Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and mass-energy equivalence is his most famous equation E=mc2. That equation, written in that form, immediately suggests the possibility of converting small quantities of mass into large quantities of energy. He wanted to explain the existence of mass, of matter. Simply put: our entire existence. There are different forces that govern our universe scientifically. Examples of two of these forces are the force of gravity, which holds planets together, and electromagnetic force, which hold tiny particles like atoms together. The development of his Theory of Relativity is one of the most groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs of all time.
What is the Law of Attraction?
Everyone’s perception of the law of attraction varies. In basic summary, what you put out there is what you’ll get back and when you get it back it will be more powerful - positive or negative. It is a metaphysical “New Thought” belief that “Like Attracts Like.” It is visualization, meditation, spirituality, quantum physics, and energy flow. Scientifically, it would be conceived in the areas of “energy” and “quantum physics.” Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. It shows us how we are part of one continuous energy field that we affect with our thoughts...literally creating matter out of light energy. It suggests the probability that universal energy waves have intelligence.
It is a universal truth if you drop an object from the top of a building it will fall to the ground.
It is also a universal truth that matter expands when it is heated. You can heat a piece of steel and it will expand regardless of where it is in the world.
It is a universal law of action and reaction – your thought is action and reaction is the automatic response from your subconscious mind, which corresponds with the nature of your thought.
Be careful what you think about!!
Your conscious mind is the one that makes choices, or ‘the reasoning mind’. Your subconscious mind accepts what is impressed upon it or what you consciously believe. It does not reason like your conscious mind.
"The subjective mind is entirely under the control of the objective mind. With the utmost fidelity it reproduces and works out to its final consequences whatever the objective mind impresses upon it."
- Thomas Troward
Your subconscious mind is often times referred to as your subjective mind. It takes cognizance of its environment by means of the five senses;
Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate positive from negative - good from bad; therefore, it will accept your suggestions without controversy. It is the soil in which you plant the seed. With that being said, you must realize that the main function of your conscious mind should now be to protect your subconscious mind from negativity. Make this your goal and attempt to turn negative statements and behavior to positive. Let me give you an example that someone taught to me in order to put that theory into perspective.
Let's assume that you have a garden out back and you are continually cultivating it...removing the weeds, watering and feeding it. Now, a friend with a negative outlook comes to visit and presents negative feedback relative to your garden. Even though you thought it was looking great and you were producing positive results, the negativity you received has subconsciously created worry and doubt. Therefore, as soon as you allow that to enter your subconscious mind, you are creating additional negativity. You must learn how to block out negative displacement and replace it with positive perception. It is very difficult to redirect or prohibit it when it originates from a personal or business associate. Again...know and understand that getting the anticipated results means planting the correct seeds in the subconscious mind. So many times our intention is to plant flowers, but it results in manifesting rocks. Someone once explained it to me like this: your intention is to own your own business and become a millionaire, but you soon start complaining about 'being broke' and owning your own business is 'too difficult'. There you have planted a flower and manifested a rock!!
Why is it that our perception varies so much from person to person? You can place two people at the same seminar; interview both of them afterwards and their perception will be complete opposite. There are numerous documented cases relative to that theory. Two sons…with the same alcoholic and abusive father; one grew up to be on drugs, be alcohol dependent and in and out of prison; while the other grew up to be a wonderful family man with a great career, who never had an alcoholic beverage. In an interview they both stated that the reason they became the men they are was due to their father’s upbringing? So, do you see…one, blaming the father grew up to be just like him, while the other learned from the father’s mistakes to grow to be the opposite.
Changing your paradigm (which is your 'thinking model' - your thought pattern), your self-image, your subconscious a very complicated task. As previously stated, your subconscious mind accepts what has been impressed in it. When we were born, our subconscious mind was empty…all of us starting out the same. Earl Nightingale's “The Strangest Secret”, talks about the statistics of one hundred men all starting even at the age of 25 and by the age of 65, only 1 will be rich. Think about that…what happens to most people throughout their lives? Through the course of our lives so many things were impressed into it (e.g. the media, our parents, friends, etc.), so, it is very difficult to change it….what we have come to believe…we believe. It returns what it knows. If you experience fear, worry, or doubt relative to finance (e.g. poverty, bankruptcy…) your subconscious mind will surely deliver it.
Also, what most educators fail to inform you is when you discover the required steps to change your subconscious thinking, you must mean it. If your actions are not faithful, your subconscious recognizes the false pretense and you’ll attract additional negativity. You must learn how to trust in the power, erase negativity, and apply the principles. This is why most people do not believe in the law of attraction and prevent achievement of their goals. The majority of people believe that repetitive conversation in a positive manner produces instant results. However, if the underlying part of your subconscious mind continues to believe your old habits, it is imperative to alter your thought process.
Relative to the previous explanation that I’ve provided, let’s walk through the process to alter your habitual thought process. It is the greatest challenge you’ll ever encounter and you MUST realize it will transpire, but you can’t discontinue the process if you are unable to obtain instant results. It is significantly challenging compared to the resistance of breaking a bad habit. It is not merely shifting your thought processes, but also altering your vocabulary.
Comprehension of ‘key’ words toward positive change is imperative.
Thinking back to your childhood: whatever has been planted into your subconscious mind is so commonly known to each of us; therefore, how do you determine what really is right or wrong in comparison to the teachings of the law of attraction?
How many of you have experienced negative phrases such as:
“You can’t…”
“You’ll never amount to anything…”
“You’re going to be bankrupt…”
“You’re going to get sick…”
“Money doesn’t grow on trees…”
“Money is the root of all evil…”
Those are all negative impressions that have been planted in your mind in the past and will cause behavioral patterns leading to failure in your personal and professional life. Replace those