We had put the two under using Sodium Pentothal and threatened torture. One never told us anything - he died first. Useless bastard! The other, believing that his pal talked, spilled his guts- especially when he finally believed that we would use the 'Aztec methodology.' We cut his ear off and when he saw it- that was it! He blabbed and blabbed. We got it all. Thank God! Evil bastards!
We got the info we wanted. Here's what we learned. An attack was planned against a private Catholic high school to be carried out in the morning hours on Friday. Ten Muslim fanatics were going to attack the school and kill as many of the kids as they possibly could. They had no escape plan- just keep killing until they were killed. They had machine guns and explosives. They were determined to kill the kids and their teachers- period!
The question we had - would the cell attack absent the two we had invited to our partly? We had all the names and addresses.- we knew who they were! What to do? I, of course, wanted to round them all up and feed them to the crocks- alive, one by one if possible- wishful thinking, but a nice thought.
In the end, we sent cleverly disguised messages from their late buddies letting them know that they had decided to go home and forget about Jihad. Somehow, this stupidity worked. On Friday, at the appointed hour, four cars driven by our eight eager Istishhads (martyrs) or Shahidies (same thing) were on time. We had GPS transmitters on all their cars and vans. They pulled up to the school. Four went in and two went to guard the back and front doors to shoot any teachers, staff or kids trying to escape.
The four who entered were gassed the moment the doors closed behind them. Snipers shot the other four. There were no kids or staff at the school. They never came that day and the idiots never bothered to check. The whole thing was over in under a minute. We dispatched those we had gassed shooting them in the head. In less than twenty minutes we and they were gone. Not a trace remained- anywhere! That's what's expected from us and nothing less!
Oh, the cement guy? He was found inside one of his cement trucks the following week. He was clogging up the works. He was listed as a suicide. His family moved back to Cairo and his company was shut down and the assets sold off to fund our teams. Seems he made a donation.
This is a long chapter, I know. You probably have more questions about our methods and 'euthanasia,' as we define it, deserves nothing less than a complete discussion. Of course, it's purely extraction and execution- we know that. Certainly, some of those we send 'home' that way are not so guilty but, once we have them in-hand, we can't ever let them go. No publicity. I don't care if we caught Fancy Pelooosy herself. She would meet the same fate. In fact, in her case, I wouldn't mind...worthless criminal bitch! Her day was coming!
Of course, at first, it’s a difficult experience, emotionally, and I hope to help set your mind at ease about any of our medical issues that you may not know about or may have misgivings and questions about. We aren't into inflicting physical pain for fun. Drugs are used and threats- rarely physical pain. Once we have what info we want we 'send them "home' in as painless a way possible. I hope this will help you understand the real world with a more mature grip on realities and less stress over the technical aspects of torture and 'euthanasia' as we practice it. I can't begin to tell you the many, many times we, and the many like us, have saved your civilian ass.
Footnote: So how do you get rid of ten bodies?(Corpus Delicti as they are.) OK, good question. In our Pompano warehouse we have a small tree shredder (sitting on a 20' x 20' plastic tarp, surrounded by a wooden structure suspending a wrap around plastic covering) that runs on a quiet electric motor. When it's convenient, we dump the vic in, clothes and all, and tiny bits fly out into 5 gal plastic cans. We dump the remains down the toilet or sometimes about 20 miles offshore in the Gulfstream. It's fast, clean, neat, no muss, no fuss. Of course, there's always the everglades! By the way, blood won't penetrate plastic. When we finish, we always test the area with Luminol, which is a presumptive blood reagent used to detect trace bloodstains. This reagent's sensitivity is known to be one part per million- a better detector of blood than the Great White. When luminol is exposed to blood, it reacts with the iron-containing heme group of hemoglobin and its derivatives to produce a faint blue/green chemiluminescent reaction. Any minute traces are removed with a very powerful detergent chemical or our own design- same with the plastic tarps. Our motto- "leave nothing to chance- leave no evidence-ever!"
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