“Spiritual hierarchy principle can be tracked within multilevel Universe creation course. Angels are collective beings, which possess their higher ‘selves’, and also their fragment parts, which occupy the 4th level of the Real Universe. Archangels refer to highest divine beings. Notably, that a guardian angel’s duty may be performed by a 3rd level being, and it may deal with less developed human beings. There are so many references to parallel worlds in press on Earth! In reality, each collective being stands for a parallel world. There are not so many Universes, as we see them (there are three of them in total: three-dimensional, multilevel and Absolute ones). Meanwhile, there are infinitely many of parallel worlds, to which there are attributed both plus and minus signs.”
“Minus signed worlds are nothing else than the 1st level of the Real Universe, or just ‘hell’, as you call it on Earth. This level is divided into 9 sub-levels, through which move degraded human beings. Notably, that degradation tops down from 1st to 9th sub-level. But this does not mean, that dead souls would never return to the world of light on the 2nd level of the Real Universe. The thing is that first 8 sub-levels refer to lost souls limbos of a kind. Only the 9th sub-level refers to nearly unrecoverable ones. The lower the morality level and spiritual development of a human being’s soul, which is having criminal propensities, is; the lower its vibrational frequency will be, and so lower level it will occupy. The 1st sub-level of the Real Universe appears to be a chamber of shadows, since disturbance and doomness don’t favor mental images, which stand for the source of light. Notably, that the lower the sub-level is, the darker will be its surrounding reality. The 1st sub-level is not only occupied by morally low human beings, but also by those beings, which were not satisfied by their physical incarnations, when their fear of death and obscurity makes them rush and levels down their vibrational frequency. But this process is controlled by social beings, which calm down these restless like-minded souls and allow them returning back to the correspondent sub-level of the 2nd level of the Real Universe. The supreme bishop of the 1st level of the Real Universe is what you call ‘Prince of Darkness’, same as Lucifer, and same as Satan. Besides, each sub-level is arranged by his servants. You call them ‘devils’ on Earth. Devils are those beings, which cannot forgive anything, and show no mercy. Each devil, in compliance with its mental images, arranges the layout (or scenery) of the correspondent sub-level. This scenery involves devilry, witches, and other things. Consequently, there are as many devils, as there are imaginary parallel worlds of so-called devildom, I mean, there is a myriad of them. They leave their imprints on the Real Universe’s data field. However, as you may guess, the 1st level of the Real Universe lacks the basic light part of the data field, which is laced with kindness and happiness. In reality, the 1st level of the Real Universe is a kind of the filter, and this is its positive role, if we are talking about the evolution of both Universes in total. The point is that so-called ‘hell’ did not exist forever for planet Earth in particular. Each planet, occupied by intelligent creatures, has its own hell, if I may say so. In the course of spiritual evolution the data field of the Real Universe has been expanded with the purpose of cognition of evolutional processes in terms of philosophical categories of the good and the evil on planet Earth. This is how humans’ karma appeared (in your earthborn terminology). Karma stands for ‘mental load’ and possible evolutional systems related to each human being within the data field. What is the antinomy of Lucifer and divine beings of the Real Universe anyway? Being an angel and having achieved the 4th level of the Real Universe, Lucifer denied philosophic concept of the personal ‘self’ spiritual evolution within a collective being.”
“Where is this impartiality as one of the main principle of Universe’s creation?” he asked. “Only self-supporting spiritual evolution of any particular being will ensure qualitative creation of the data field of the Real Universe. Thus, a human being shall individually choose its path within either its spiritual evolution or degradation. Each being stands for its personal god, and each being must get what it deserves.” So, Lucifer denies collective beings, their higher ‘selves’ as a stage of spiritual evolution of human beings. Lucifer does not consider philosophical categories of kindness and impartiality in common; he separates these subjects, and does not consider kindness as the comprehensive principle of Universe creation. From then Lucifer has fallen (this is why he is called ‘fallen’ angel), and his soul’s vibrational frequency has reduced to an extent, that he couldn’t rise higher than the 2nd level of the Real Universe. The struggle between Lucifer and divine beings for the data field of the Real Universe has set in from that time. What a stumbling stone! The one, who will take possession of the data field, and so entire Real Universe, will turn out to be right in the end. Since the data field consists of possible systems of spiritual evolution of every particular human being, it means they fight a life and death battle to retake every soul. This is why cosmic civilizations are so much interested in this struggle. But I have to say, it doesn’t mean that Lucifer encourages criminal within your carnal life plane. Lucifer is a luminous being (his soul’s vibrational frequency still allows him staying on the 2nd level of the Real Universe), and wishing or not he throws light on shadows of the 1st level’s reality. His light makes degraded souls remember kindness and sweets of the worlds of light. This is his positive role, and this is where higher luminous beings sympathize him. The Universe cannot exist without Lucifer, just as Lucifer cannot exist without the Universe. This will had been predetermined by the Absolute. Lucifer mainly occupies the 1st sub-level of the 1st level of the Real Universe. Relative belonging of this corner of the Universe to hell makes this place more attractive within the 1st level. But still Lucifer may visit any lower sub-levels of the 1st level. He just needs to reduce his vibrational frequency, and thus reduce his luminescence. Lucifer can reach any data field of the 1st and 2nd levels of the Real Universe. There is still an argument whether Lucifer and devilry refer to a collective (social) being of a kind or not. Opinion is divided. I deny this. But on the other hand, we can consider Lucifer and devilry as a common being within the data field of the Real Universe. Lucifer is same as hell, and hell is same as Lucifer, as it is believed by most cosmologist philosophers on Earth. Consequently, it logically makes one wonder what the devilry is. A devil is a human being of the 3rd level of the Real Universe, which has been disappointed in its spiritual evolution. First of all, it is a creative personality, possessing stable mental imaging. They believe that divine being’s inhabitation horizons are too inapproachable, and they also deny collective beings’ evolution. Their selfishness and egoism have brought them to the 1st level, while Lucifer is both literally and figuratively their leading light, surrounded by darkness. For this reason they have chance to continue their evolution, and return to the 2nd level.”
“This is a summarized description of ‘after-life’, as you call it on Earth. Earthborn authors have written thousands of books on this subject. There is both true and falsehood in these books. Notably, that those authors seem to compete with each other in their creation of sophisticated philosophic concepts, which are hard even for educated people understanding. They work on the principle: the more difficult and confusing their texts are, the more their books will lay claim for scientific character. Of course, there is no doubt that every philosophic concept has its right to exist; besides, truth is born in an argument after all. Later we will review the principles of the multi-level Real Universe’s creation in terms of higher philosophic degree. This will allow you dedicating the whole chapters of your future book to this subject! But that’s another story. Now it is important to understand, what stands for the data field of the Real Universe, and what role it performs in the course of human beings’ evolution. As we are on the 2nd level of the Real Universe now, we are literally within the data field. You might ask whether human being’s fate is predetermined or not. There is only one answer: yes, it is! Considering a human’s willpower, the data field accommodates the possible behavior modes, as well as the main life line. These life lines are formed by collective