Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Лим Ворд
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449318695
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of the post-war GDR, 1975. The brand was introduced in 1948, after the Federal Republic of Germany acquired its own means of payment. Consists of a hundred pfennings. The brands of the GDR lasted until 1990.

      3. Ten dojchmarok FRG, 1948 year. In 1945, Germany was a pile of ruins, in which demoralized people swarmed. The basis of economic relations was barter. America provided loans for its own, and only goods, food (in debt), but it also ensured that the FRG had the opportunity to return all this with a vengeance. German economist Erhard Clay carried out very successful reforms. He did not change anything, he simply took the majority (90%) of administrative regulations – giving the economy the necessary sip of freedom. Yes, the German mark, the British pound and the majority of other European currencies, in the Euro, according to the Marshall plan, are still freely exchanged for the dollar, outside of its gold content, but somehow friends, it all goes to ordinary Germans only for good.

      In addition, it should be mentioned that all possessions of the British Empire, according to the Charter, signed by Roosevelt and Churchill in 1941, are declared a free trade zone (primarily for the United States). Colonies become unprofitable for the mother country, and it loses them; but, due to increased productivity in the most foggy Albion, the wealth of the British is dramatically increasing.

      …Catalogs are published not mandatory, but «relevant» prices; the state retains reasonable control over what is happening. Banks are shareholders of enterprises, actively manage them (and, of course, do not allow bankruptcy). It is not some abstract liberal «market» that is being built, but a scheme for improving the well-being of the population. Each received by the line of the Marshall Plan a credit dollar brings 10 – 20 dollars of return. Small and medium-sized businesses are becoming the national property, accounting for 70% of all jobs and 57% of GDP. The silence of the ruins gives way to the noise of construction sites. Twelve years after the total collapse of everything, the economy of the FRG is entering the world’s leaders in terms of the pace of development.

      Germany was divided into those consisting of antagonistic blocs, the GDR and the FRG. Thus, she very cleverly avoided paying the indemnity. Allies got intellectual property – patents, films, as well as a lot of unnecessary submarines, ships and military factories. Some equipment that survived after the bombings was dismantled and, so-so, moved. However, the idea of reparations – to receive finished products of established enterprises of the country, or its best-selling currency – was not realized.

      Some activity was shown by Israel, more precisely, formed as a private initiative «Conference of Jewish organizations on presentation of material claims to Germany». Since 1952, 108 billion marks have been allocated to compensate persons of Jewish nationality who survived the fascist regime in the Axis countries now living in Israel or other non-communist countries in order to provide them with adequate rest, decent old age, etc. Of these, in fact, about 70 billion DM (not devalued) are directed to the Promised Land.

      In the mid-1990s, the participants in the Leningrad blockade were equated with the victims of the Holocaust: they received a one-time allowance in 2658 doychmarks.

      The guilt of fascism in modern Germany exists. But, washed by the blood of the USSR, and then by his successor, Russia, they do not want to represent the victim (which they really are) and claim the due right (at least to the military families who died in German captivity). Therefore, the flow of uncalled pity and blessings pours out to millions of refugees from Libya (bombed with the participation of the Bundeswehr Air Force), Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. In fact, the historical accounts of Germany before the republics of the Soviet Union (with the exception of the Baltic and Galicia, which have become almost voluntarily part of the Reich) have not been redeemed.

      War with militaristic Japan

      Japan against the United States. The war in the Pacific

      November 26, 1941, the US, seeing in the ambitions of the Pacific power threat to its security, declare Japan an ultimatum: to leave already almost conquered China, Indonesia and Korea.

      In response, on December 7, 1941, Japanese aviation strikes at the base of the US Navy in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor, «Pearl Harbor», roughly in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). 2400 people are being killed, four battles of the First World War, four destroyers, 188 planes are sinking. Twenty-three submarines and, note, six aircraft carriers, the main strike force of the US Navy, which left shortly before the open ocean, remain intact. Losses of the Japanese side – 29 aircraft, 55 crew members, 9 submariners from five sunken ultra-small submarines. Further, the Japanese bombard the Philippines and begin an invasion of US protectorates: Burma, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, are selected even to Australia. The course of the war in general: the Americans seize the islands near Japanese possessions and build airfields for strategic bombers. So, on March 9, 1945, 300 «flying fortresses» carrying 6 tons of bombs fire a plywood Tokyo with napalm: in the fire, from one hundred to three hundred thousand Japanese perish. In some cases, to warn the civilian population, American planes scatter leaflets.

      The largest, pivotal battle of this war, the confrontation of advanced technology, a kind of Kursk arc on the ocean – the battle of Midway Atoll.

      The Japanese command is expanding the protective perimeter of its islands. American cryptographers hack into the Japanese naval code and find out that the next attack of the Imperial Navy will be made on the US base Midway atoll. The forces of the parties are concentrated at this point.

      Japan – 4 heavy, 2 light aircraft carriers, about 300 planes of deck-based fighter-bomber aviation, 16 seismic reconnaissance planes, 30 large ships (cruisers, battleships, destroyers), the main armament of which is artillery. There is no information on the number of submarines.

      USA – 3 heavy aircraft carriers, 240 decked aircraft, 130 – ground based, 23 combat surface ships of various classes, 16 submarines.

      On the afternoon of June 3, 1942, 9 B-17 bombers strike the first blow. However, the «Flying Fortresses» are more or less suitable for the destruction of targets the size of a European city, and they do not inflict any damage to the transport vessels of the Japanese grouping.

      On the morning of June 4, the attacking group, 108 Japanese aircraft attack the ground American base and inflict significant damage on it. Ten bombers and torpedo bombers of the United States, without fighter cover, have time to fly up to this. They find aircraft carriers of the Land of the Rising Sun, they are trying to attack, but almost all die under the machine-gun fire of the Japanese «Zero».

      Americans are desperately trying to rectify the situation, they are sending to the Japanese fleet all the new waves of «classic» bombers «Boeing B-17», dive-bombers «Windicator» and «Dontless» torpedo bombers «Divasteyor», but time after time they fail. Aircraft either do not find aircraft carriers in the proper place, or they suffer a catastrophe from the fire of antiaircraft guns and enemy fighters. Nevertheless, the pilots show enviable courage… do not leave the line of attack under any circumstances, and this their behavior makes an impression on Fortune.

      On the same hot morning of June 4, the aircraft carriers «Yorktown» and «Enterprise» are sent to fight the remaining dive-bombers «Dontles». Groups of aircraft are divided, lose goals, they are found again – but some reasonable initiative allows to smooth out all these roughnesses. Somehow, the beginning of the attack from a great height, in the conditions of some cloudiness passes unnoticed for the samurai. Anti-aircraft artillery is inactive. The huge Japanese ships are already turning to the wind, to facilitate take-off hundreds of equipped, densely standing on the decks of bombers.

      And, at this very moment, tons of American bombs fall on their decks.

      Carriers «Akagi», «Kaga» and «Soru» get catastrophic damage. According to some information, in one of these ships (information of Americans and Japanese is contradictory) two hours after the attack of aviation produces three torpedoes of the US submarine «Nautilus». Anyway, on the evening of June 4 – the morning