Loving On the Edge 5-Book Collection: Crash Into You, Melt Into You, Fall Into You, Caught Up In You, Need You Tonight. Roni Loren. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roni Loren
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008115340
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      “Reid?” Brynn called from the other side of the office, her voice tentative. “Everything okay?”

      He ripped the original from underneath the copier’s lid and grabbed the stack of printed pages. The papers quivered in his shaking hands. “Everything’s fine, sugar.”


      “What?” Reid asked, his stubbled jaw hanging open at Brynn’s proposition.

      Brynn stared up at him, willing herself not to turn tail and run after coming on to him. She needed to do this or she was going to spend the whole weekend flinching like a wounded bird.

      During the kiss with him in front of the group, she had glimpsed a feeling—a whisper of freedom that she hadn’t felt since the day someone had decided to violate her. If she could just rip off the bandage—guerilla-style exposure therapy like Melody had suggested—then maybe she could break the shackles that seemed to weigh her down any time she was near a ­dominant man.

      She wet her lips. “I said not to ask questions.”

      His eyes darkened. “Last I checked, I’m the dom here, so I’ll ask what I want.”

      “Are you attracted to me?”

      He crossed his arms, the muscles in his shoulders shifting and bunching. “Well, I’m not fucking dead.”

      “Then, please, just go with it. I don’t want to talk about the past or why we hate each other. Let’s leave all of that outside these grounds for the next three days. You know we’re not going to be able to make it through our stay here only kissing in front of people.”

      He looked left, then right. “There are no people here now. Who is this show going to be for?”

      My sanity. At least if she panicked, she wouldn’t have to do it in front of the whole club. “Myself. I don’t want to flinch every time you touch me. Maybe your breaking-the-ice idea wasn’t such a bad one—we could get this first time out of the way in private.”

      “Get it out of the way. Like I’m a dentist appointment or something?” He smirked, but she didn’t miss the weariness in his voice. “Come on, be honest. Why don’t you just admit that under­neath that big grudge you’re holding, you still want me?”

      She threw her head back and groaned. “You’re such a jerk sometimes, you know that? Yes, I’m attracted to you, okay. I wouldn’t offer to have sex with you if I wasn’t.”

      He gave her a triumphant smile, picked up the shirt from the floor, and handed it to her. “Don’t worry, sugar. I’ll make sure we get it out of the way, but it’s not going to happen because I’m some item to scratch off your to-do list. I’ll decide when and what happens.”

      Ugh. Couldn’t the man cooperate with anything? She yanked the shirt from his hands. “Screw you.”

      He walked past her and stretched out on the couch. “Later. I promise.”

      She balled her fists and fought the inclination to stomp her feet like a child. She’d never met a more frustrating man in her life. How had she ever fallen for such a jackass? Without wasting another breath on him, she stomped past him, down the narrow hallway, and slammed the bedroom door behind her.

      Like the rest of the cabin, the upscale rustic theme continued in the bedroom—dark woods, cream-colored fabrics, and soft lighting. It could have been a luxury cabin at any fine resort if not for the metal loops drilled into the walls and a leather and wooden bench contraption at the foot of the bed. She grimaced. This was going to be the longest freaking weekend of her life.

      She rubbed her arms to fight off a shiver, and Reid’s heady scent wafted up from the shirt, reminding her of balmy nights and twisted sheets. The urge to bury her face in the soft cotton ratcheted through her. Damn it to hell. Why did the jerk have to smell good, too?

      All right, enough of this ensemble. Letting the shirt fall to the floor, she headed to the closet and slid the louver doors open. But the contents only inspired a groan. Frederick’s of Hollywood called—they want their inventory back. She flipped through the satin-covered hangers with a huff. Lingerie, slinky dresses, vinyl getups, and enough leather to outfit a Judas Priest fan club. Terrific. She’d thought the items she’d packed had been sexy enough, but apparently the dress code here required hooker chic.

      She grabbed a black bustier and a brief leather skirt and held them up in front of her. At least these would cover the essentials—not a guarantee most of the other options afforded. She tossed the items on the bed and grabbed a pair of knee-high black boots from the floor of the closet. Well, at least those weren’t so bad.

      A sharp rap on the door sent her bolting upright. “Brynn, you’ve got five more minutes to pout, then I need you out here. Company’s coming.”

      “What the hell are you talking about?” she called through the closed door.

      “Just put your game face on and get out here.”

      She sighed. “Fine, I’ll be right there.”

      A few minutes later she heard Reid let someone in and the murmuring of male conversation. She gave herself one last glance in the mirror, pulled up the bustier a little more to make sure her boobs wouldn’t tumble out, and headed into the living room. The click of her boots earned raised heads from both the men.

      Reid’s eyes widened as his gaze swept over her new clothes. “Guess you found the closet.”

      Brynn ignored him and focused on their guest. “Hi, Jace.”

      “Hot damn, girl, you look smoking,” he said, a wide smile splitting his face.

      “Thanks.” He didn’t look so bad himself. Linen pants, untucked button-down shirt, and wavy blond hair pulled back in a short ponytail. If she weren’t so annoyed with him, she would’ve returned his compliment. She settled into the overstuffed chair opposite the one Jace sat in. “So what happened to ‘I’m not going to be here this weekend.’”

      His gaze darted to Reid, then back to her. “Plans changed at the last minute.”

      She smirked. “Right.”

      “Be nice, Brynn,” Reid warned. “Jace doesn’t do one-on-one stuff—he’s known around here for ménage. It would’ve looked suspicious if he’d taken you on. Plus, he’s already doing us a huge favor by getting us in. I don’t want to risk him or his business with Grant by dragging him in deeper.”

      She sighed, conceding. Reid was right. Who was she to be mad at Jace when he was putting himself on the line for her? “Sorry for snapping at you, Jace. I really do appreciate the help.”

      “No problem, doll. I’m going to do all I can to help you—with everything.” His gaze met hers.

      She bit her lip and nodded, getting the message and silently thanking him for not bringing up the revelation she’d made in the staging room. “So what’s the plan for tonight?”

      “That’s what we were discussing before you walked in,” Reid said, buttoning the cuffs of the black shirt he’d put on to replace the one he’d lent her. “Jace chatted up one of the staff members and found out that new sub trainees are on total lockdown tonight and won’t be allowed on the main grounds until tomorrow at the earliest.”

      “Shit,” she said, her hope for finding her sister tonight plummeting. “What the hell are we supposed to do now?”

      Reid shrugged. “We need to go out and be seen. Jace offered to have dinner with us and to give us