4 – It is a popular belief amongst the Un-gifted that magic, a dark and evil practice, is the domain of the devil and therefore all who use it are “Devil Worshippers.” This belief prevents thousands of people from discovering their powers, which surely is the whole point of such allegations. Even if people do find their powers then this myth can greatly stunt their growth as a Magician. Magic has absolutely nothing to do with an invented devil and related devil worship. There is no such thing as the devil (it is a Christian invention designed to instil fear and control into the masses) and so it cannot influence your use of magic. Certain people believe that anyone using a spell must conjure up demons to do their bidding. In truth, the only magic that has anything to do with demons is that of Blood Magic. Anyone found saying that magic is the devil’s work does not know anything about what they are talking about and so need not be listened to.
5 – The most growing and current problem when it comes to magic is not actually dogmatic religions such a Christianity or Islam, but the so called “New Age” movement. This is the growing popularity of the Neo-Paganism, which is the name given to a collection of faiths reminiscent of the ancient Pagan ways. The Neo-Pagan faiths are such things as Wicca, Druidry, Astaru, Shamanism and Neo-Native American belief. These religions are positive in that they bring the ideas of the old pagan ways to the attention of the modern man, but also harmful to the use of magic. It is true that such people believe in magic and regard practising it with respect. However their ideas on magic are simply incorrect, focussing as they do on “witchcraft”, which is nothing more than elaborate drama. I must say that when I use the word “Witchcraft” I am referring to the New Age practices of speaking in rhymes, using specific coloured candles and tools on an altar, doing spells only under the right moon phases, casting circles to make sacred spaces and having to call on the “God and Goddess” and the elementals. This is what I mean by Witchcraft and it is not magic. Witchcraft of the old world was powerful and real and nothing like it is today. This is harmful because although it draws attention to magic and brings curiosity towards it, it produces falsehoods that convinces them such practise is indeed magic and thus stops the would be Magician from finding their powers. All of modern witchcraft, including traditional witchcraft, is based on the rites of the Hermetic Order and the Freemasons, which are, at their core, Christian organisations. Therefore, modern witchcraft is nothing more than a corrupted practice of Christian rites influenced by older Christian rites stolen from Jewish rites that were, in turn, stolen from even older Pagan rites.
The ultimate truth about magic is that, despite popular belief, it is a powerful force in the universe that only a few come to use. Not just anyone can learn a spell and start to use it. It is in the blood and so, apart from those who have had an awakening performed on them, only those born with magic can use it. Most people have some magic in their blood – the exceptions being the Truly Un-gifted - but of these only a rare few have enough of it to be born able to use it. Those who are born able to use magic come from magical bloodlines. This may seem harsh but it is fact. If you are not born with the power and cannot find a Magician to Awaken you then you simply cannot perform magic.
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