<--- Score
48. Is a solid data collection plan established that includes measurement systems analysis?
<--- Score
49. How do you identify and analyze stakeholders and their interests?
<--- Score
50. What methods are feasible and acceptable to estimate the impact of reforms?
<--- Score
51. Is data collected on key measures that were identified?
<--- Score
52. Who pays the cost?
<--- Score
53. How large is the gap between current performance and the customer-specified (goal) performance?
<--- Score
54. What are the costs?
<--- Score
55. Are the project objectives/ performance measures included?
<--- Score
56. What is an unallowable cost?
<--- Score
57. What charts has the team used to display the components of variation in the process?
<--- Score
58. Is a robust project value assurance framework in place to assure project objectives (time, Cost, Quality, operability)?
<--- Score
59. What has the team done to assure the stability and accuracy of the measurement process?
<--- Score
60. Does the Project objective task fit the client’s priorities?
<--- Score
61. Why do you expend time and effort to implement measurement, for whom?
<--- Score
62. What are the uncertainties surrounding estimates of impact?
<--- Score
63. What is measured? Why?
<--- Score
64. What are the current costs of the Project objective process?
<--- Score
65. Have the types of risks that may impact Project objective been identified and analyzed?
<--- Score
66. How are costs allocated?
<--- Score
67. Where can you go to verify the info?
<--- Score
68. What are your key Project objective indicators that you will measure, analyze and track?
<--- Score
69. Was a life-cycle cost analysis performed?
<--- Score
70. How are you verifying it?
<--- Score
71. Do you determine and analyze issues that require corrective action to determine how to prevent recurrence for issues that affect project objective?
<--- Score
72. What is the total cost related to deploying Project objective, including any consulting or professional services?
<--- Score
73. How do you quantify and qualify impacts?
<--- Score
74. How will costs be allocated?
<--- Score
75. What are the estimated costs of proposed changes?
<--- Score
76. Can you do Project objective without complex (expensive) analysis?
<--- Score
77. How do you verify if Project objective is built right?
<--- Score
78. How can you reduce the costs of obtaining inputs?
<--- Score
79. What do you measure and why?
<--- Score
80. How can you manage cost down?
<--- Score
81. Are key measures identified and agreed upon?
<--- Score
82. What are the impacts to the project objectives would be should the risk arise?
<--- Score
83. What are the agreed upon definitions of the high impact areas, defect(s), unit(s), and opportunities that will figure into the process capability metrics?
<--- Score
84. What would it cost to replace your technology?
<--- Score
85. What potential environmental factors impact the Project objective effort?
<--- Score
86. Was a data collection plan established?
<--- Score
87. Are there competing Project objective priorities?
<--- Score
88. Which quantitative risk analysis techniques relies on experience and past data to compute the probability and impact of risks on project objectives?
<--- Score
89. What are your customers expectations and measures?
<--- Score
90. Is it being closed because all project objectives and deliverables have been met?
<--- Score
91. How do you verify and develop ideas and innovations?
<--- Score
92. What harm might be caused?
<--- Score
93. When was the data acquired in the previous phase analyzed?
<--- Score
94. Are there measurements based on task performance?
<--- Score
95. Does management have the right priorities among projects?
<--- Score
96. What measurements are being captured?
<--- Score
97. Are the units of measure consistent?
<--- Score
98. When should you bother with diagrams?
<--- Score
99. Does your organization systematically track and analyze outcomes related for accountability and quality improvement?
<--- Score
100. How do you know that any Project objective analysis is complete and comprehensive?
<--- Score
101. Are actual costs in line with budgeted costs?
<--- Score
102. What details are required of the Project objective cost structure?
<--- Score
103. Do you have any cost Project objective limitation requirements?
<--- Score
104. Is it possible to estimate