The ten chapters will impress:
Manipulation and control of the subconscious mind: in order to fully comprehend the power that lies within your subconscious mind, you must also have the ability to control what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.
Visualization and discovery between creative and real: to successfully manifest your dream/vision into reality you must understand how to create the scenario in your mind, combine it with the use of your five senses and utilize a vision board. You must also educate yourself on how to eliminate the fear of competition and work solely within a creative mind.
Reveal your desires: learn the importance of turning your vision into a burning desire so opportunities will flourish. Allow that obsession to dominate.
Validity to the application of intuition & faith: faith is the most imperative principle so it is crucial to differentiate between mental and spiritual, recognize the basic foundation and integrate the conception of the sixth sense or intuition. This is also the most controversial so I have attempted to educate you on how to eliminate the argumentative factors and empower your inner belief.
Signify what can materialize from organized and intelligently directed knowledge: harmonious intelligence combined with accumulated experience can produce opportunities toward problem solving, wealth building and affiliations.
How to remain congruent to persistence and avoid the inevitable: learn how to eliminate the saboteurs causing procrastination and develop the definiteness of purpose required to excel you to the highest pinnacle.
The influence and application of gratitude: generosity and gratitude are key elements to abundance...learn how, why and when to apply it. Also discover how to apply gratitude to a negative situation.
Utilization of your skill sets: whether you've lost your job or desire a career change, you must discover your skill sets and recognize how to apply them in your life and career. Utilize them to devise a plan for an attainable goal and learn a 'fast path to cash' approach.
How to create multiple sources of income & affiliate programs: establish multiple sources of income, become affiliated with other resources and learn the benefits of network marketing to assist you in attaining growth and development.
Summarize with an organized plan to create successful results: recap the steps you've learned and create a strategic plan of action toward the application of them.
In today's economy, the following are multiple scenarios that we are faced with on a daily basis:
If you lose your position, your home, or your savings you can’t just simply apply the law of attraction or change your subconscious mind without the additional education of discovering how to acquire new skill sets, formulate a plan of action relative to your financial status, or create multiple sources of income;
If you are an entrepreneur and you experience a detrimental decline in your business you must combine the law of attraction with a formulated strategy to revise your existing business plan to discover new marketing ideas and incorporate additional skill sets to expand the potential for new business;
If you are experiencing personal difficulties within your family you must apply tools and techniques for behavior and relationship modification with the law of attraction and changing your paradigm.
If you are a stay-at-home mom who desires to earn additional income you need to learn how to develop your skill sets and discover the process to utilize them to find a career, which enables you to work from home and create multiple sources of income.
These are just a few examples of what you could be experiencing and there are many additional answers, but the circumstances for combining the law of attraction, changing your paradigm and incorporating tools and techniques remain the same. Validating this philosophy is based upon the personal experiences I have endured throughout my life relative to relationships, career, abuse, raising two children on my own, financial difficulties and entrepreneurship. Upon completion of my certifications, researching the subconscious mind and mentoring/coaching with top professionals I have made it my goal to provide clarity and definitive details to assist you in your endeavors. So, open up your mind, clear out the channels of thought and gain the mental attitude that only achieving one success is just not enough. It is the beginning to unveiling your capabilities. Create, grow, move forward...succeed...and
To begin your expedition to revolution your life we must first and foremost, need to understand the complexities of the subconscious mind. In all of my research, the individuals who have mastered the law of attraction provide specific information relative to procedure, but comprehending the performance of your subconscious mind is the essential component. One must fully recognize its capabilities to produce successful results. Failure to comprehend the fundamental principles could return negative results; therefore, I will provide the necessary procedure to understand the function of the subconscious mind, how to change your paradigm, eliminate negative behavior and produce positive results. If you attempt to apply the remaining processes without making the necessary changes within your self-image, you will fail to produce the successful results you desire.
Let me provide you with an example of a personal experience in which I had to redirect the mind of a child right before the teenage years. The parent had already manipulated the mind of the child to where emotion was non-existent and suppression was so severe that there were no social skills whatsoever. Abuse was evident and abandonment followed. So think about what that had done to the child: having a parent physically harm you then give you away in the precious moments of life would leave you with a sense of distrust and result in lack of emotion.
Getting the child to comprehend why their thought process was the result of having no friends, no communication skills, and the cause of depression was the first step. However, changing what had been impressed into the subconscious mind needs constant attention. The child continually reverts back to the original conditioning and the only way to make progress is through repetition. Each day I watch the child go back and forth attempting to change, but the old paradigm keeps surfacing.
After many months of teaching, repetition, and auto-suggestion the positive began to surface. Upon departure for a business trip, the anticipated simulation of what I normally receive in the way of hugs and kisses was different. The usual turned into the unusual - I received an embrace of the heart, a kiss with meaning, and a genuine 'I'll miss you' look. New beginnings!!
Whether applicable to chemistry, physics or mathematics, there are basic principles in life. They do not differ from the principles of your subconscious mind. Research has shown that the ability to bring into action the subconscious power has determined the success of all the great scientific and research workers. Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation: Every object in the Universe attracts every other object with a force directed along the line of centers for the two objects that