In The East. Maria Pia Oelker. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maria Pia Oelker
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788835405320
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the prince nodded.

      " For a long time, we lived in this old tower and shared food, hopes and dreams. We talked and sometimes fought and some other quarrel. We once fought and didn't look at each other for two or three days. He then withdrew up there " he pointed to the floor above their heads which was accessed by a trapdoor " and it was I who finally called him. At the same time, he had decided to reopen the trap door and come down. We laughed, I remember, and we were no longer able to stop ...”

      " Why did you fight, father?”

      " He insisted that I should ask the king for a pardon and I accused him of being a traitor.”

      " Why did you have to ask for a pardon? Isn't that what those sentenced to death do? And you are the king.”

      " Not then; my father was the king and I was the condemned person, not to death, but to remain shut in here for many months and then perhaps in exile. That was because I had stated the sovereign was not just and surrounded himself with incapable citizens, cruel to the people, only to feel flattered.”

      " Was it true?”

      " Sure, do you doubt my words?”

      " No, but ... It is serious to say such things to a king, it could cause your head to come off.”

      "Yes, but I did, and at first some of the king's advisors encouraged me, then they all left me except my friend, who wanted to follow me here.”

      " And then?”

      " My mother interceded for us and we left safely, with our head still in place. There was no exile in a foreign country, but only in the castle where you now live with your mother.”

      "In the tower cell?" The child asked, startled.

      " No " the king laughed, amused, despite everything, by the terrified face" No; we were in the castle and could not return to the city, but we were free to go hunting and receive some visits. It wasn't bad after all. The tower was worse. Then my father forgave us, and we were let back into the court.”

      " Father, can I ask you something I shouldn't?”

      " Have you thought about it? If it is a question that you know is forbidden, you could be punished.”

      " I know, but I need to do it.”

      " If this is the case ... a man's duty is more important than anything else and we must also face the risk of being punished.”

      " I think so too and you too have been condemned by the king because you thought it was fair to say certain things ...”

      " Exactly " the king went along, keeping a straight face despite the desire to smile at the solemn tone of the child " So?”

      " Why, father, can't my mother and I leave the castle? Perhaps we are prisoners too for offending you?”

      The king turned his face so that his son could not see his sudden blush. He wasn't angry about his question, but when he was taken by surprise. He didn't know what to say to him, being put on the spot like that.

      He tried to compose himself quickly so would not think that he was angry or offended by his words.

      "You are not prisoners," he replied, trying to gain some time.

      " But we're not even free.”

      " What does that mean? If you asked me to come to the city, for example, I would say yes.”

      " It is not the same thing. I wanted to say that if my mother and I wanted to go to the sea alone we could not and if the queen wanted to come all the way here to see the river and the mountains up close you would forbid it. Why, father? Maybe we did things that upset you and now you punish us like that?”

      The king was seized with panic, as if he were standing in front of an enemy army. How could he talk to a child of betrayal and wounded honor, of pride and jealousy? Where would he find the words to reassure him that his love for him and his mother was not in question?

      " Do you trust me? ". he asked.

      " Yes, father.”

      " Then listen to me well: your mother is a good and beautiful queen and I love her. I married her for these reasons, and I haven't changed my mind. She never did anything wrong, nor did she offend me, just as you never upset your king and father. You are still too young to understand the real reason why you and she cannot leave the castle without my consent, but I swear to you on my honor as king that you are not prisoners. It is not the same thing as my imprisonment here. You have to believe me.”

      "Yes, father. How could I doubt your words? I know a king never tells lies.”

      The king felt something twisting wildly inside his chest, like a snake squashed by his boots.

      " And then " the child continued " my mother always taught me that you are good and fair and that I should not take too much notice if you sometimes get angry, because you immediately forget ...”

      " Ah! Is that what she says? I'll have to scold her then, when we get back because she should teach you to fear me and respect me.”

      " Please, father "the scared child tried to remedy the situation " I did not explain myself well. She always tells me that I must be obedient and not discuss your orders, nor those of the councilors and the teacher; but also that I must love you, because you are a good king and a good father ... oh, I don't know how to say, but here ... you must not reproach her.”

      " No, you're right, I'd be unfair if I did.”

      " And then my mother is really good and kind, you know, and if you were mean to her, I would defend her even at the cost of offending you.”

      " My child, you have guts! “ the king teased, but with affection. "In short, would you even feel like challenging me to a duel and risk being locked up in this lonely tower?”

      " Yes.”

      "Wouldn't you be afraid, little paladin?"

      " Maybe. And were you afraid when you were imprisoned in here?”

      The king stopped smiling but did not want to elude his question.

      " A little, but I wasn't alone and that helped me a lot. Had I been alone, maybe I would have gone mad with anger and hatred. I would have tried to run away, and the guards would have killed me because they were ordered to shoot me if I even attempted to stick out too much from the window. Or I would have slammed my head against the wall to smash it in the days when I was overcome by the darkest sadness and loneliness. It is terrible to be locked in here and feel life passing by without you being able to grasp it. You can't run and ride in the woods and go hunting or attend court parties, you can no longer see the sea and dive into its cold waters or meet friends when and how you want ... And then you think nobody remembers you anymore, because now you are no longer the powerful prince sought and loved by all, but a dirty and hungry prisoner, in complete disgrace. Sometimes I hated everyone, while at time I just hated myself and my inability to even try something crazy to stop that useless rat life. But there was my friend with me, and everything was more bearable with him at my side ...”

      " I understand. I, too, sometimes want to escape from the gate and go behind the wagons that pass on the road and maybe go as far as the sea and see if its color is really blue as the master says, or if it is colored like the sky at sunset. Then I think I'd also like to follow the deer when they come back to the woods after eating my hay in the morning and never come back.”

      " Why do not you do that? asked his father, still feeling that snakelike twist in his chest.

      " I can't leave my mother alone. What would she do? And maybe you would send the guards to find me and, later, you would have me whipped.”

      " That's for sure.”

      " You see? My mother would die of pain and I would have no peace for eternity.”

      " Seriously?”

      " Antonia says that if we are responsible for someone's death, hell is waiting for us and then