CRYSTAL Age (A). London, 1887. (By W. H. Hudson.) First edition, with 32 pages of ads at end. Black or red cloth. $1,500.
CUFFE, Paul. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Paul Cuffe, a Pequot Indian. New York, 1839. $1,750.
CUILD, John, Major. New-Englands’ Jonas Cast Up at London . . . London, 1647. $12,500.
CUISINE Creole (La). New York (1885). (Compiled by Lafcadio Hearn.) Pictorial cloth. $3,000. New Orleans, 1885 [but 1922]. “Second edition.” $250.
CULIN, Stewart. Games of the North American Indians. Washington, 1907. Original half leather. Plates, photographic illustrations. $450.
CULLEN, Countee. The Ballad of the Brown Girl. New York, 1927. One of 500 copies. Issued without dust jacket, in slipcase. $500. Trade edition issued without dust jacket in slipcase. $300.
CULLEN, Countee. The Black Christ and Other Poems. New York, 1929. One of 128 signed copies. In slipcase. $1,250. Trade edition. $350.
CULLEN, Countee. Color. New York, 1925. Author’s first book. First edition stated. $1,500.
CULLEN, Countee. Copper Sun. New York, 1927. One of 100 signed copies. In slipcase. $1,250. One of 500 copies. In slipcase. $600. Trade edition. $450.
CULLEN, Countee. One Way to Heaven. New York, 1932. $1,500.
CULLEN, Countee, and “Christopher Cat.” The Lost Zoo. New York (1940). Illustrated by Charles Sebree. $400. Chicago, 1969. Illustrated by Joseph Lao. $75.
CUMING, F(ortescue). Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country. Pittsburgh, 1810. $3,500.
CUMINGS, Samuel. The Western Pilot. Philadelphia, 1822. 2 vols. $3,500. (Note: Issued under various titles and authors from 1825 to 1860. Earlier more valuable, ranging from $1,500 down to $250.)
CUMMING, Alexander. The Elements of Clock and Watch Work. London, 1766. $3,000.
CUMMING, Roualeyn Gordon. Five Years of a Hunter’s Life…. London, 1850. 2 vols. $750. New York, 1850. 2 vols. $650.
CUMMINGS, E. E. See Eight Harvard Poets. See also Aragon, Louis.
CUMMINGS, E. E. &(Ampersand) New York, 1925. Green gold-flecked boards. One of 111 copies on Vidalon paper, signed. Slipcase. $1,750. One of 222 copies on rag paper, signed. In slipcase. $1,250.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Anthropos: The Future of Art. (New York, 1944.) Half cloth. One of 222 copies. In cloth dust jacket. Slipcase. $600.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Christmas Tree. New York, 1928. Green decorated boards. In glassine dust jacket. $750.
CUMMINGS, E. E. CIOPW. New York, 1931. Cloth. Issued without dust jacket. One of 391 signed copies. $1,000.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Complete Poems. [Bristol/London] (1968). 2 vols. One of 150 copies. In glossy dust jacket and slipcase. $750.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Eimi. (New York, 1933.) Yellow cloth. One of 1,381 signed copies. In dust jacket. $1,750. New York (1958). Boards and cloth. One of 26 lettered and signed copies. In glassine dust jacket. $600. Trade. $75.
CUMMINGS, E. E. The Enormous Room. New York (1922). With word (“shit”) in last line on page 219. $2,500. Word inked out. $2,500. London, 1928. Includes Robert Graves introduction. $1,250.
CUMMINGS, E. E. 50 Poems. New York (1940). One of 150 signed copies. In glassine dust jacket. Slipcase. $2,000. Trade edition. $750.
CUMMINGS, E. E. XLI Poems. New York, 1925. Issued without dust jacket. $300.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Him. New York, 1927. Decorated boards, vellum spine and corners. One of 160 signed copies. In slipcase. $500. Trade edition. $300.
CUMMINGS, E. E. is 5. New York, 1926. Gold-flecked orange boards, cloth spine. $1,000. Black boards. One of 77 signed copies. In slipcase. $1,500.
CUMMINGS, E. E. 95 Poems. New York (1958). One of 300 signed copies. In glassine dust jacket. In slipcase. $600. Trade edition. $75.
