Q: Does Man created as Matter, Force and Mind mean Physical, Spiritual and Mental?
A: Man created having the attributes of the physical, the spiritual, the mental, to work with in his own development. These, as it were, tools of the whole man, the all being then one, and that same separated is the attributes of the various conditions, each having its single, its separate attributes, and man using same for man’s development.
Q: When earth plane became ready for Man, how did he first get here? In the Bible we have the story of Adam and Eve. Explain in a reasonable, logical way how did Man first appear on earth. Explain this in relation to birth, to conception.
A: As is given, man, when earth became habitable for physical man, man entered in the plane, just as the highest of created forces in the earth plane. Then became man amenable to laws of earth plane, and amenable to physical birth, physical conditions, physical conceptions, physical forces as applied to the whole man. Physical, mental and spiritual forces manifest in man, taken in this conception as was given from the beginning. As the earth plane became in that state wherein man may find residence, the spirit forces as are developing through the spiritual forces to make one with the Father, given the soul of man to make manifest in the flesh. All souls were created in the beginning, all spirit of one spirit, Spirit of God, that spirit manifest in flesh, that spirit manifest in all creation, whether of earthly forces or Universal forces, all spirit being one spirit. All flesh not one flesh. Flesh being that as has merited by its development in its plane of existence.
Q: Is every chemical quality found in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom of the world found in Man? Explain, if not, what is meant by “There is found in Living Man all of that that may be found without in the whole world”.
A: All those essential forces as are manifest in the Universe are manifest in the living man, and above that the soul of man. The chemical or material, or animated forces as are seen in all animal, vegetable, mineral forces, with their combinations, are found in the combinations in man, and from same may be created, for man is Lord over creation, from the physical viewpoint.
Q: Explain how the example of Man’s developing and improving his mode of living scientifically on earth, for example in medical work and all other sciences, proves his development and evolution on earth and other planes.
A: Man’s development, as given, is of man’s understanding and applying the laws of the Universe, and as man applies those, man develops, man brings up the whole generation of man. Individuals we find carry out certain elements and laws, and gradually man becomes capable of applying and using those in the everyday life of man. This, whether applied in medical science, in anatomal [anatomic] science, in mechanical science or what not, is merely the development, or the application as man applies to Universal laws as are ever, and have ever been, existent in the Universe. As is in this. That producing electrical units of force was just as applicable to the Universal forces in the days of Adam as in the days of the Master, or as in the days of today. Those laws applying to aerial of transmission just as applicable in one as in other. Man not understanding those. Many times has the evolution of the earth reached the stage of development as it has today and then sank again, to rise again in the next development. Some along one line, some along others, for often we find the higher branches of so-called learning destroys itself in the seed it produces in man’s development, as we have in medical forces, as we have astrological forces, as we have in some forms of spiritual forces, as we have in forms of destructive forces of the various natures.
Q: Explain how the Law of Relativity applies to Man’s development to his evolution?
A: As each and every atom in the Universe has its relative relation with every other atom, then man’s development lies in the relativity of all forces, whether applied in the physical world as existent today, or that existence in man’s earthly existence before, for the relativity of one force applies to another. Hence all relative forces apply to man’s development, whether mental, physical or spiritual.
Q: To what development must the soul reach before it may first find lodgment in the flesh?
A: Desire for flesh.
Q: How does Soul manifest Will’s desire to take on fleshly existence?
A: Spiritual subject and spiritually understood. When we reach those conditions and that development necessary to understand the law of taking those, we may gather these forces.
Q: Explain: Reincarnation of the Soul from an appearance in Flesh to the next as it relates to Evolution, and step by step tell us just what other body the soul and spirit takes on after it leaves flesh existence and of what the soul and spirit becomes conscious after it leaves flesh existence.
A: We are through.
Reading 5749–3
Q: Discuss the various phases of spiritual development before and after reincarnation in the earth.
A: This may be illustrated best in that which has been sought through example in the earth.
When there was in the beginning a man’s advent into the plane known as earth, and it became a living soul, amenable to the laws that govern the plane itself as presented, the Son of man entered earth as the first man. Hence the Son of man, the Son of God, the Son of the first Cause, making manifest in a material body.
This was not the first spiritual influence, spiritual body, spiritual manifestation in the earth, but the first man—flesh and blood; the first carnal house, the first amenable body to the laws of the plane in its position in the universe.
For, the earth is only an atom in the universe of worlds!
And man’s development began through the laws of the generations in the earth; thus the development, retardment, or the alterations in those positions in a material plane.
And with error entered that as called death, which is only a transition—or through God’s other door—into that realm where the entity has builded, in its manifestations as related to the knowledge and activity respecting the law of the universal influence.
Hence the development is through the planes of experience that an entity may become one with the first cause; even as the angels that wait before the Throne bring the access of the influence in the experience through the desires and activities of an entity, or being, in whatever state, place or plane of development the entity is passing.
For, in the comprehension