CRANE, Stephen. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. New York, 1896. Cream-yellow buckram. Second (revised) edition, first state, with title page printed in 8-lines capital and lower-case letters. $1,750. Second state, 11 lines, capital letters only. $450. London, 1896. First English (revised) edition (as Maggie: A Child of the Street). $350. (For first edition, see Johnston Smith, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets.)
CRANE, Stephen. The Monster and Other Stories. New York, 1899. $350. London, 1901. Revised edition, with 4 stories added. $250.
CRANE, Stephen. The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure. New York, 1898. Dark-green pictorial cloth. $950. London, 1898. First English edition, with 9 added stories. Light-green cloth. $750. Tan linen. $450.
CRANE, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. New York, 1895. “Gilbert Parker’s Best Books...” in ads at back with perfect type in the last line on page 225. $7,500. Second printing includes this title in ads. $2,500. London, 1896. $1,250. New York, 1931. One of 980 copies. $175. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1944. Illustrated. Embossed morocco. In slipcase. $250.
CRANE, Stephen. The Third Violet. New York, 1897. $250. London, 1897. $150.
CRANE, Stephen. War Is Kind. New York, 1899. Illustrated by Will Bradley. Pictorial gray boards. $1,750.
CRANE, Stephen. Whilomville Stories. New York, 1900. (Copyright William Howe Crane.) $350. (Note: One known copy, copyright “Stephen Crane,” would be much more.) London, 1900. $250.
CRANE, Stephen. Wounds in the Rain. London, 1900. With catalogue dated “August 1900.” $300. Printed from American plates, but preceded that edition by three days. Second binding has “October, 1908.” $200. New York (1900). $350.
CRANE, Stephen, and BARR, Robert. The O’Ruddy. New York (1903). $200.
CRANE, Walter. The Bases of Design. London, 1898. Blue-gray cloth. $300.
CRANE, Walter. Flora’s Feast. London, 1889. Illustrated by the author. $400.
CRANE, Walter. Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New. London, 1896. Illustrated. Cloth. One of 130 copies. $1,500.
CRANE, Walter. Slate and Pencil-Vania. London, 1885. Illustrated. Pictorial half cloth. $200.
CRANE, Walter. Triplets. London, 1899. Designs in color by Crane. Half vellum. One of 750 copies. $600. One of 20 copies on Japan vellum. $1,500.
CRANFORD. London, 1853. By the author of “Mary Barton,” “Ruth,” etc. (By Elizabeth C. Gaskell.) Green cloth. $4,500. New York, 1853. $1,750.
CRAPSEY, Adelaide. Verse. Rochester, 1915. Author’s first book. $125.
CRARY, Mary. The Daughters of the Stars. London, 1939. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Half vellum. One of 500 copies signed by the author and the artist. In dust jacket. $750.
CRAWFORD, F. Marion. Katharine Lauderdale. London, 1894. 3 vols. $1,250.
CRAWFORD, F. Marion. Our Silver . . . New York, 1881. Author’s first book. Wraps. $750.
CRAWFORD, F. Marion. Uncanny Tales. London, 1911. $1,000.
CRAWFORD, F. Marion. Wandering Ghosts. New York (1911). $750. (U.S. title for Uncanny Tales.)
CRAWFORD, Lewis F. Rekindling Camp Fires. Bismarck, N.D. (1926). One of 100 signed copies. In slipcase. $750. Trade edition. Cloth. In dust jacket. $250.
CRAWFORD, Lucy. The History of the White Mountains. Portland, Maine, 1846. $500.
CRAWSHAY, Richard. The Birds of Tierra del Fuego. London, 1907. 21 color plates by J. G. Keulemans, 23 photographic views, map. Half morocco. One of 300 copies. $3,750.
CRAYON, Geoffrey. The Alhambra. London, 1832. (By Washington Irving.) 2 vols. $400. Philadelphia, 1832. Anonymously published (“By the Author of ‘The Sketch-Book’”). 2 vols. $500. Priority uncertain (BAL has U.K. first; Johnson, et al, have U.S. first.)
