Popular notions of creativity focus on the dramatic and seemingly spontaneous. Mozart could hear and visualize entire symphonies and even scenes from operas in his head.15 Beethoven, on the other hand, jotted down fragments of themes in his notebooks, which he labored over for years. Critics are still amazed that masterpieces could arise out of such clumsiness.16 I know my first draft is generally pathetic, as is often the second and third. Still, I keep pecking away. In the surge of creative excitement, I believe each new piece is the best I have ever penned. Within a few days, the awful truth sinks in, so I start again. “As I write,” Christian poet Luci Shaw observed, “I have the sensation of being at the center of a small vortex of enlarging connections.”17
Psychologists have discovered that there is an immense capacity for perception in each of us which has barely been tapped.18 And it may take only a “single small seed” to set us thinking, suggests novelist Henry James:19 a chance conversation, a story read, a painting seen, a witty riposte by a friend, an illustration from a sermon, a meritorious deed observed. That seed sparks the imagination, making us, like the Psalmist, eager to “sing to the Lord a new song” (Ps. 98:1).
Would that all of the Lord’s children were poets! Yet, God in his democracy has bestowed crafts and hobbies. In 1870, a pioneer woman wrote in her diary concerning her love for quilts: “I make them warm to keep my family from freezing; I make them beautiful to keep my heart from breaking.”20 As gathered believers, we can beautify God’s house with floral displays, banners, woodworking, and embroidery, as well as those well-trodden paths that touch the heart: gardening and cooking.21 “I have seen homecrafted stained glass in a Midwest village which recalled Malraux’s metaphor for the art: ‘A mosaic that has found its place in the sun,’” declares theologian Roger Hazelton. “I recall chalices and crosses of honest workmanship, dance dramas that were not mincing and contrived, dossal curtains that were all the more beautiful because they had been made by women of the congregation. All this is good,” concludes Hazelton, “since the real enemy of style and taste in church art is the ready-made, commercial product”—which smacks of an impoverished imagination.22
The legendary rare-book collector, A. Edward Newton, urged young people to uncover a hobby, no, preferably two—one for indoors and one for outdoors.23 For when a child finds something that fascinates and intrigues, he actively seeks out additional information, develops new skills, makes friends with those of a similar bent, and feels a sense of accomplishment for something well done. I remember the endless hours I spent listening to shortwave radio as a teenager. Those voices brought me in touch with countries I had barely heard of.
What do you like to do in your spare time? How might you give that talent to the Lord or share it with others? Perhaps several people have a similar gift, so the church could form a fellowship or guild. Upon completing some noteworthy task, you may wish to exclaim with Dorothy Sayers’ heroine, Harriet Vane: I “feel like God on the Seventh Day.”24 The great lyrical poet Rilke famously advised the young writer Franz Xavier Kappus: “die Fragen selbst liebzuhaben” and “Leben Sie jetzt die Fragen.”25 In other words, love life’s vexing questions; struggle and wrestle with them until you live into the answers. We have the bedrock of Scripture and church teaching; now let us also use them as a springboard for every kind of worthwhile project.
“Well! We are all condamnés [condemned],” nineteenth-century art critic Walter Pater once wrote, “as Victor Hugo says: we are all under sentence of death but with a sort of indefinite reprieve—les hommes sont tous condamnés à mort avec des sursis indéfinis: we have an interval, and then our place knows us no more. Some spend the interval in listlessness,” Pater continues, “some in high passions, the wisest—at least ‘among the children of this world’—in art and song. For our one chance lies in expanding that interval, in getting as many pulsations as possible into the given time.” 26
It is our calling, adds French Protestant theologian Gabriel Vahanian, to “wait without idols.”27 Perhaps we have become embroiled in lifestyles of pleasure that poison everything we touch or have developed habits of acquisitiveness, so that we are living high on the hog at expense of others’ well-being. Now is the time to re-examine our bearings, set our priorities straight. In the harsh words of Jesus, you should figuratively cut off your hand, pluck out your eye, or amputate your foot—if such appendages prevent you from rejoicing in the truth.28
Father of lights, stir up those gifts and talents deep within us, that through patience and determination we might bring them to fruition in your good time. Give us a sense of excitement in this adventure of living for you. Fertilize our imaginations, so that we become co-creators in the ongoing kingdom of grace. May we come, at last, bearing a new song into your presence.
1. Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 34.
2. Charley, “Deism,” 290.
3. Augustine, On Genesis, 296–97; cf. Polkinghorne, Faith of a Physicist, 75.
4. Lossky, Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, 92.
5. Parkinson, Leibniz: Philosophical Writings, 199; cf. Kolakowski, Why Is There Something Rather than Nothing?, 114–22.
6. James, Some Problems of Philosophy, 40; cf. Holt, Why Does the World Exist?, 30.
7. Lewis, Magician’s Nephew, 123, 126.
8. Hill, History of Christian Thought, 28; cf. Irenaeus, “Against Heresies,” 487–88.
9. Rahner, Theological Investigations, Vol. IV, 359.
10. Clement, Charlotte Cushman, 53.
11. Pickering, Captives of the Sun, 232.
12. Hendrickson, Facts on File Encyclopedia Word and Phrase, 474.
13. Gerard, “Biological Basis of Imagination,” 235.