The Animal Parasites of Man. Max Braun. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Max Braun
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664648037
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444 322 323
Ancylostoma duodenale, male and female. (After Looss) 446 324 325 Ancylostoma duodenale, showing ventral teeth. (After Looss) 447 326 Ancylostoma duodenale: diagrammatic representation of excretory system. (After a drawing by Looss) 448 327 Ancylostoma duodenale. (After Railliet) 449 328 Ancylostoma duodenale: bursa of male. (After Looss) 450 329 Ancylostoma duodenale: eggs in different stages of development. (After Looss) 451 330 Ancylostoma duodenale: larva. (After Leichtenstern) 452 331 Ancylostoma duodenale. (After Looss) 453 332 Ancylostoma ceylanicum. (After Looss) 456 333 Ancylostoma braziliense. (After Gomez de Faria) 456 334 Necator americanus. (After Looss) 457 335 Necator americanus: lateral view. (After Looss) 458 336 Necator americanus: bursa of male. (After Looss) 458 337 Syngamus kingi: anterior end of male. (After Leiper) 460 338 Syngamus kingi: anterior end of female. (After Leiper) 460 339 Bursa of Syngamus trachealis. (Stephens) 461 340 Physaloptera mordens, Leiper, 1907. (After Leiper) 462 341 Ascaris lumbricoides. (From Claus) 463 342 Ovum of Ascaris lumbricoides 463 343 Ovum of Toxascaris limbata 466 344 Transverse section through the head part of Belascaris cati from the cat. (After Leuckart) 466 345
Male female of Oxyuris vermicularis 468 346 347 Oxyuris vermicularis: egg freshly deposited 468 348 Oxyuris vermicularis: egg twelve hours after deposition 468 348A The male of Echinorhynchus augustatus 476 348B Anterior portion of the female apparatus of Echinorhynchus acus. (After Wagener) 476 348C Egg of Echinorhynchus gigas. (After Leuckart) 477 348D The internal organs of the leech. (After Kennel) 480 348E Hirudo medicinalis. (After Claus) 481 349 Leptus autumnalis. (After Gudden) 485 350 Leptus autumnalis. (After Trouessart) 485 351 The kedani mite. (After Tanaka) 487 352 Tetranychus telarius var. russeolus, Koch. (After Artault) 488 353 Pediculoides ventricosus. (After Laboulbène and Mégnin) 489 354 Nephrophages sanguinarius: male, ventral surface. (After Miyake and Scriba) 490 355 Nephrophages sanguinarius: