The Soviet Union against Japan. War on the Continent
The USSR enters the war against Japan on August 8, two days after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and on the eve of the bombing of Nagasaki; Whether this is a coincidence or not is unknown. The document on declaring war was handed to the Japanese Ambassador on August 8 at 18:00; given the difference in the time zone, the Japanese military had an hour to prepare.
Alas, from the USSR there is no ultimatum, no claims, justification of entering the war (initially the conflict between Japan and the US, even officially, in the world media, has ripened as the protection of the people of China), so, let’s say, looking a little forward, the victory did not bring us, friends, significant bonuses. The main motive presented in the history textbooks is rather strange: «True to the allied duty, the USSR declared war on Japan.»
It is not completely clear at the same time, when, and to whom Russia has managed to owe.
Combat operations are conducted in the territories of Manchuria and Mongolia, the territories of China, captured by the Japanese, North Korea and Southern Sakhalin. The forces of the parties: the USSR – 1, 7 million soldiers, 1,850 self-propelled guns, 3,700 tanks, 5,400 aircraft. The Kwantung Army: 710,000 actually, the Japanese and 200,000 soldiers of the quasi-states created by Japan, 1,000 light tanks, and 1,800 aircraft. The Soviet Army is conducting encirclement of enemy troops on the territory of 1.5 million kilometers; landing airborne assault in Harbin and a dozen other cities. Marshal Vasilevsky gives the order to land in Hokkaido, Japan’s second largest island, but, according to Stalin’s order, the operation is canceled. From August 18 to September 5, fighting with the 80 thousandth garrison of the Kuril Islands (200 paratroopers are dying), September 10, the Kwantung Army will capitulate. Losses of the USSR: 12,000 people killed, 80 tanks, 65 aircraft, Japan – 84,000 killed, 640,000 taken prisoner.
On board the battleship «Missouri», on September 5, representatives of Japan sign a separate peace with the United States.
According to the San Francisco Peace Treaty concluded in 1951, Japan renounced its claims to Sakhalin (Karafuto) and the Kurila (Tisima Ratto), however, according to a unilateral resolution of the United States, the USSR did not receive formal rights to these territories. De jure, the Southern Kuriles were ceded by the tsarist government of Japan in 1875 (the St. Petersburg Treaty) in exchange for full ownership of Sakhalin. In 1956, at the time of signing the Soviet-Japanese joint declaration, the USSR, already owning the Kuril Islands by right of the conqueror, agreed to give the Shikotan and Habomai islands in exchange for a comprehensive peace, and, if possible, the neutral status of Japan (the absence of foreign military bases on the territory countries). But the US threatened that, in that case, the Ryuku archipelago would never be returned to the island of Okinawa, seized by the Americans in 1945 and turned into a strategic military facility that controls approaches to Japan. That is why the Japanese are pushing the USSR, and then Russia, the obviously unenforceable conditions of peace – the return of the whole range of the Kurile Islands.
The Kurile Islands, undoubtedly, pay Japan for the genocide of the Chinese (Korean, etc.) peoples, and the efforts of the Soviet Army to liberate them. However, as indicated, the Union’s attack on the Land of the Rising Sun is not registered in the domestic and world media, as protection of the weak (soft power), was carried out suddenly. Therefore, the full-fledged peace treaty, as well as developed cultural, commercial, other relations between the USSR and Russia and Japan is still not there.
Due to the lack of an Act to end the war, Japanese prisoners of war (except for the sick and wounded, who were released immediately) returned home in groups of 100—110,000 people a year, until 1950.
Liberation of mainland China from the Japanese occupation forces. Manchurian offensive operation
Column of tanks of a group of Soviet troops liberating China
Sakhalin Island, Sikuku County (Poronaisk), liberated from the Japanese occupation. Showing the old Soviet tanks BT-7, (led by experienced, initiative crews) are quite suitable for combat in a maneuverable war
The broken Japanese tanks HaGo
The liberation of the Chinese city of Harbin by Soviet troops
The liberation of the North of Korea by the Soviet Expeditionary Force
…The famine of 1946—47g. in the USSR can be compared with the losses in a large-scale military operation. Grain was exported from the country, primarily for political reasons – the feeding of new satellites, including still unformed politically a third of the recent deadly enemy, the future GDR. Part was sold in (hungry?) France. One and a half million tons of all this grain would be enough to ensure that 800,000 Soviet citizens survived. This confirms the theory that territorial acquisitions, as well as the acquisition of new «friends», usually do not benefit the inhabitants of central Russia. Another million tons of grain rotted in the barns – probably, it was stored as a strategic reserve in case of a new war; The war did not take place, but hundreds of thousands of people died. Ten thousand chairmen of collective farms were convicted of attempts to share wheat with the rural workers who grew it. Another popular version of the post-war famine, partly true – the unfolding of the industry necessary to create an atomic bomb.
…The avalanche acceleration of work on the creation of an atomic bomb in the USSR will start only after the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; since August 1945. Before the obvious success of the Manhattan Project (which saved the US hundreds of thousands of lives of its soldiers), everything was reduced, basically, to the bureaucratic correspondence of individual Soviet scientists with the Stalin secretariat. Stalinist, Soviet, or, in other words, a totalitarian system of government is not in principle set up to see and hear personalities within its state; In addition to the bureaucratic committees already established by the «higher authorities.» To some extent, this can also be pointed out in relation to Nazi Germany. However, in the latter case, the absence of a system of any kind of democratic discussion and constructive criticism led to the emergence of a multitude of irrational, unnecessarily costly military developments (Comet, Fau, Me-269, Tiger, Tiger-2, «Goliath», «Mauss», etc.)
In the US, as is known, the initiative development of nuclear scientists was noted in 1943. To the voice of Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi (then many people seemed to be crazy), etc., listen. Two billion dollars are allocated for the nuclear weapons project. The amount is decent, but not for anyone in America is not fatal. For example, this is the fifth part of the cost of all the Lend-Lease volume delivered by the USA to the USSR. Recall that the Soviet Union, in one way or another, by 1980, paid almost 4% of this military contract (and the case was closed).
In this case, «on the hook», the totalitarian bureaucratic system is at least somewhat effective. Often, because of the highest degree of schizophrenia, secrecy, scientific «offices» duplicate each other, and do not exchange promising developments. However, the seemingly inexhaustible downpour of people’s money smooths out all these roughnesses. A total of 400,000 people are involved in the project (most of them are prisoners of concentration camps, unconfirmed nuclear scientists of Beriev «sharashek»). Sharashka is a prison with lightened living conditions, for the activity of scientists and designers. Ten hectares are under construction. «Blue ringing ore» is extracted, as A. Zhigulin’s verses say. And, as is known, on August 29, 1949, at the polygon