CRAYON, Geoffrey. Bracebridge Hall, or The Humourists. New York, 1822. (By Washington Irving.) 2 vols. $1,250. London, 1822. Text ending on page 403, vol. 2. $400. New York, 1896. Surrey Edition. 2 vols. Arthur Rackham illustrations. Pictorial cloth. $750. New York, 1896. 2 vols. $600.
CRAYON, Geoffrey. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. New York, 1819-20. 7 parts, wraps. (By Washington Irving.) Parts 1 through 5 dated 1819, parts 6 and 7 dated 1820. $15,000. Rebound in book form. $2,500. (Note: Second editions so identified on wraps. See BAL.)
CREASEY, John. Seven Times Seven. London, 1932. Author’s first book. $850.
CREELEY, Robert, All That Is Lovely in Men. Asheville, 1955. Drawings by Dan Rice. Pictorial wraps. Jargon No. 10. One of 200 copies signed by Creeley and Rice. In dust jacket. $1,000.
CREELEY, Robert. The Charm. (Mt. Horeb, Wis.): Perishable Press, 1967. Leather-backed cloth. One of 250 signed copies. Issued without dust jacket. $300. San Francisco, 1969. Wraps. One of 100 signed copies. $250.
CREELEY, Robert. Divisions and Other Early Poems. (Mt. Horeb) 1968. Wraps. One of 110 copies. $400.
CREELEY, Robert. For Love: Poems 1950-1960. New York (1962). Cloth. $450. Wraps. $50.
CREELEY, Robert. The Gold Diggers. (Mallorca): Divers Press, 1954. Wraps. $200. New York (1965). Cloth. $125. Wraps. $40.
CREELEY, Robert. The Immoral Proposition. (Baden, Germany, 1953.) Wraps. (200 copies.) $1,000.
CREELEY, Robert. Le Fou. Columbus, Ohio, 1952. Frontispiece. Decorated wraps. Author’s first book. $750.
CREELEY, Robert. Poems, 1950-1965. London (1966). Vellum and boards. One of 100 signed copies. In slipcase. $450.
CREELEY, Robert. The Whip. (Worcester, England), 1957. Cloth. One of 100 copies. $750. Wraps. One of 500 copies. $200.
CREMONY, John C. Life Among the Apaches. San Francisco, 1868. $500.
CREUZBAUR, Robert (compiler). Route from the Gulf of Mexico and the Lower Mississippi Valley to California and the Pacific Ocean. New York, 1849. 5 maps in pocket. $15,000.
CREVECOEUR, Michael Guillame Jean de. See Letters from . . .
CREVEL, Rene. Mr. Knife, Miss Fork. Paris: Black Sun Press, 1931. With 19 photograms. Translated by Kay Boyle. Illustrated by Max Ernst. One of 200 copies. $12,500. One of 50 specially bound copies, signed by Crevel and Ernst. $22,500.
CREW, Benjamin J. A Practical Treatise on Petroleum . . . Philadelphia, 1887. Two folding plates. $500.
CREWS, Harry. The Gospel Singer. New York, 1968. Author’s first book. $1,750.
CREWS, Harry. Karate Is a Thing of the Spirit. New York, 1971. $250. London (1972). $200.
CREWS, Harry. Naked in Garden Hills. New York, 1969. Without two dots at bottom of copyright page and in dust jacket without reviews for this title on back. $350. In dust jacket with reviews of this book. $150. London, 1973. Wraps. $125.
CREWS, Harry. This Thing Don’t Lead to Heaven. New York, 1970. $250.
CREYTON, Paul. Paul Creyton’s Great Romance!! Kate the Accomplice; or, the Preacher and the Burglar. Boston (1849). (By John Townsend Trowbridge.) Author’s first book. With 1849 cover date. Pictorial pink wraps. $3,000.
CRICHTON, Michael. See Hudson, Jeffrey; Lange, John.
CRICHTON, Michael. The Andromeda Strain. New York, 1969. $200.
CRISP, Quentin. Colour in Display. London, 1938. Author’s first book. $250.
CRISPIN, Edmund. The Case of the Gilded Fly. London, 1944. (By Robert Bruce Montgomery.) Author’s first book. $500.
CRISPIN, Edmund. Holy Disorders. (By Robert Bruce Montgomery.) London (1945). $600.
CRISPIN, Edmund.