Creation and Evolution. Edgar Cayce. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Edgar Cayce
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876049570
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and has only been to meet the needs of man, for which there was made all that was made, and man’s evolving, or evolution, has only been that of the gradual growth upward to the mind of the Maker.

      (Q) Is the Darwinian theory of evolution of man right or wrong? Give such an answer as will enlighten the people on this subject of evolution.

      (A) Man was made in the beginning, as the ruler over those elements as was prepared in the earth plane for his needs. When the plane became that such as man was capable of being sustained by the forces, and conditions, as were upon the face of the earth plane, man appeared not from that already created, but as the Lord over all that was created, and in man there is found that in the living man, all of that, that may be found without in the whole, whole world or earth plane, and other than that, the soul of man is that making him above all animal, vegetable, mineral kingdom of the earth plane.

      Man did not descend from the monkey, but man has evolved, resuscitation, you see, from time to time, time to time, here a little, there a little, line upon line and line upon line. In all ages we find this has been the developing—day by day, day by day, or the evolution as we see from those forces as may be manifested by that, that man has made himself the gradual improvement upon the things made by man, yet made to suffice the needs of certain functioning portions of man’s will force, as may be manifested by man, but ever remaining that element to supply that need, whether of sustenance or other functions of man’s individual needs, as created by man, this becoming then the exponent of the force as his Creator made him, for the World, and the needs and conditions, man’s compliance nearer with those laws brings him gradually to that development necessary to meet the needs of the conditions, place or sphere in which that individual is placed. As in this:

      The needs of those in the North Country not the same as those in the Torrid region. Hence development comes to meet the needs in the various conditions under which man is placed. He only using those laws that are ever and ever in existence in the plane, as is given in that of relativity, that being the needs from one relation to another.

      The theory is, man evolved, or evolution, from first cause in creation, and brings forth to meet the needs of the man, the preparation for the needs of man has gone down many, many thousands and millions of years, as is known in this plane, for the needs of man in the hundreds and thousands of years to come. Man is man, and God’s order of creation, which he represents even as His son, who is the representative of the Father, took on the form of Man, the highest of the creation in the plane, and became to man that element that shows and would show and will show the way, the directing way, the Life, the Water, the Vine, to the everlasting, when guided and kept in that manner and form.

      (Q) Where does the soul come from, and how does it enter the physical body?

      (A) It is already there. “. . . and He breathed into him the breath of life, and he became a living soul,” as the breath, the ether from the forces as come into the body of the human when born breathes the breath of life, as it becomes a living soul, provided it has reached that developing in the creation where the soul may enter and find the lodging place. All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came.

      (Q) Where does the soul go when fully developed?

      (A) To its Maker.

       Reading 254–95

      . . . for time and space are as the evolution upon which the forces of the divine make for that change that brings same into the experiences of those souls who seek to become one with the Creative Energies. Hence all may be touched, all may be drawn upon. And, as has been given, if it were individualized by a guide, it would become limited; while if universal it is in the hands of Him that is the Maker, the Giver, the Creator. For hath He not given, “Abide in me, as I in the Father, that I in the Father may be glorified in thee!” Ye that seek self-glory know its hardships. Ye that seek the glory of the Father know its beauties.

       Reading 900–70

      (Q) Explain as clearly as possible the definition of Evolution as relates to Man, first in Spirit plane, then in flesh and blood on earth and again in spirit plane. What is man and how may we in flesh become fully conscious and aware of the Spiritual Self?

      (A) In this we find the understanding would, from physical viewpoint, never be understood by the cycle as is asked. The evolution of man in spiritual plane being one, the evolution of man in flesh being another. Hence, as has been given, hard to understand conditions in one plane when viewed from another plane, without the realization of having experienced that plane. Now evolution in flesh, as is seen, is the passing through the flesh plane and in the various experiences of man’s sojourn in earth, through his (man’s) environment as created and made by man, this is called man’s evolution in the earth plane. As we have in the beginning of man’s sojourn in earth plane, we find under what is termed at the present time or day, or plane of man, the primitive man. The man seeking the first of the attributes of fleshly existence, known only by those conditions surrounding man and his environments. As man applies the laws of which he (man) becomes conscious of, the development of man brings forth those results merited by that knowledge. As man passes into the spiritual plane from earthly existence, the development in the spiritual plane becoming the same evolution in spiritual planes as is acquired in the physical plane, and until man becomes in the spiritual sense the one-ness with the Creator’s forces, as is set by example of the Son of Man coming in the flesh to the earth plane to manifest in the flesh the will made one with the Father, passing through the physical plane, passing through the spiritual planes, making all one with the Father. This we find then is evolution. Man’s development through man’s acquiring man’s understanding of spiritual laws, of earthly laws, of God’s laws, and applying same in the earth. Then truly is it given, “The righteous shall inherit the earth.”

      (Q) Does Man created as Matter, Force and Mind mean Physical, Spiritual and Mental?

      A) Man created having the attributes of the physical, the spiritual, the mental, to work with in his own development. These, as it were, tools of the whole man, the all being then one, and that same separated is the attributes of the various conditions, each having its single, its separate attributes, and man using same for man’s development.

      (Q) When Earth Plane became ready for Man, how did he first get here? In the Bible we have the story of Adam and Eve. Explain in a reasonable, logical way how did Man first appear on Earth. Explain this in relation to birth, to conception.

      (A) As is given, man, when earth became habitable for physical man, man entered in the plane, just as the highest of created forces in the earth plane. Then became man amenable to laws of earth plane, and amenable to physical birth, physical conditions, physical conceptions, physical forces as applied to the whole man. Physical, mental and spiritual forces manifest in man, taken in this conception as was given from the beginning. As the earth plane became in that state wherein man may find residence, the spirit forces as are developing through the spiritual forces to make one with the Father, given the soul of man to make manifest in the flesh. All souls were created in the beginning, all spirit of one spirit, Spirit of God, that spirit manifest in flesh, that spirit manifest in all creation, whether of earthly forces or Universal forces, all spirit being one spirit. All flesh not one flesh. Flesh being that as has merited by its development in its plane of existence.

      (Q) Is every chemical quality found in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom of the world found in Man? Explain, if not, what is meant by “There is found in Living Man all of that that may be found without in the whole world”.

      (A) All those essential forces as are manifest in the Universe is manifest in the living man, and above that the soul of man. The chemical or material, or animated forces as are seen in all animal, vegetable, mineral forces, with their combinations, are found in the combinations in man, and from same may be created, for man is Lord over creation, from the physical viewpoint.

      (Q) Explain how the example of Man’s developing and improving his mode of living scientifically on earth, for example in medical work and all other sciences, proves his development and evolution on earth and other planes.