To test for a Druid you must first be outside and around nature, for otherwise this test cannot be done. It is best if you use a tree for this as they hold natural power and energy that is good to tap into. This test comes in two parts; the use of spells and the use of the Druid’s natural power.
When you have found a tree you wish to use then stand next to it. Hold the tree and try to make some form of mental and spiritual connection to it. If this is successful then you should be able to feel its life energy running through it, from the roots to the tip of every leaf and branch. If you can’t feel this then you are not a Druid. If you can then you may be a Druid. See if you can feel where the energy is coming from (the “Elder Tree of Power” that belongs to the woodland area, not necessarily an actual tree of Elder wood). If you can feel all of these then you are indeed a Druid.
For the second test you need to be in the woods or an area with plenty of trees. Focus your mind and try to feel all of the natural energy around you. This is the energy of the air and the earth, of trees, grass and plants, sky, clouds and water. If there is a fire then it is the energy of that as well. If you feel all this energy flowing around you then you must focus on it and will it to flow through you. Always this energy must flow in and out, never in and then stay there. If you manage this then you will feel that the energy feels so much more like water than the fire of the inner power. You must merge this natural energy with your inner power and let it all flow freely in, out and back in. You must then call out the word DEFENDUM and if it has worked then you will feel a very small drain of your inner power and feel the focus and small loss of the natural energy. If this is the case then you are a Druid.
The way to test if you are a Sorcerer is to not use spells and incantations as these are magic that a Sorcerer cannot use. Their power is that of kinetic ability over the natural elements of water, earth, fire and air.
To do this you should be outside, although indoors can work if you have something to test the wind. Use the easiest element to control - air. Build up your power and wait until it has filled your body. When this is done you must let the energy flow out of you and into the air. And when this is happening you must, in your mind, force the wind to blow. If you are not a Sorcerer then the wind will not blow. If it does then do it a couple of times so as to be sure it was not an accident. If every time the wind blows and you feel the drain then you may well be a Sorcerer. However this could still be Warlock power so you must do the Warlock test too. If you are not a Warlock then you are a Sorcerer.
To test to see if you are a Shaman you need to know if the building you are in has any form of spirit. If you know for a fact that there is one there then you can move on with the test -but if there is not then you need to call one out to perform the test. It is best if there is a harmless ghost or spirit as anything strong and potentially aggressive may be dangerous.
Sit on a chair and close your eyes. Extend your mind out into the rest of the building so that you can feel every being in there. Exclude yourself and any other living person in the building. Look through the house with your mind’s eye and feel for any other spiritual being in the building. If you can then you will need to test for Warlock, if you fail that test but can feel the spirit there in the building then you are Shaman. This will mean that you cannot use spells like Wizards, but instead must call upon spirits to charge their power.
From here on you can then test the limits of your power by trying to communicate with that spirit and, if you can, trying to command it, preferably in a gentle way as the spirit may become annoyed if you try to force your will over it. If there is not a spirit there then you may want to open the test by trying to call a spirit out. And if none of these work but the main test does then you are still a Shaman but your powers have not yet reached their potential.
A Chi-Tau is a "Physical Wizard" who uses physical motion to use their powers, otherwise known as "Chi Magic" and thus they are mostly referred to as a “Chi Wizard”. There are no words needed but chanting magical Sutras can help focus the power.
First, stand in a neutral position with your arms at your side. Build up your energy and let it move through you while taking deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Place your hands in front of you like you are holding a beach ball to your body, your right hand at chin level and left hand at waist level. Relax into the position and then move your hands in a large circle by pushing your right hand up and left hand down and moving them in a clockwise circle until the hands have switch position. As you are doing this you should pass your power outwards to form a magical circle. Bring both hands together to cup each other and push out the still flowing energy to make a shield. Practice the motions again and again until they are fluid and all in one.
Every time you do one motion you need to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth as you do the next. So this results in inhaling as you do the first position and exhaling in the circle, inhale as you bring your hands together and exhale as you push out. If you able to complete this and feel your energy draining then you are a Chi Wizard.
A Magus is someone who has the power to use illusion and mind tricks to make it look as though they can shape shift or to make people see what they want them to see. These people are very rare; even more so than a Warlock.
To test this power you need to have another person with you. Make a connection with their mind and see if you can feel their mind working. If you manage this then the other person may feel you entering. Think of a small basic image and try to put that image in the other person’s mind. This image should be basic but distinctive enough so they know it’s not really there. If they can see this image then you are a Magus. You must then remove the image so is vanishes from their mind.
Myths & Lore
There are many rumours and myths mixed in with magical lore. It is important these myths are addressed and clarified so the Novice does not get confused between what is fact and what is speculation, superstitious fears, slander, bias or unfounded lies.
1 – The first and most important myth that one should be aware of is the “Three Fold Law”. This states that everything you put out into the world using magic will come back to you three times stronger. If you put out a positive then that same positive will come back to you three times stronger to make your life better, and if you put out a negative then it will come back three times stronger to make your life worse. This is an untruth spread to instil fear of using harmful spells. Should one hear another talk about this in a way that seems matter of fact then it is the Magician’s duty to correct this mistake. This myth co insides heavily with the following myth of Karma.
2 – “Karma” is a well-known worldwide belief stating, much like the three fold law, that if you do good then good will be returned to you, and if you do bad then bad will be returned. Although understandable, this is also a myth and should be stamped out of a Novice so they do not carry it into their thinking as a Magician. It is a lie because it implies that the universe itself cares about you and focuses its existence on punishing or rewarding you for your trivial actions, whereas actually the universe could not care less about you. This may seem a glum thought but it frees you to do almost anything you want.
3 –It is a belief between many new Novices and the Un-gifted that magic comes in two basic forms: white magic and black magic. White magic (used by white witches) is a force for good such as protection, healing and helpful charms. Black magic (used by black witches or perhaps wizards and warlocks) hurts and hinders others with