Death in the material plane is passing through the outer door into a consciousness in the material activities that partakes of what the entity, or soul, has done with its spiritual truth in its manifestations in the other sphere.
Hence, as there came the development of that first entity of flesh and blood through the earth plane, he became indeed the Son—through the things which He experienced in the varied planes, as the development came to the oneness with the position in that which man terms the Triune.
Q: Are angels and archangels synonymous with that which we call the laws of the universe? If so, explain and give an example.
A: They are as the laws of the universe; as is Michael the lord of the Way, not the Way but the lord of the Way, hence disputed with the influence of evil as to the way of the spirit of the teacher or director in his entrance through the outer door. [See Jude 1:9 in re Michael the archangel “when contending with the devil about the body of Moses” when Moses died.]
Q: Describe some of the planes into which entities pass on experiencing the change called death.
A: Passing from the material consciousness to a spiritual or cosmic, or outer consciousness, oft does an entity or being not become conscious of that about it; much in the same manner as an entity born into the material plane only becomes conscious gradually of that designated as time and space for the material or third dimensional plane. In the passage the entity becomes conscious, or the recognition of being in a fourth or higher dimensional plane takes place, much in the same way as the consciousness is gained in the material.
For, as we have given, that we see manifested in the material plane is but a shadow of that in the spiritual plane.
In materiality we find some advance faster, some grow stronger, some become weaklings. Until there is redemption through the acceptance of the law (or love of God, as manifested through the Channel or the Way), there can be little or no development in a material or spiritual plane. But all must pass under the rod, even as He—who entered into materiality.
We are through.
Editor’s Note: The following Cayce discourses on reincarnation begin with a request to interpret a dream concerning reincarnation.
Text of Reading 900-156 M 30 (Stockbroker, Jewish)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 4th day of November, 1925, in accordance with request made by self—[900].
Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading 11:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. New York City.
GC: You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [900], of Apt........ St., New York City, and the dreams this body had on the dates which I will give you. You will give the interpretation and lesson to be gained from each of these, as I read same to you, and you will answer the questions which I shall ask you regarding same.
EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [900]. This we have had here before. The dreams, as we see, are the conditions in subconscious, mental, superconscious and cosmic forces, weighed together in such a manner as to give to the body-mind consciousness those of lessons or of visions of conditions, whether in the mental, the superficial, the subconscious or from the cosmic forces, and often are a combination of all, for as has been given, there may be much given as relating to dreams, and especially when one has reached that development such as this entity, and when there is such a message to be given to the peoples, that the living forces as manifest in the physical world may be known of men, through the study of that phenomena as is experienced and known by this entity. Ready for dreams.
Q: Wednesday morning, Oct. 28, at home . . . Wednesday night while reading Bible: “Saw an old man—or one with iron gray hair walk by me.”
A: This, as the subconscious and mental, gives to the consciousness that understanding as is seen by the entity, for as to the physical mind, one of ripe years in earth plane, one with mental and physical experiences that have given the physical mind that understanding, that concept, of the physical existences in the plane of those conditions necessary to make knowledge. Such is being acquired by this entity, and in the emblematical form is shown the lesson. Seek then the knowledge of the seer and the sages, that through this entity much may be given to a waiting world.
Q: Thursday Morning, Oct. 29. “Numbers 119.”
A: This, as we see, the physical mind attempting to gain from the subconscious forces that knowledge of conditions pertaining to that that is paramount in the physical mind. Relating, then, to that condition which will arise, as has been given, regarding prices of stocks—L & N, see? This, as we have seen, will occur when other changes have set in and the combinations begin to break up.
Q: Does this 119 refer to L & N or Southern?
A: As given, this will occur as a price of L & N, but as given in those concerning the combinations and changes that will come in the future.
Q: The whole of this dream not remembered by [900]. Recall and interpret. That recalled as follows: “I was married to Miriam Miller and things seemed miserable or wrong. Some certain things seemed unsatisfactory, but it was within myself as well as circumstances.”
A: The portion not recalled is as this: There was the meeting of a certain board and the entity, with others, especially with one, Wormser, was present. The question as to the relations with an individual was brought up in a manner that entity felt that the reference was to self. Then that remembered brought that to the remembrance, or to the body consciousness, in the form as given, for this then represents in the physical mind a condition not wholly acceptable or pleasing to the entity, as to duty to self and to others. Then the lesson should be, as the warnings have been given to entity that there is the duty to self, to home ties, to that of the social ties, to that of business relations and business social connections, these all must be made into that oneness of purpose; that is, to give best in self to service to each and all of these conditions as they arise, see?
Q: What reference has this in my present life?
A: That as given.
Q: Does this indicate just a condition I have overcome—indicating in emblematical form the overcoming in the flesh and the blessings therefrom—or the submission to the flesh test and the dissatisfaction therefrom?
A: Rather the combination of each as is given, see? bringing in the mental forces of entity, then, the not entire satisfactory condition, see? yet each duty must be weighed, considered and kept in that one purpose manner, service to self, to man, to social ties, to all those conditions as given.
Q: Does it also show me that reason of the phenomenized condition—to strengthen and test the individual portion, that under every condition the Spiritual Power in the portion is used in the manner the Power of the Whole is used? In this do I see my own development?
A: In this entity sees own development, with the weaknesses, with the strengths as gained for self and conditions as existent, as given, see?
Q: “I was back in a department store, a clerk behind the counter, even as I was in past days. I waited on people—serving them, but it seemed I was in love with some girl. Some dissatisfaction resulted and I was miserable. Then the Voice: ‘Here are you tested as much as anywhere.’ Then I felt terrible, as though I had failed in something, in living up to that which was expected of me—that I had retarded—returned to old conditions, instead of living the ideals I had set for myself.”