17. Shaw, “Beauty and Creative Impulse,” 85.
18. Underhill, Mysticism, 56.
19. James, “Preface to The Spoils of Poynton,” 71–73.
20. Shaw, “Beauty and Creative Impulse,” 88.
21. Bauer, Arts Ministry. Throughout Bauer relates a number of fascinating examples.
22. Hazelton, Theological Approach to Art, 85–86.
23. Newton, Amenities of Book-Collecting, 2.
24. Sayers, Gaudy Night, 199–200.
25. Rilke, “Brief 4,” 18–19; cf. Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, 35.
26. Pater, “Conclusion to Studies,” 529; cf. Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance, 120.
27. Vahanian, Wait Without Idols. This is a quote from the chorus in section 5 of W.H. Auden’s “For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio.”
28. Blumhardt, Action in Waiting, 168–9.
Have Done with Donne
Have done with Donne, entomb Eliot,
Baudelaire’s music box and Keats’s nightingale,
decapitate Villon, string up Goethe,
spatter Yeats’s blood on the doorposts of Ferdowsi.
Misconstrue thy neighbor,
slay the ghosts of giants,
worship your own creative juices,
empathize with protoplasm.
Each poet strikes chaos
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