SKANKS. Keaton Albertson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Keaton Albertson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607461579
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naked body intertwined with mine.

      I woke up at about three in the morning to the sounds of approaching footsteps across the kitchen floor above my head. “Get up!” Sofia said to me in a hoarse whisper. “That’s my mom. She’s going to see your car. Where did you park?”

      “I’m down the road,” I mumbled, still being half asleep. “Don’t worry. It’s cool.”

      “She comes down here all the time,” Sofia whispered while pushing me out of her slanted bed. “She don’t sleep very good and she usually wakes me up to talk.”

      Energy surged through my body at the thought of the chicana’s mother catching me inside her daughter’s bedroom in the wee hours of the morning. I bailed out of the busted bed and scavenged some clothes from off the bedroom floor. As I was pulling on a pair of pants in the early morning darkness, I quickly came to realize that they came nowhere close to fitting me. By the time that I figured out that I had inadvertently scooped up a pair of Sofia’s pants from off the floor it was too late. Her mother was heard descending the stairs toward the open doorway.

      A look of dread shot across my hyna’s face. I quickly kicked off her Guess jeans and scurried into her closet. With wire hangers falling down and sticking into my body at various angles, I pulled the hinged closet door closed, just as Sofia’s mother came walking into the bedroom.

      My heart pounded with exhilaration as I peered out of the vents that lined the partitioned slabs of the closet door. I feared that the old woman would notice the unkempt nature of her daughter’s bedroom following the marathon sex session, take note of the destroyed bed, or perhaps spot my clothing or shoes upon the floor. Apparently unaware of the evidence of my presence that surrounded her, I watched as Sofia’s mother sat down upon the destroyed bed, carrying with her what appeared to be a wedding dress in her arms. A mother-daughter conversation then followed that concerned the elderly woman wanting Sofia to use her wedding dress for what she believed would be an inevitable union between Sofia and I. An uncomfortable exchange took place, as my hyna’s mother urged her to climb out of bed to try the dress on. Naked, and still with large amounts of cum stains upon the bed sheets, surrounding carpet, and caked around her inner thighs, Sofia awkwardly declined her mother’s suggestion and remained concealed beneath the covers.

      “Well, alright then,” her mother finally conceded. “I guess I’ll just hang this up in your closet and you can store it down here until the time is right.” The aging woman stood up and approached the closet door. “You really should keep the fabric protected, though. Maybe we can get a dry cleaning bag to wrap it in for awhile.”

      Trapped, I tried to inch my way further into the closet to avoid detection. My back pushed snugly against the inner wall. I had nowhere to go. With my raw rod dangling inelegantly beneath my legs and my nude body still smelling like sex, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the inevitable embarrassment that was about to transpire.

      “Okay, I guess I’ll try it on!” Sofia blurted out from her bedside.

      I opened my eyes and witnessed the shadow of Sofia’s mother abruptly turn around to face her daughter.

      “Honey! What are you doing sleeping without any clothes on? Oh my gosh!”

      “I just got really hot last night and couldn’t sleep,” Sofia stated, snatching the wedding dress from her mother’s arms and using the gown to cover up her bare body. “It’s no big deal.”

      “Well, it most certainly is a big deal, young lady. Why, I never slept in the nude before and you—”

      “—Look, mom, do you want me to try this on or not?”

      A sharp silence permeated the air, mixing into the lingering scent of semen. I leaned forward ever so slightly to get a better look out of the door vents.

      “Can you give me a little privacy so I can change?” Sofia asked her mother in an annoyed voice.

      “Yes, dear,” the old woman responded, her tone lightening somewhat with her daughter’s compliance. “I’ll be right back. I’ll go wake your father!”

      As the elderly woman shuffled out of Sofia’s bedroom and made it up the stairs, my Hispanic honey pot quickly tossed the wedding dress onto her bed and turned on a nearby lamp. She opened the closet doors and said to me, “Quick, get your clothes!”

      I searched the bedroom floor and rapidly located my disrobed apparel. After yanking on my own pair of pants, I stuffed my head into my shirt, pocketed my socks, and slipped on my shoes. I then scaled the dresser by the window like a professional rock climber and slid open Sofia’s window. “I’ll see ya later,” I said to my concubine, while pausing to climb out the windowsill.

      “Call me,” Sofia replied with a kiss.


      “Oh, wait!” Sofia called out. I looked back to see her extending to me my worn boxers inside her hand. “Don’t forget these.”

      I smiled, grabbed my underwear from her, and made it through the bedroom window as fast as I could. With my crusty boxers clenched in my fist, I ran across Sofia’s front lawn and jumped the border fence. I quickly relocated Rat’s stolen car that I had parked down the street and boarded inside. Still groggy, I threw my boxers into the passenger seat and cranked over the motor. I drove back home, reaching over seventy miles per hour down the abandoned country road.

      I reached town at about half past three. As I was rocketing down Main Street, I was surprised to see a pair of headlights blink into my rearview. The vehicle quickly accelerated from behind me and I slowed down to the appropriate speed limit. I feared that a cop had spotted me racing through town in the stolen car. Or maybe my parents had realized that I was gone and were out looking for me. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised when Suave, a good friend of mine, pulled his stepfather’s aging sedan from behind me and sped up to drive beside Rat’s car. We both rolled down our respective windows to yell at each other.

      “You fuckin’ stole Rat’s car, man!” Suave shouted out to me from across his bench seat. “Oh my hell!”

      “It was absolutely necessary!” I shouted back through the wind passing between our two moving vehicles. “I needed to make an ass run!”

      “Hey! Pull over up there!”

      I pulled Rat’s car to the side of the road as Suave parked his car behind me. He jumped out of the cab and ran up alongside the shitbox Chevy. “Let me in, dude,” he said, yanking the door open. “Let me drive.”

      “What for?” I asked.

      “‘Cause I wanna take this thing for a little ride. Here, scoot over.”

      “Fuck you, man. I stole this thing fair and square. I gotta take it back before someone notices that it was gone.”

      Suave cocked his head and glared at me. “We’re talking about Rat here. Who’s going to care that someone stole his car? I mean, seriously.”

      “Good point,” I said, lifting my legs up across the shifter to seat myself in the passenger side.

      After commandeering the vehicle, Suave decided to use the stolen car to go cruising along some of the side streets that had various dips and inclines built into their uneven surfaces. One such intersection was known as “Lucy’s Leap,” where many teenagers had previously bottomed out their transmission bell housings and undercarriages of their parents’ vehicles. Evidence of prior misguided navigation attempts across Lucy’s Leap were found etched and chiseled into the asphalt from where many vehicles had previously left scrape marks from driving too fast over the wretched lump in the road. Suave sought to etch in a few more deep scratches into the incline and repeatedly raced Rat’s car up and over Lucy’s Leap, gaining several inches of air on each