Water Margin. Shi Naian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shi Naian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462902590
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and said, “This man, Lin Chong, is a fine fellow, and has brought this letter from His Excellency Chai Jin who speaks highly of him. He was falsely accused by Marshal Gao Qiu of the Imperial Guard, who had him banished to this place. It was only a slight offense.”

      The superintendent said, “As he has brought this letter from Squire Chai Jin we must look after him well. Bring him here to see me.”

      Lin Chong was sitting in silence in his cell, when the head jailer returned and told him that the superintendent wanted to see him, and check his name off. He was taken to the hall where the superintendent spoke to him, “The Emperor Taizu issued a law that anybody who was banished to this place should receive one hundred blows with the bamboo. You have just arrived so I must administer that punishment.” He then told his guard to put the prisoner on the ground.

      Lin Chong said, “On the way I caught a severe cold, and have not quite recovered yet. I request that the punishment be postponed.”

      The head jailer said, “This man certainly is sick, and I suggest that you take pity of him.”

      The superintendent said, “As he is sick we will not beat him now, but wait until he is better.”

      The head jailer said, “The man who attends to the Heavenly Kings Temple has been there quite a long time and I suggest that Lin Chong should supersede him.”

      The superintendent wrote an order accordingly, and Lin Chong was taken to his cell to get his baggage, and then taken to the shrine where he took over his duties.

      The head jailer said that he had done his best for Lin Chong. “This job is the lightest in the prison, and all that you have to do is to sweep the floor, and burn incense. You must see that none of the other prisoners are spared from early morning till late at night. People who have no references and assistance as you have are confined to the prison, and whether they want to live or die makes no difference.”

      Lin Chong said that he was much obliged for the help. He then gave the head jailer three more taels of silver, and asked him to take off his cangue. The head jailer said he would attend to that, and put the matter before the superintendent. Upon his return he took off the cangue. So Lin Chong stayed by himself at the Heavenly Kings Temple and every day swept the floor and burnt incense. The first fifty days soon passed over without him noticing the time. The superintendent and the head jailer became quite friendly to Lin Chong, and allowed him great liberty.

      Chai Jin sent winter clothing and also money for Lin Chong. The other prisoners also received money from Lin Chong.

      One day about 10 A.M. Lin Chong was strolling outside the prison when he heard someone behind him call out, “What are you doing here, Drill Instructor Lin?” Turning round he saw a man whom we will now introduce.

      Lin Chong nearly lost his life,

      First in fire, and then in snow.

      CHAPTER 9

       During a Snowstorm Lin Chong Seeks Refuge in the Temple of the Mountain Spirit; Lu Qian Sets Fire to the Fodder Depot

      ONE day Lin Chong was taking a stroll when he heard someone behind him calling out, and upon turning round he recognized the man as Li Xiao-er, who used to be a waiter in an inn at the Eastern Capital. While there Lin Chong treated him well. Afterwards this waiter stole money belonging to the proprietor of the inn for which he was arrested. But Lin Chong intervened, and begged that the boy not be sent to the yamen, and gave money to make up the loss. As the waiter could not stay in the Eastern Capital Lin Chong gave him money to go to some other place. It was quite accidental that he met Lin Chong on that day.

      “Li Xiao-er, what are you doing here?”

      Li Xiao-er saluted and replied, “After you had assisted me I traveled in many directions without meeting with any assistance and happened to come to Cangzhou where I met a man named Wang, who was proprietor of an inn here, and he employed me as a waiter. I was very good at preparing food, and made such delicious dishes that the visitors appreciated them and this led to a successful business. I married the daughter of the proprietor, and when the latter and his wife died I was in sole charge, and opened a restaurant just opposite the barracks. I happen to meet you as I return from collecting some bills, and wish to inquire what you are doing here.”

      Lin Chong pointed to his face, and said, “I incurred the enmity of Marshal Gao Qiu of the Imperial Guard, who plotted against me, and had me tried, branded, and then banished to this place. I have been appointed to look after the Heavenly Kings Temple, but I cannot say what I may do next. I did not expect to meet you here.”

      Li Xiao-er asked Lin Chong to come and sit down in his home. Upon arrival there the former introduced his wife who saluted, and expressed her pleasure in meeting her husband’s benefactor.

      Li Xiao-er said, “We have no relatives here so that for our benefactor to visit us today is just like a gift from heaven.”

      “I am a criminal,” said Lin Chong, “and I am afraid that my visit may disgrace you in the eyes of your neighbors.”

      “Don’t talk like that because everybody is aware of your fame. We shall be very pleased to wash and mend your clothes.”

      They all had dinner and wine together, and in the evening Lin Chong went back to the temple. After that he went very often to Li Xiao-er’s home, and the latter often sent soup and tea to the temple for him. He however always paid them with money, because these two treated him so well.

      The time quickly passed in this way until it was winter. Li Xiao-er’s wife always washed and repaired Lin Chong’s cotton gowns and jackets.

      One day as Li Xiao-er was preparing a meal, two men entered his restaurant, and sat down. One of them was wearing a military uniform, and was accompanied by a soldier. Li Xiao-er asked them whether they wanted any wine, and the officer took out an tael of silver and said, “Put this money in your till, and bring us three or four bottles of wine. When our guests arrive I do not want you to ask questions, but just bring us fruit, vegetables, and wine.”

      Li Xiao-er asked, “Who will be your guests?”

      The officer replied, “I must trouble you to go to the jail, and request the superintendent and the head jailer to come here to discuss a matter with me.” Li Xiao-er agreed to do this, and went straightway to the jail, and very soon returned with the two men.

      Upon meeting, the superintendent of the jail said that he was not aware of having met the officer before, and asked for his name.

      The officer replied that he had a letter which would explain matters, but suggested that they should first have a drink.

      Li Xiao-er opened the bottles of wine, and placed vegetables, fruit, and wine on the table. The officer poured out the wine, and offered it to the guests, and they then all sat down. Li Xiao-er bustled about as busy as a shuttle in a loom. The soldier who was with the officer asked Li to bring some hot water, so that he could warm the wine himself. But after they had drunk about ten cups of wine they again summoned Li Xiao-er to bring some more wine. The officer also told him that they would keep the wine warm themselves, and that he need not come again unless summoned, as they had some private business to discuss. Li Xiao-er therefore went to the door, and talked with his wife. He told her that the two men who had just arrived were not quite straightforward.

      His wife asked what had given him that impression.

      Li Xiao-er said, “According their pronunciation these men are evidently from the Eastern Capital, but the superintendent has not met them before. And when I served them with wine I heard the officer mention the name of Marshal Gao Qiu. I therefore think that their business has something to do with Lin Chong. So I will stand at the door here, and watch them while you go behind the partition where they sit and listen to their conversation.”

      His wife said, “You had better go to the jail, and tell Lin Chong to come here, and see whether he knows the officer.”

      Li Xiao-er said, “You do not know that Lin Chong is very quick-tempered, and