<--- Score
60. Have the major, foreseeable potential threats (i.e.: anything that hinders governments ability to successfully deliver the project and achieve the project objectives) been identified?
<--- Score
61. Who needs to know?
<--- Score
62. Are the project objectives, needs/requirements and scope of work clearly defined/stated?
<--- Score
63. Did you miss any major Project objective issues?
<--- Score
64. What tools and technologies are needed for a custom Project objective project?
<--- Score
65. Which information does the Project objective business case need to include?
<--- Score
66. How do you recognize an Project objective objection?
<--- Score
67. What are your needs in relation to Project objective skills, labor, equipment, and markets?
<--- Score
68. Are there recognized Project objective problems?
<--- Score
69. How are you going to measure success?
<--- Score
70. Have the needs of end users been identified and incorporated into the project objectives?
<--- Score
71. What is the smallest subset of the problem you can usefully solve?
<--- Score
72. Can management personnel recognize the monetary benefit of Project objective?
<--- Score
73. Are there Project objective problems defined?
<--- Score
74. Think about the people you identified for your Project objective project and the project responsibilities you would assign to them, what kind of training do you think they would need to perform these responsibilities effectively?
<--- Score
75. What adjustments to the strategies are needed?
<--- Score
76. What resources or support might you need?
<--- Score
77. When a Project objective manager recognizes a problem, what options are available?
<--- Score
78. What is the Project objective problem definition? What do you need to resolve?
<--- Score
79. What do employees need in the short term?
<--- Score
80. How lean tools help elimination and defect prevention and the achievement of project objectives?
<--- Score
81. What do you need to start doing?
<--- Score
82. Would you recognize a threat from the inside?
<--- Score
83. Looking at each person individually – does every one have the qualities which are needed to work in this group?
<--- Score
84. How do you identify the kinds of information that you will need?
<--- Score
85. What are the minority interests and what amount of minority interests can be recognized?
<--- Score
86. Why the need?
<--- Score
87. How much are sponsors, customers, partners, stakeholders involved in Project objective? In other words, what are the risks, if Project objective does not deliver successfully?
<--- Score
88. Does your organization need more Project objective education?
<--- Score
89. What needs to stay?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Project objective Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Formulate the stakeholder problem. Define the problem, needs and objectives.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. If substitutes have been appointed, have they been briefed on the Project objective goals and received regular communications as to the progress to date?
<--- Score
2. Is the Project objective scope complete and appropriately sized?
<--- Score
3. Does the scope remain the same?
<--- Score
4. Has your scope been defined?
<--- Score
5. Is Project objective required?
<--- Score
6. What is the definition of Project objective excellence?
<--- Score
7. Is the improvement team aware of the different versions of a process: what they think it is vs. what it actually is vs. what it should be vs. what it could be?
<--- Score
8. Are task requirements clearly defined?
<--- Score
9. What sort of initial information to gather?
<--- Score
10. Are customer(s) identified and segmented according to their different needs and requirements?
<--- Score
11. What critical content must be communicated – who, what, when, where, and how?
<--- Score
12. What are the dynamics of the communication plan?
<--- Score
13. What would be the goal or target for a Project objective’s improvement team?
<--- Score
14. Is there a critical path to deliver Project objective results?
<--- Score
15. Are roles and responsibilities formally defined?
<--- Score
16. Is the team formed and are team leaders (Coaches and Management Leads) assigned?
<--- Score
17. Is Project objective currently on schedule according to the plan?
<--- Score
18. Are improvement team members fully trained on Project objective?
<--- Score