Loving On the Edge 5-Book Collection: Crash Into You, Melt Into You, Fall Into You, Caught Up In You, Need You Tonight. Roni Loren. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roni Loren
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008115340
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becoming mewls of pleasure.

      Brynn squeezed her eyes shut, her mind rocketing back to her and Reid’s night at Jace’s house—how Reid’s hands had reddened her bottom, the mind-numbing pleasure he’d coaxed out of her. What would it be like to have him handle her like that again? Despite the fear that still shrouded her, a kernel of heat spread between her tightly closed legs.

      She bit the inside of her cheek. No. She was not that girl anymore. She wanted to get past the fear, but this was not a lifestyle she wanted for herself. This was only the tool to get her where she needed to be—to get her to the place where she could have a normal life again.

      “Who is your master, pet?” the gangly man demanded.

      Brynn forced her eyes open, determined to tamp down the dangerous memories.

      The girl’s back glistened with sweat and blotches of red. Her voice, as tiny as her frame, quivered when she spoke. “You are, Master K.”

      The man twirled the crop between his fingers. “Are you sure? You don’t sound too confident about that answer, pet. Do I need to remind you a little more?”

      Her words came out in breathy pants, clearly fighting the orgasm the vibrator was coaxing out of her. “No, sir. Please. I’m yours.”

      The man smoothed a hand over her ass, his erection straining against his leather pants, and then slid his fingers to her clit. A visible shudder ratcheted through the woman’s body and her groan turned guttural. But just as quickly as he’d touched her, the man withdrew his hand and grabbed his remote. The humming stopped. “Not yet, pet. You haven’t quite earned that. But I will accept your offer of submission.”

      “Thank you, Master K. Thank you,” the woman said, her whole body sagging against her restraints.

      Reid’s hand touched Brynn’s shoulder and she jumped. “You’re all flushed, sugar. Saw something you liked?”

      She shook her head vehemently. “No, sir.”

      His tone dipped. “So if I slipped my hand between those gorgeous legs of yours, you wouldn’t be all creamy for me?”

      She pressed her lips into a line. He wouldn’t call her bluff like that, would he?

      “Ah, silence is very telling, Brynn. Guess the girl I used to know is still in there somewhere, huh?” The smile had returned to his voice.

      If she were a cartoon character, smoke would have shot out of her ears, but she held her tongue. She refused to give him any additional fodder to make her punishment in front of the crowd worse. Reid had always enjoyed the power position a little too much and apparently he hadn’t lost that proclivity.

      The gangly dom released his woman from her bindings and slipped a silky robe around her shoulders. She leaned into him, and a trembling smile crossed her makeup-streaked face as he led her past the crowd and out a door at the back of the room. The second they disappeared from view, the crush of anxiety squeezed Brynn’s chest. She was next.

      A man in a crisp white shirt, dark jeans, and cowboy boots rose from one of the tables and headed to the front of the room. All eyes followed him, and Reid shifted restlessly behind her. The man’s casual dress and mussed dark hair did nothing to diminish the air of importance and power that rolled off him. Brynn had the urge to sit up straighter. He graced the audience with a smile that probably melted the panties off most of the women in room.

      Reid leaned forward and whispered against her ear, “That’s Grant. The owner.”


      Grant glanced in her direction and gave her an encouraging smile. “Ladies and gentleman, our next initiation will be given by a new member. Please welcome Master Reid to our ranks.”

      Reid rose and clasped Brynn’s elbow. “Up.”

      A quiet smattering of applause followed them as she and Reid made their way to the front. Brynn’s arms ached and her legs had trouble remembering how to work. She stumbled slightly before reaching their destination, and Reid drew her closer to his side. Grant shook Reid’s free hand.

      “Welcome to The Ranch, we’re glad to have ya,” he said, the now familiar deep West Texas drawl coloring his words.

      Reid nodded. “Pleased to join.”

      “You have a lovely sub there. What do you think she needs for an initiation?”

      Brynn kept her eyes on the polished wood floors and began counting. If she looked up or thought about what was about to happen, she’d tip over the edge. Already, her heart was pounding hard enough to splinter a rib. Please let Reid pick something simple. A blow job. A quick, unrestrained spanking. She could maybe handle something basic. But blindfolds and handcuffs or helplessness would guarantee flashbacks and panic. She inhaled deeply through her nose and blew the breath out her mouth. In. Out. In. Out.

      She didn’t want to have to use the safe word, knew from Grant’s concerned words earlier that if she broke down, he’d probably send her home—for her own mental health.

      Reid ran a knuckle along her cheek. “Well, I think my sub is feeling feisty. She’s talked back to me multiple times since I chose her, so a punishment is in order.”

      Brynn dared a glance up. Talked back? When?

      Grant eyed her, evaluating her reaction. “I see.”

      Reid continued, “I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with this sub in the past, and I know she’s big on the exhibitionism. So I refuse to grant her the pleasure of displaying herself in front of the group. She hasn’t earned such a privilege yet.”

      Brynn bit her lip. What was he doing? Was he actually going to save her from having to deal with this? Oh, please, maybe she had misjudged his earlier behavior.

      “But I still want her to demonstrate her submission. So, I’m going to get the one thing that will make sure she knows she’s giving herself to me personally and not just any random master.” Reid pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger and forced her to meet his gaze. “A kiss.”

      Her eyes widened. What?

      Reid’s mouth curved upward. “Release her bindings.”

      One of the attendants standing near the back of the room stepped up and started unfastening the leather straps as the reality of Reid’s request sliced through her. She should’ve been happy. A kiss was as simple an act as you could get… but also the most intimate. If he’d have forced her to her knees and made her get him off, she would’ve had the outside chance of blocking out what was happening—thought of numbers or England or her grocery list. But how could she zone out with his lips against hers?

      Her tingling arms fell to her sides and she balled her fists. Reid was doing this to punish her. What had he said? To make sure she knows she’s submitting to me personally. God, hadn’t ten years been long enough for him to get over her supposed infidelity? She narrowed her eyes at him. Nope, not with an ego the size of his.

      Once all the leather had been removed, the attendant and Grant moved away, leaving her alone with Reid. He hooked an arm around her waist and dragged her against him, wickedness glinting in his eyes. “Let’s see if this is better than a stranger.”

      She shot him her best I-hate-you look before he brought his lips down on hers.

      Despite his firm grip, his kiss was teasing. His lips moved against hers—nibbling, tasting, drawing her in like a moth to light. The tension in her muscles softened in his grasp, and something white hot and long dormant unfurled inside her. As if on their own volition, her lips parted and granted his tongue access. The taste of mint and Reid danced in her mouth, and her arms looped around his neck. When she pressed her breasts against his solid chest, she couldn’t tell if the groan that reached her ears was his or her own.

      Reid groaned