CUMMINGS, E. E. No Thanks. (New York, 1935.) One of 90 copies on handmade paper, signed. In glassine dust jacket. $1,000. One of 9 copies in morocco on Japan vellum, signed. With a manuscript page. $4,000. First trade edition. One of 900 copies on Riccardi Japan paper. In dust jacket. $450.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Poems 1905-1962. London, 1973. Edited by George J. Firmage. Half calf. One of 225 copies. With errata slip. In acetate dust jacket. $650.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Santa Claus. New York (1946). Frontispiece. One of 250 signed copies. In glassine dust jacket. $500. Trade edition. $150. Paris, 1974. One of 175 copies illustrated with 9 full-page original etchings signed and numbered by Alexander Calder. Very large folio, loose sheets, wraps, in illustrated cloth box. $6,500.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Six Nonlectures. Cambridge, 1953. One of 350 signed copies. $500. Trade edition. $175.
CUMMINGS, E. E. Tulips and Chimneys. New York, 1923. $2,500. Mount Vernon, N.Y., 1937. Boards, vellum spine. One of 148 signed copies. In dust jacket. $2,500. One of 481 numbered copies. $1,000.
CUMMINGS, E. E. W [Viva: Seventy New Poems]. New York, 1931. Folio, buckram, and boards. One of 95 signed copies. In glassine dust jacket. $2,000. Trade edition. $750.
CUMMINGS, Marcus. Architecture: Designs for Street Fronts . . . Troy, 1865. $600.
CUMMINGS, Maria. See The Lamplighter.
CUMMINGS, Ray. The Girl in the Golden Atom. London (1922). Author’s first book. $1,500. New York, 1923. In light yellow-brown cloth with “I-X” on copyright page. $950.
CUMMINGTON Poets. (Northampton, Mass., 1939.) Wraps. One of 300 copies. $500.
CUMMINS, Ebenezer H. A Summary Geography of Alabama. Philadelphia, 1819. $6,000.
CUMMINS, Ella Sterling. The Story of the Files: A Review of California Writers and Literature. (San Francisco), 1893. Illustrated. Decorated boards or cloth. $200.
CUMMINS, Jim. Jim Cummins’ Book. Denver, 1903. 13 plates. $1,000.
CUMMINS, Mrs. Sarah J. W. Autobiography and Reminiscences. (La Grande, Ore., 1914.) Portrait. Wraps. $450. Walla Walla, 1914. $100.
CUNARD, Nancy. Black Man and White Ladyship: An Anniversary. (Toulon), 1931. 10 pages, red wraps. $1,000. London, 1931. $600.
CUNARD, Nancy. Outlaws. London, 1921. Author’s first book. Assumed issued without dust jacket. $600.
CUNARD, Nancy. Parallax. London: Hogarth Press, 1925. Pictorial boards. Issued without dust jacket. $500.
CUNARD, Nancy (editor). Negro: Anthology. London, 1934. Illustrated, including colored folding map. Brown buckram. Issued without dust jacket. $10,000.
CUNDALL, H. M. Birket Foster, R.W.S. London, 1906. One of 500 copies signed by the publisher and containing an original etching. $300.
CUNDALL, Joseph. See also Percy, Stephen.
CUNDALL, Joseph. A Booke of Christmas Carols. London, 1846. $1,250.
CUNDALL, Joseph. On Bookbindings, Ancient and Modern. London, 1881. $200.
CUNNINGHAM, A. B. Murder at Deer Lick. New York, 1939. $350.
CUNNINGHAM, A. B. Singing Mountains. New York, 1919. Author’s first book. In dust jacket. $850.
CUNNINGHAM, Eugene. Diamond River Man. Boston, 1934. $300.
CUNNINGHAM, Eugene. Famous in the West. El Paso, 1926. Illustrated. Printed wraps. $350.
CUNNINGHAM, Eugene. The Ranger Way. Boston, 1937. $200.
CUNNINGHAM, Eugene. Spiderweb Trail. Boston, 1934. $300.
CUNNINGHAM, Eugene. Texas Sheriff. Boston, 1925. $450.
CUNNINGHAM, Eugene. Triggernometry: A Gallery of Gunfighters. New York, 1934. 21 plates. Pictorial