The alien visitor's revelation. Александр Александрович Воробьёв. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Александр Александрович Воробьёв
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2014
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the Real Universe. It is exactly collective beings’ duty to form main and possible life lines for every human being. Same collective beings arrange the sceneries (layouts) of the correspondent sub-levels, occupied by personal ‘selves’ after their physical death. All this is achieved, based on steady mental images of a collective ‘self’, and its creative potential. Any personal ‘self’, which is a fragment of a collective ‘self’, may act as a guardian angel in relation to a selected human being. If necessary, a guardian angel may become materialized within the carnal plane of life, by means of reducing of its vibrational frequency. Do dead people’s souls see the three-dimensional reality? Yes, they do, but they can see it under certain vibrational frequency. The lower the sub-level occupied by a soul is, the better it will see the three-dimensional reality. Astral form of soul existence is nothing more than the 2nd level of the Real Universe. Unresolved material issues and desire to possess material values make a soul reduce its vibrational frequency, and manifest in the three-dimensional reality in its previous appearance. The most typical astral level is the 3rd sub-level. Astral beings manifest in the carnal plane of life exactly through this sub-level. So, in order that human beings of the 7th sub-level manifest in the carnal plane of life, they need at least to reduce their vibrational frequency up to the one, corresponding to the 3rd sub-level. How does it work? This process is only performed due to the internal state of a soul. A yen of bereaved families and unresolved issues make a soul reduce its vibrational frequency to that exactly extent, that it may see the three-dimensional reality, and it also can be seen by observers on Earth. As for higher degrees of spiritual development, the three-dimensional reality will remain unseen for a human being. However, those higher beings, which have access to the data field of Earth, may get to learn everything about what’s happening on Earth. They don’t need to incarnate in the three-dimensional reality, since their spiritual evolution on Earth has been finished. If necessary, such a being may reduce its vibrational frequency to reach the level of an astral body or even a human being, in order to influence human race evolution. This is the case, where artificial physical bodies may be required. And this is what we, Oregonians, apply in practice.

      Will a being continue its spiritual development within the Real Universe? Yes, of course it will. But the starting point will be the 3rd sub-level of the 2nd level. The first two sub-levels act as a metaphysical bridge for future incarnations of a being. Having reached these levels, a being is put into sleepy state, which is achieved by temperature lowering. There are special storage units, located on the Moon to perform this function. Dead human beings’ souls are stored inside special chamber compartments, located 20.5 miles underground. Spiritual development shall correspond to the 1st and 2nd sub-levels of the 2nd level of the Real Universe. Each zone of this underground storage unit is controlled by a particular collective being, and its fragments. Once there is a free newborn body, it is the time to activate the karma law, and further reincarnate a human being. As a rule, human beings reincarnate within the same social and economic environment, which had been surrounding that being before its physical death. This is the reason, why souls don’t stay in these lunar storage units for long time. The beings of the 3rd sub-level and higher may proceed with their spiritual development within the condition of the Real Universe. A being is permitted to learn about its previous carnations experience, and lay out the further ways of its spiritual development in the carnal plane of life. It gets itself acquainted with the main life line, and further lessons on the basis of the evolutional karma law. As a rule, no being will experience discomfortб or protest against its ongoing incarnation, because it understands the necessity of such lessons in its future spiritual evolution. While resting in peace within the reality, created by a collective being, a human being will learn how to create its stable mental images, and surround itself with the panorama, which shall correspond to its internal state. These are the seedlings of souls’ creativity, and they are assisted by their guardian angels. In the end it influences formation of human being’s life line in the course of its future incarnation in the physical plane of life. This is a short summary of human souls’ spiritual evolution.”

      “It has to be noted here, that evolution of intelligent beings within other planetary systems of the three-dimensional Universe is following the same way. The common data field will be formed thereby. This is how parallel worlds use to appear, with all similarities and differences between spiritual evolutions of intelligent beings. Having reached the 5th level of spiritual evolution and higher, a planetary civilization may assist other planetary civilizations, and their spiritual development. In this case assisting civilizations will be treated as gods, since they determine the reference points of spiritual evolution of beings, and forward them towards kindness and harmony. Is any given religious concept useful, in the strategic terms of the human race’s evolution, initiated on Earth by more spiritually developed cosmic civilization?”

      “No doubt, it is! The religion, that pushes a personality to its harmonic development, is not considered interference in the inner processes of the human race’s evolution, and it does not violate the laws of creation. Every developed cosmic civilization is aware of playing conditions, if I explain it using your earthborn language. At the moment the human race’s evolution is governed by Oregonians. We have created the main religions, presented on Earth. Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Allah are the luminous beings of the 6th level of the Real Universe. Their religious companions refer to the beings, which ‘took the lead’ in spiritual evolution of Oregonians. We treat them as masters, who were the first Oregonians to reveal the laws of creation, and the purpose of evolution within the Real Universe. Luminous beings spread kindness, sympathy, and desire for knowledge and creativity to each planet inhabitants they visit. Entire human race, as well as every soul, is subject to luminous beings’ attention. Each human soul is invisibly supported in the course of its spiritual evolution. The seedlings of kindness and sympathy support life power of a divine ‘self’, which is the character of a human soul. No soul is abandoned to its fate; guardian angels and collective beings will not let it get lost in the darkness of outer space. They will guide a soul towards a collective ‘self’.”

      “But now, let’s revert to our journey to the 7th sub-level of the 2nd level of the Real Universe. As I already told you before, the framework of this area was formed based on mental images of a collective being. The surroundings exist right there and then beyond time and three-dimensional space. Is there any three-dimensional matter and distance between the objects, provided that nothing here can be measured in terms of time? Yes. But note that the distance between the objects is rather referential here. You are used to think about the distance if you see a road. However, any distance in this reality is just an illusion, based on your mental imagination. Now you can see three clouds over there, as they are slowly going along the road. These are dead people’s souls. It only takes our desire to come up with them.”

      Indeed. Suddenly, we found ourselves standing next to them. They were a man and a woman, holding their hands. They were walking ahead. At the rear, I saw a young woman, who was looking around. She looked frightened.

      “Alex, my friend!” said Anna. “When you were looking at them from afar, you thought they were just white clouds, but once I told you they were dead people souls, you wished to see them. Following your mental images, the data field has shown you how they looked like, before they’d passed away. However, this stable image becomes stronger by the efforts of dead souls themselves, when they become aware they were people after their physical death. Thus, you will see those images of human beings, as they would represent by themselves. Look, the two, who are walking ahead, are people from a Nordic country. They died in a road accident. And this young lady is a teacher from one of the Mediterranean countries; she died from a snake bite. She has not yet overcome her fear, despite her soul’s vibrations are brought in order by this world of rest and peace. Sometimes she is asking herself whether there are snakes hiding in the surrounding grass.”

      Suddenly, the young lady screamed, then rushed to me, and cuddled up to me. I felt her body was quite material, and it was hardly different from the one within the physical reality. I hugged her shoulders, and tried to quiet her down. To be fair, I was frightened as well, as I saw the grass quivering near the road, as if it was hiding a lurking snake. Anna stooped and picked up a little fluffy rabbit. It had pink beady eyes. The rabbit was so little, that it fitted in Anna’s palm. Anna gave the