Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins. Robert J. Firth. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert J. Firth
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456629199
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of euthanasia in our practice is that of the so-called “two injection method.” This is what we used with our "suspects." I go into this in some detail as you all need to know. You have gotten your hands dirty so far by reading and learning about our dark world so, read on and get to the basics of the killing business.

      In our approach, an initial injection is given, either in the vein (IV) or in the muscle (IM), to achieve extreme sedation. A second injection is then administered IV to overdose the vic with an anesthetic drug. Of course, we have the same problems here that any nurse or Dr. has - how to find the right place to place the needle. We tell the guys that we are going to administer a light drug to put them to sleep and they will wake up someplace safe so " don't resist and it will all be over before your know it." This usually works and isn't far from the truth!

      Both injections are considered “overdoses” of medications normally used for sedation, tranquilization and /or anesthesia, Here’s a brief run-down of the common drugs we use: The first injection: Profound sedation; Telazol- Telazol is a pre-mixed cocktail of two drugs (tiletamine and zolazepam), which is a very common sedative for both cats and dogs (and, as we know, humans). Tiletamine is considered a dissociative anesthetic and zolazepam is a valium-like drug in the family of benzodiazepines. Is this more than you wanted to know? Too dammed bad, quit whining like a girl and keep reading! Wimp!

      Neither drug is very pain-relieving and yet, together, they lead to an extremely effective sedation that approximates complete anesthesia. When administered as an overdose as part of euthanasia, a complete anesthesia results (no pain can be felt). At least, as far as we can see.

      Ketamine, another lovely concoction- Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic (which technically means that the brain and body are experienced separately by the patient) most often combined with valium to produce the same effect as Telazol. Ketamine, however, has some pain-relieving effects, which makes this combination preferable for routine use during our "procedures." As an overdose, however, as in the case of euthanasia, the physiological differences between ketamine/valium and Telazol are considered minuscule. Often, Telazol is preferred in these cases because it is not as rigidly controlled by the Drug Enforcement Agency as ketamine, a commonly abused “club drug”-date rape!

      Propofol: Another drug we use commonly to induce anesthesia; propofol is not commonly abused and it’s ubiquitous. The problem is that propofol (nicknamed “milk of amnesia” for its white coloration) is relatively expensive. Not that we particularly care- it's not our money- it's yours! We often however, keep the remains of their one-use-only vials to use as the first injection in the two injection method of euthanasia. This recycling of medications is highly effective. Over time, I've become quite good at administering our little cocktails. I've lectured at some of our training sessions and am considered a pharmacological expert.

      All of the above drugs are delivered via IV for 'euthanizing' our vics. We like that term over execution but, of course, we all know the difference- we are, after all, executioners. The IV is used because Propofol can’t go IM and both Telazol and ketamine/valium sting when delivered in the muscle. Nonetheless, a brief sting is considered acceptable by many of us. If you pinch the vic in a sensitive area just when puncturing his skin with the needle he often doesn't even feel it. We blindfold them to make it easier. The biggest benefit of IV injection is the speed of action; most of our vics are deeply “asleep” within seconds and dead a few seconds later.

      Medetomidine: this drug is excellent for inducing a pain-relieving sedation with a sting-less IM injection. Mixed with opiates and other drugs, it also works well for painless IM injection.. Acepromazine: “Ace,” as it’s known, is a tranquilizer we commonly use to 'chill out' 'aggressive' behavior through IM injection. Though we much prefer to use small doses of Domitor mixed with opiates, Ace is popular.

      Xylazine: We often include this drug in the first injection cocktails. It’s most commonly used as a tranquilizer but it’s a great choice for overdosing as part of the first injection. None of these drugs we use causes an “awake” form of paralysis. We are not merely rendering the vics motionless with our choice of first injection drugs- nothing less than a profound sedation / anesthesia followed by a painless death is our goal.

      The final injection- Barbiturates: We use barbiturates for the second injection. Many different preparations of barbiturates are used to overdose the vic quickly. These are almost always given IV for a rapid onset of cardiac arrest (within fifteen to sixty seconds in most cases). We monitor the heart and note the final palpitations (beats)- quiet and painless. The amount of barbiturates like all drugs, depends on the vics weight (body mass). We have forms that give us this info.

      Sometimes, however, if the first injection is extremely effective (as it is designed to be), an intra-peritoneal (into the abdomen) or intra-cardiac (directly into the heart) injection is considered an alternative. This usually happens when the intravenous route becomes complicated by severe dehydration, shock, or some other process limiting ready access to the veins. This is the case more often that not. Fear, translates physically as a stress reaction. We have had some cases where the vic knows full well that its over no matter what- he knows he's done. These are the hardest to deal with. We take great pains to make them comfortable and convince them that we are, after all, just civil police carrying out our duties. We wear clean suits and police uniforms, we treat them gently and use the politest possible discourse - at least initially.

      We've learned over the years that Intra-cardiac injections of barbiturates are painful and should NEVER be administered to any vic that has not been anesthetized or verifiably unconscious. An intra-peritoneal injection of barbiturates in a conscious subject, however, is considered a humane method. Indeed, from many witnessing, I do not believe these injections are painful, but we don't opt for this method as it is too lengthy as the vic too slowly falls into a deep sleep. To me, it does not seem so predictable a process as the two injection method and we generally are in a big hurry! At this point we have no further use for the vics!

      Is one injection enough? Some of us opt for the one injection method. As recently as five years ago a majority of our subjects were saying bye- bye using the one injection protocol and while it is still considered humane, the rascals will often struggle and appear to resist. The two injection approach, by contrast, is a lot more peaceful.

      What if they move after the second injection? Movement after death (such as an intake of breath) is not considered a sign of pain or incomplete euthanasia. It is common. In fact, some movement is typical. It happens because of electrical impulses remaining in the peripheral nerves of the body after brain waves have ceased. Because less movement is seen if the subject is deeply sedated or anesthetized before the second injection and because some of us are often disturbed to see movement after death (no matter how normal it is), this is another reason most of us opt for two injections.

      Is an IV catheter necessary? Sometimes we place an IV catheter prior to euthanasia for added security. Doing so depends seems to depend primarily on the guys we have giving the IV injections. It does, however, ensure that things go more smoothly in most cases, but it is not strictly necessary. In fact, we tend not to use them because I know how much many vics HATE having IV catheters placed no matter what we tell them. Some, of course, guess that we're lying and that this is it. Then we wind up using a heavy lead filled leather sap to prep them for their final voyage. Always works! We give the first shot and then place an IV catheter. I prefer this approach as it's easier, quieter and the guy doesn’t feel the catheter at this point.

      Summing up; I know this is a more than you ever wanted to know but damn it, you have to know how it is in the real world and I'm sick of the crap you all have been fed by the bleeding heart libs etc. We can't just finish the interrogation and show them the door. Comon, they will run like hell to the group and the attack is called off until another day.

      We aren't going to lock them up- where, for how long- under what charge? We aren't law enforcement, we don't have a bunch of lawyers running around .We are an action team. We stop the bad guys and that's it. No questions asked! We are specialists with years and years of intensive training. I can name the drugs in my head and can write them down with the exact spelling. I can recite their side effects and proper