
Her cheeks flushed. She lifted her chin. “You haven’t seen me intense,” she said, the hint of a taunt on her tongue.
Graham made a humming murmur in his throat. He angled his head to the side. His eyes creased ever so slightly at the corners. “Have they found a replacement for you at the college?”
“Not yet. The position has been posted. I’m sure they’ll find someone reasonably soon.”
“I’m sure they feel your loss already. You made a lot of important changes over there. Several of the departments missed the ax because of you.”
At that moment she wasn’t sure if she was seriously impressed or annoyed. The fact that she’d been able to work with the board and the department chairs to restructure without losing students or teachers was not common knowledge beyond the boardroom of Atlanta College. “How did you know all of that?”
“I make it my business to know everything there is to know about the people that get hired at your level. I also want to make certain that there is real substance behind the fancy words on a résumé and cover letter.”
“I see.” She now knew she was annoyed. What else did he know about her that wasn’t on her résumé and didn’t come out in the phone interview? Clearly it didn’t matter if he was around to ask direct questions or not. He still got answers.
And then as if reading her mind he asked, “How did Ian take your leaving?”
Her eyes widened. “I beg your pardon?”
“Ian...Matthews. Isn’t it?”