The Bank On Yourself Revolution. Pamela Yellen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yellen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личные финансы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939529312
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true financial security for themselves and their families. Read this book if you are ready to free yourself from the fear of recessions, bursting bubbles, and Wall Street fiascos.”


      CEO, Harding Enterprises,

      “This book is a touchdown! It’s a play-by-play for taking control of your own money and finances.”


      Radio Host, Financial Quarterback, WOBM-FM, New Jersey, and WOR 710 AM

      “The Bank on Yourself Revolution delivers a fresh and thought-provoking path to a lifetime of financial freedom. Pamela Yellen is audacious and deliberate in revitalizing the mind and giving you a wake-up call to propel your financial future.”


      President & CEO, SLR Contracting & Service Company, Inc.

      “So many of us go through life feeling everything would be better if we just knew the ‘secrets’ of the super successful. What do ‘they’ know that we don’t? It’s true that preparation, hard work, and good luck make most of the difference. BUT then a book like this comes along and you realize there actually are a few secrets to financial success.”


      Founder of EnvisionEMI

      “I have read and used Pamela Yellen’s previous book introducing the creative concept to ‘Bank on Yourself.’ Her new book expands the ‘how-to-do’ of the process. We have used her advice for many of our clients who now have put away millions of dollars that are available for the generations of their family—all protected from estate taxes, probate involvement, and creditor lawsuits. I also like the availability of family money for convenient loans. This technique works many times better than conventional savings and retirement plans.”


      Goodson Law Group, President of the College of Preventive Law, and Chairman of the Faculty of the College of Estate Planning Attorneys

      “Pamela Yellen’s The Bank On Yourself Revolution brings to the reader an updated plea to take charge of your finances and your future and to protect your loved ones. As a physician, the income I have earned over the years was somewhat diversified but still heavily weighted in stocks. To my dismay, my principal seemed to shrink more often than it grew, and all the returns that were predicted never materialized. That’s why I began my own Bank On Yourself plan. The Bank On Yourself system may not be the only way to invest your hard-earned money, but it is by far the safest and surest way to maintain your nest egg and grow it steadily. Keep yourself and your family safe from the greed of Wall Street and the banking system. Read and join The Bank On Yourself Revolution today.”


      Cosmetic Surgeon,

      “What a refreshing read! Securing true wealth these days requires you be educated about every possible strategy there is—and if you’re serious about securing your financial future, Pamela’s book is a definite must read as part of your financial education.”


      CEO of Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc.,

      “Don’t wait another day. Seriously, buy everyone you know, respect, and care about a copy of The Bank On Yourself Revolution ASAP! It helped me work smart, invest even smarter, and show others how to easily do the same.”


      Founder of The Practice Building Alliance™,

      “As a baby boomer, when I first read about the Bank On Yourself plan, I was literally speechless. How could this have been around for as long as it has, and yet people still don’t know about it? Then it occurred to me that there are those that would prefer as few people know about it as possible. Think of the effect it could have if average Americans really start to use this kind of plan that allows them to borrow from themselves to finance major items—cars, college, dream vacations, even businesses—and pay themselves back. That’s why you need to educate yourself. Read this book and do what Pamela recommends.”


      Co-Founder, National Association of Women Solo-preneurs,

      “Pamela’s latest book, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, expands upon the life-changing concepts that were so brilliantly introduced in her original Bank On Yourself book. I have recently implemented these concepts in my own life, and only wish I had learned about them 10 years ago. If you’re tired of the banking nonsense and Wall Street volatility and want a better solution, this book is a must read!”



      “Most financial ‘experts’ make the simple complex; Pamela Yellen does just the opposite. Her advice to our readers always has been spot-on. Many people are many thousands of dollars richer thanks to her.”


      Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, USA Today Magazine

      “Pamela Yellen respects her readers. She knows they aren’t stupid, nor are they looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. Through The Bank On Yourself Revolution, Pamela presents a real wealth-building alternative that just about anyone can use.”


      Philanthropist, Beauty Expert and Radio Host, The Mahoghany Concept

      “Traditional finance advice just doesn’t work anymore. Things have changed, and Pamela Yellen is the first to find ways to teach others to secure their financial futures and become financially free in this new and confusing world.”


      Writer and “The Review Mom”

      “The strategies and concepts presented in this book are incredible. When compared with paying interest to the banks for so many things in both our business and personal lives, this is such a breath of fresh air. Who wouldn’t want to put all that money in their own pocket,