Water Margin. Shi Naian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shi Naian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462902590
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be ruined for life. I have a plan by which he could be implicated.”

      Master Gao after hearing this said, “I have met many nice young women and girls, but I particularly love this one, and since I saw her, my mind has not been at peace. How could you implicate him? If applicable I will handsomely reward you.”

      “I have an intimate friend Lu Qian who is very friendly with Lin Chong. Tomorrow you can hide yourself in Lu Qian’s house. He would arrange a feast, and invite Lin Chong to it. He however is to be told to lead Lin Chung to the Fan Inn for wine. Then I will go to Lin Chong’s home, and tell his wife that her husband, while drinking wine at Lu Qian’s house suddenly became ill and fell down unconscious. I will tell her that she had better go at once as it might be serious, and I will bring her to Lu Qian’s house. There when she sees you so well dressed, and listens to your flattery, she will become amenable to your suggestions as she is of an unstable disposition. What do you think of my plan?”

      Master Gao was pleased, and said, “This evening I will send for Lu Qian.”

      Now Lu Qian’s house was in the same alley as the house of the Marshal Gao Qiu of the Imperial Guard. The next day the plan was explained to Lu Qian who agreed to act his part. Although he was a friend of Lin Chong yet he would do this treacherous thing in order to ingratiate himself with the more influential Master Gao.

      Lin Chong had been depressed in spirits for some time, and had not gone out of doors. But one day about ten o’clock in the morning he heard a man at the street door call out, “Is the Drill Instructor in?” Upon going to the door he saw Lu Qian and asked what he wanted.

      “I have specially come to see you as I have not seen you for a long time.”

      “I have been much depressed,” said Lin Chong, “and therefore have not been outside.”

      “Come with me,” said Lu Qian, “and a few cups of wine will drive your cares away.”

      Lin Chong invited him to come inside, and after a few cups of tea he told his wife that he was going with Lu Qian for some wine. She asked him not to drink too much, and to get back as soon as possible. The two men then left the house, and after strolling about for a little time Lu Qian suggested that instead of going to his home they would go to the Fan Inn for the wine. This was agreed to, and at the inn they sat in a small apartment where the waiter brought wine and fruit. While they were chatting Lin Chong sighed, and Lu Qian asked why he did that.

      “You do not understand,” said Lin Chong, “that although I have ability I have not yet found an employer who appreciates my skill. I have to submit to the injustices and vile tempers of mean fellows.”

      “Although there are several drill instructors yet there is not one equal to you in ability. The Marshal of the Imperial Guard treats you well so whose vile temper have you to submit to?”

      Lin Chong then told of the affair he had with Master Gao some time ago, while Lu Qian pressed him to drink more wine. Lin Chong drank about nine cups of wine, left the room, and then the inn, for the lavatory. He was returning to the inn when he met his maidservant Jin Er who said that she had been looking for him. Upon Lin Chong asking why, she explained, “You had been gone with Lu Qian less than half an hour when a man rushed into your house, and spoke to your wife, ‘I am a neighbor of Lu Qian, and your husband is drinking with him. I saw your husband fall down senseless. You had better go there at once.’ Your wife asked our neighbor Madame Wang to look after the house, and then set off with me. We went to the alley where Marshal Gao Qiu lives, and opposite his gate we entered a house and went upstairs where there was a table set with food and wine, but you were not there. I was just about to go below when I saw the young man who had annoyed your wife at the Yue Temple the other day. He spoke to her, ‘Please sit down. Your husband will be here shortly.’ I hurried below, and there heard your wife upstairs shouting, ‘Help! Help!’ Therefore I ran to look for you, and happened to meet a man who told me that he had seen you entering the Fan Inn so I came here at once. Please, sir, hurry up!”

      Lin Chong was astonished, and immediately rushed off to Lu Qian’s house. Upon arriving there, and going up the staircase he found that the door of the room was fastened, but heard his wife inside say, “In this day of universal tranquillity why do you detain me, an innocent woman, here?” To this Master Gao replied, “Madame, please take pity of me! Even a woman of iron or stone would change her mind.”

      Lin Chong shouted, “Wife, open the door.” And she did so, while Master Gao being afraid, opened a window, jumped out, and ran away.

      Lin Chong ascertained that his wife had not been ravished, and then smashed everything in the room. He took her downstairs, and on the streets noticed that the doors of the neighboring houses were closed. The maidservant just then joining them, they all three went home. There Lin Chong taking a dagger concealed it in his sleeve, and went to the Fan Inn to look for Lu Qian, but did not find him there. He then went to Lu Qian’s house, and waited outside the door until evening without seeing that man. Upon returning home Lin Chong was exhorted by his wife, “As I did not fall into that man’s trap you must be reasonable.”

      “It is very intolerable to think that that brute Lu Qian who used to address me as his brother should have deceived me. Now I am only afraid that I shall not meet that Master Gao, and get my revenge.”

      His wife strongly appealed to him not to go out.

      Lu Qian hid in the private quarters of the Marshal of the Imperial Guard, as he dared not go home. Lin Chong waited for three days without seeing Lu Qian. On the fourth day Lu Da called on Lin Chong, and remarked that he had not seen him for several days. Lin Chong explained, “I have been somewhat busy these few days so that I have not been able to see you, but as you have favored me by visiting my little hut you should drink three cups of wine with me. Unfortunately I have no wine here so how will it be if we go for a stroll and call at some inn?”

      Lu Da agreed and they went out. They were drinking wine for the whole day, and then agreed to meet again the following day. They even did this every day until at last the affair of Master Gao was almost obliterated from Lin Chong’s mind.

      After escaping from Lu Qian’s house, Master Gao did not dare to mention the matter to his adopted father, and remained at home sick. Lu Qian and Fu An came to see him, and noticed that he still seemed to be depressed. Upon their asking why he was not well, he replied, “I will not deceive you in any way. It is because I have twice failed to get hold of that woman, and have been scared by her husband. My lovesickness is more acute than ever. I think I shall be like this for a long time, and that even my life is in danger.”

      The two men said, “Master, do not worry! We will take this matter in hand, and will be responsible for bringing you and her together. She can only escape by committing suicide.”

      While they were talking the steward came in to see how his master’s sickness was progressing. When he had made the usual inquiries Lu Qian and Fu An asked him to go with them for a private conversation. Upon reaching a quiet spot they said to him, “If you want Master Gao to recover you must report the affair to his father, Marshal Gao Qiu, and put an end to Lin Chong’s life. Then we can get hold of the woman and take her to Master Gao who will recover. If you do not do this your master will certainly die.”

      “That is an easy thing,” replied the steward, “and I will inform Marshal Gao Qiu this very evening.”

      “We have already the plan,” said the two men, “but we will wait until you tell us what’s Marshal Gao Qiu’s idea.”

      The steward went to see the Marshal of the Imperial Guard that evening, and told him, “Your adopted son is melancholy because he cannot have the wife of Drill Instructor Lin Chong. He met her at the Yue Temple, more than a month ago, and ever since he has become lovesick.” He then explained Lu Qian’s plan for curing Master Gao.

      Gao Qiu thought the matter over, but could not see how he could damage the prospects of Lin Chong, and said so. He agreed however to hear what plan Lu Qian had, and sent for him. Upon their arrival they called out “nuo!” in the usual way, and Gao Qiu asked what plan they had to cure his son. Lu Qian explained the plot,