Water Margin. Shi Naian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shi Naian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462902590
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and just men, and they no doubt saved the life of Lin Chong by this heavy fall of snow, which by its weight had broken down the grass hut where he was going to sleep. When he saw this he wondered what he must do. He was afraid that the stove might ignite the debris so putting his lance and gourd down on the snow he parted the grass and looked underneath. Creeping inside he found that the fire had been extinguished by the snow. He then felt around for the bed, and dragged away the cotton quilt. Withdrawing his body from the wreckage he looked around and as it was quite dark and he had no place to make a fire he wondered what he must do. He remembered however that there was the old temple a few hundred yards down the road where he could shelter. So he decided to go and sleep there for the night, and arrange matters the following day. He rolled up the quilt, and carrying the gourd of wine on the lance over his shoulder he locked the gate again, and left for the temple. Upon entering the temple he closed the door, and placed a large stone against it. Looking round he saw an image of the “Mountain Spirit” covered with gilt armor, attended by a judge of the afterlife, and a small demon on each side. On one side was a large pile of loose paper, and there was evidently nobody in charge. Placing his spear and the gourd of wine on the heap of paper, he unrolled his quilt, and shaked the snow off his clothes. His felt cap and outer gown were very wet so he took them off, and placed them on the altar. He then lay down with the quilt covering half his body, and drank the wine, and ate the meat which he had brought with him.

      While lying there he heard a sound of crackling outside so he jumped up and peeping through a hole in the window he saw that the fodder depot was all in flames. He went to get his spear with the object of going to put out the fire when he heard some men outside talking. Hiding behind the door he found that there were three men who were coming to the temple. They pushed at the door but could not open it on account of the large stone he had placed there. So they stood under the eaves of the temple watching the fire, and one man spoke, “Is not this a good plan?”

      Another man remarked, “Both of you, the superintendent and the head jailer certainly arranged the matter very well, and when I get back to the Eastern Capital, and report it to the Marshal of the Imperial Guard, you two will certainly be promoted. Then Drill Instructor Zhang will have no ground for further objection to the marriage.”

      Another man said, “Lin Chong has certainly been caught in our trap this time. Master Gao will soon be cured of his sickness now!”

      Another man said, “A man was sent four or five times to plead with Drill Instructor Zhang, and said that his son-in-law Lin Chong was dead. But Zhang would not agree to let his daughter remarry. As Master Gao only got worse Marshal Gao Qiu ordered us to do this business, and we did not expect to get it finished so soon.”

      Another man said, “I went inside the fence and lit about ten stacks of hay on every side, so that he could not get out.”

      Another man said, “It is nearly all burnt down now.”

      Lin Chong listening heard another man say: “Even if Lin Chong escapes he will have to answer a serious charge of allowing a big depot full of army fodder to be burnt.”

      The other man said, “Let us go back to the town.”

      A man said, “It will be better if we wait until the fire is out, and then we can go and get one or two of his bones, and then when we report the matter to Marshal Gao Qiu and also Master Gao, they will see that we did the work thoroughly.”

      Lin Chong knew by listening that one of the men was the head jailer, and the others were Lu Qian and Fu An. He thought, “Heaven has had pity on Lin Chong! If that straw hut had not fallen down I would certainly have been burnt to death.” He then quietly removed the stone from the door, and holding his spear in one hand he opened the door with his left hand, and shouted out, “Where are you thieves going?”

      The three men wanted to get away at once, but they were so startled that they could not move. Lin Chong stabbed the head jailer with his spear. Lu Qian called out, “Spare my life!” but he was so frightened out of his wits that he could not move either hand or foot. Fu An ran about ten steps, but Lin Chong caught him up and stabbed him in the back. He turned round, and saw that Lu Qian had walked away a few steps. He shouted at him, “You villain! Where are you going?” He seized Lu Qian, and threw him on the ground. He then stuck his spear in the ground, and planted his foot on Lu Qian’s breast. He then drew his sword, and lay it across Lu Qian’s face. He shouted, “You villain! Previously I had no hatred of you so why did you try to injure me?” An old saying says, “Murder may be excused sometimes, but generally no excuse can be allowed.”

      Lu Qian said, “This was not my affair. I am only carrying out the order of the Marshal of the Imperial Guard, and dared not disobey.”

      Lin Chong abused him, “You villain! I have been a friend of yours since we were children, and yet you come now to kill me, although you say it is not your business. I will give you a taste of my sword.” He opened Lu Qian’s dress, and made a big wound in his breast—the blood rushing out in all directions. He then plucked out his heart. Turning his head he noticed that the head jailer had got up, and was getting away. Lin Chong pushed him down, and shouted, “You are a vile fellow! I will also give you a taste of my sword!” He then cut off his head and stuck it to the end of his spear. He then cut off the heads of Lu Qian and Fu An, and tying the hair in one knot took all three heads into the temple, and placed them on the altar. He then put on his gown, and cap, and drank the wine from the gourd. Then picking up his spear he left the temple going east. After walking about a li he came to a village where the men were getting hooks and buckets of water to go and put out the fire. Lin Chong said to them, “You had better hurry up if you are going to put out the fire. I am going to report the matter to the officials.” He then proceeded on his way. The snow was still falling heavily. After walking for about an hour his body was very cold. Looking round he saw that the flames of the fodder depot were now a long way off. Where he had stopped was a dense forest and among the trees were a number of straw huts covered with heavy snow. Through the cracks gleams of light were streaming. He walked towards the huts, and pushing open the door of one, he saw inside an old farmer, and about five farm laborers sitting in a circle round a glaring fire warming their hands. He entered and standing facing the old farmer, he said, “Gentlemen, I salute you. I am employed at the fodder depot belonging to the prison, and as my clothes are wet through I request that you allow me to dry them at your fire.”

      “You can dry them if you like,” said the farmer.

      As Lin Chong was drying his clothes he saw at the side of the fire a jar that was being warmed, and from which came the aroma of wine. So he told them that he had some silver, and wished to buy some of their wine.

      The farmer said, “We take turns during the night in guarding the rice bin, and we each take a drink of the wine as it is so cold. It is now about 4 A.M., and as there won’t be enough for us how can we let you have some? There is no chance of you getting any.”

      “Just sell me only two or three cups of wine to keep out the cold.”

      The farmer said, “Don’t be so greedy!”

      But Lin Chong could not withstand the aroma of the wine so he said, “There is no other way. I must have some.”

      All the men replied, “We have been kind enough to let you dry your clothes, and now you want to drink our wine. Get off at once, and if you don’t go we shall have to tie you up.”

      Upon hearing this Lin Chong became angry, and said that they were very unreasonable. He then took his spear, and putting it under a piece of wood in the fire he flicked the wood into the face of the old farmer burning his mustache. He then scattered the remains of the fire. The farm laborers jumped up, and the farmer ran outside. Lin Chong thrust about him with his spear, and the laborers ran away, but not before they had been beaten with the spear.

      Lin Chong soliloquized, “So they have all gone! Now, you sir can make merry with the wine.” Above the bed were two ladles so taking one he poured out half of the wine, and drank it off. Then picking up his spear he left the hut. But he had drunk too much, and staggered about in all directions. After walking a short distance he came to a ravine where the bitterly cold wind brought him down. It is generally the