The Bank On Yourself Revolution. Pamela Yellen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yellen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личные финансы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939529312
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This definitely is a message whose time has come.”


      Maximum Response Marketing,

      “Pamela reveals a proven step-by-step plan for becoming your own source of financing and growing your wealth safely and predictably every single year—not a ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme, but having real wealth and financial security for as long as you live.”


      Editor, Awareness Magazine



       Fire Your Banker,Bypass Wall Street,and Take Controlof Your Own Financial Future



      Dallas, TX

      Legal Disclaimer: While a great deal of care has been taken to provide accurate and current information regarding the subject matter covered, neither the author, Pamela Yellen, nor the publisher, BenBella Books, is responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. The information contained in this book is intended to provide general information and does not constitute financial or legal advice. See General Disclaimer on page 277.

      Copyright © 2016 by The Hayward-Yellen 100 Ltd Partnership

      First Hardcover Edition: 2014

      This edition includes charts and statistics updated as of December 18, 2015.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

      BenBella Books, Inc.

      10300 N. Central Expressway

      Suite 530

      Dallas, TX 75231

      Send feedback to [email protected]

      First E-Book Edition: March 2016.

      ISBN-13: 978-1-942952-10-7 (trade paper)

       The Library of Congress has catalogued the hardcover edition as follows:

      Yellen, Pamela G.

       The bank on yourself revolution : fire your banker, bypass wall street, and take control of your own financial future / Pamela Yellen.

       pages cm

       ISBN 978-1-939529-30-5 (hardback)—ISBN 978-1-939529-31-2 (electronic)

      1. Finance, Personal. 2. Retirement income—Planning. 3. Investments. I. Title.

       HG179.Y452 2014



      Editing by Glenn Yeffeth

      Copyediting by Stacia Seaman

      Proofreading by Cape Cod Compositors and Rainbow Graphics

      Cover design by Hespenheide Design

      Text design by John Reinhardt Book Design

      Text composition by Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd.

      Printed by Lake Book Manufacturing

      Distributed by Perseus Distribution

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      Significant discounts for bulk sales are available. Please contact Aida Herrera at

       This book is dedicated to all the Bank On Yourself revolutionaries, the people who had the courage to question today’s conventional financial wisdom, buck the system, and set out on a path less traveled.

       In doing so, you created true financial security for yourselves and your families.

       You are my heroes and my inspiration.


       4 The Genius of Good Structure

       5 Retirement: Fantasy Versus Reality

       6 The Secret to a Financially Stress-Free Life

       7 Fire Your Banker

       8 The Smart Way to Pay for College

       9 Bank On Yourself for Business Owners and Professionals

       10 Bank On Yourself for Seniors

       11 The Path to a Lifetime of Financial Freedom

       12 How to Get Started

       Free No-Obligation Bank On Yourself Analysis Request Form

       Bank On Yourself Is Looking for a Few Good Men and Women



       About the Author

       I Swore I’d Never Write Another Book

      I absolutely did not want to write this book.

      First of all, writing a book is a real pain in the you-know-what. It takes months of brain-numbing work and scads of helpers to do research, verify stats, and make it all readable. By the time I finished my last book (Bank On Yourself: The Life-Changing Secret to Growing and Protecting Your Financial Future), I swore to my husband Larry that I would never, ever again set myself up for the stress of looming deadlines, the agony of