Yerezhipaliev Damir Ildarovich – Head of the Department of Scientific Support of Prosecutorial Supervision and Strengthening of Legality in the field of protection of the rights of minors of the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 1.1, § 1.4 (together with M.L. Ogurtsova), § 2.1, Appendix 2 “Draft Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the protection of the rights of minors”” (together with M.L. Ogurtsova).
Ershov Alexander Alekseevich – postgraduate student of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation – § 2.4.
Zhubrin Roman Vladimirovich – Vice–rector, Director of the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law – introduction, conclusion.
Zakomoldin Ruslan Valerievich – Researcher at the Department of Scientific Support for Prosecutorial Supervision and Strengthening the Rule of law in the field of federal security, Interethnic relations and Countering extremism at the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor – § 4.2 (together with P.V. Agapov).
Zyablina Maria Viktorovna – Head of the Department of Prosecutorial Supervision of the Execution of Federal Legislation and the Participation of the Prosecutor in Civil, Administrative Proceedings and Arbitration Proceedings of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 3.2 (together with E.V. Velikaya).
Kamchatov Kirill Viktorovich – Head of the Department of Scientific Support for Prosecutorial Supervision and Strengthening the Rule of Law in the field of federal security, Interethnic relations and Countering Extremism at the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law – § 3.1 (together with A.L. Aristarkhov).
Mamatov Maxim Vladimirovich – Head of the Department of Scientific Support for the prosecutor’s participation in civil, arbitration and administrative proceedings, proceedings on administrative offenses at the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 2.3 (together with I.A. Maslov).
Maslov Igor Alexandrovich – Senior Researcher at the Department of Scientific Support for the prosecutor’s participation in civil, arbitration and administrative proceedings, proceedings on administrative offenses at the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation – § 2.3 (together with M.V. Mamatov).
Ogurtsova Marina Leonidovna – a leading researcher at the Department of Scientific Support for Prosecutorial Supervision and Strengthening the rule of law in the field of protection of the rights of minors of the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 1.2, § 1.4 (together with D.I. Yerezhipaliev), references, appendix 2 “Draft Federal Law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the protection of the rights of minors”” (together with D.I. Yerezhipaliev).
Primova Elmira Nedjefovna – is a leading researcher at the Department of Scientific Support for International Cooperation of the Prosecutor’s Office and Comparative Law of the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 1.3, § 4.3 (together with T.A. Reshetnikova).
Rastoropova Olga Vladimirovna – Leading Researcher at the Department of Scientific Support for Prosecutorial Supervision and Strengthening the Rule of Law in the field of criminal law regulation, execution of criminal penalties and Other Criminal law Measures of the Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 3.3.
Reshetnikova Tatyana Alexandrovna – Leading Researcher at the Department of Scientific Support for International Cooperation of the Prosecutor’s Office and Comparative Law Law Research Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law – § 4.3 (together with E.N. Primova).
Дети являются важнейшим приоритетом государственной политики Российской Федерации. Внесение поправок[2] в Конституцию Российской Федерации стало импульсом для совершенствования правовой основы защиты прав несовершеннолетних.
В целях реализации масштабных социальных инициатив Президента Российской Федерации В.В. Путина осуществляются своевременные, в том числе экстренные, меры, направленные на поддержку семьи, материнства, отцовства и детства и преодоление новых вызовов и угроз в этой сфере, включая угрозы безопасности (антитеррористической, информационной, продовольственной), снижение уровня жизни семей с детьми, демографические проблемы.
Вместе с тем, несмотря на принимаемые государством меры, которые позволили смягчить последствия небывалого внешнего давления на российскую экономику, финансы, социальную сферу, граждане по-прежнему сталкиваются с административными и бюрократическими барьерами при получении мер социальной поддержки, что свидетельствует о необходимости совершенствования существующего порядка оказания социальной помощи. В условиях низкой рождаемости, которая является угрозой национальной безопасности страны, требуется внедрение дополнительных кардинальных мер, направленных на повышение уровня жизни семей с детьми.
В связи с этим крайне важно выработать надлежащие механизмы защиты прав несовершеннолетних, и особая роль в этой деятельности отведена органам прокуратуры. Прокуроры не только защищают права несовершеннолетних, но и обеспечивают защиту их прав.
Ежегодно прокурорами выявляются свыше 700 тыс. нарушений