Cказки Призраков. Tales of Ghosts. Премия им. Эдгара По / Edgar Poe Award (Билингва: Rus/Eng). Александра Крючкова. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Александра Крючкова
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005925206
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теперь он является мне по ночам – призраком… Ты веришь в призраков?

      – Твоя канарейка умерла?

      Артём кивнул и шепнул Светлане на ухо:

      – Беги от денег прочь. Я потрачу их все, чтобы они не испортили моих детей и не достались жене!

      – Что ты такое говоришь?! – воскликнула Светлана, отшатнувшись от него в ужасе и подумав: как же хорошо, что их пути разошлись!

      – Да, наши пути разошлись, – будто читая её мысли, произнёс Артём. – И в прошлое невозможно вернуться, потому что в него не нужно возвращаться… Но, кто знает, если бы ты не ушла от меня тогда, возможно, сейчас на моём месте оказалась бы ты…

21 сентября 1995

      9. A canary

      Svetlana hadn’t been there for ten years, but she went to her old friend’s party with a light heart and absolute peace of mind. It was only out of simple female curiosity that she wanted to have a look at Artyom, what if he still lived there and was at home.

      He worked for a commercial company then. At first, everything was great, they had clothes and food exclusively from luxury supermarkets, the most prestigious car, and not a dacha, but a palace. However, soon a bottomless void appeared in Svetlana’s soul, and she felt lonely. She loved her husband, who used to leave early in the morning and return at night, because of meetings, negotiations, friends, partners, clients and business trips, and she missed his attention, care and, probably, love. Repeatedly and in vain, Svetlana asked to devote more time to her.

      «You don’t understand anything, money rules the world!» Artyom used to say, and nothing changed.

      One day Svetlana left him for nowhere, but quickly enough she got a good job, began to earn decent money and to live no worse than before. She stopped being sad, soon got married again and gave birth to charming twins. However, at some point, she caught herself thinking that she no longer cared what time her second husband came home, whether he devoted free time to her or not. Negotiations? Okay. Business trip? Okay as well.

      They had money, that really managed everything.

      «Just think about it! I became an ideal woman for Artyom,» Svetlana came to the conclusion, passing by his doorway, and noticed light in the familiar window…

      Artyom opened the door.

      «Wow! What way?!» he said in surprise. «I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Come in!»

      Svetlana entered the room and looked around appraising. Everything was the same: luxury brand furniture, paintings by cool artists… Although… in a cage on the table by the window she noticed a small bird.

      «I bought the canary not to feel lonely,» Artyom admitted.

      «Aren’t you married?»

      «Can’t married people feel lonely? My wife with kids enjoy the Canary Islands every summer. And how are you? I hope your new husband spends more time with you than I did.»

      «No, imagine. I don’t need that anymore. I don’t ask him to come home early so that we spend our free time together… I became what you wanted me to be ten years ago.»

      «What time makes of us! Back then, I thought you were too demanding. I wanted freedom. I suppose I didn’t know to love true yet. My second wife is ready to live without me for her own comfort. Now I wish she asked me, like you, to come home early, to walk with her in the park and go to the theater, but money is the only thing she is interested in… So life made me understand how much I had been mistaken… I would pay much to return to the past and bring you back.»

      «One can’t return to the past because one doesn’t have to return.»

      «So, you couldn’t fall in love with me again, could you?!»

      «I have to go.»

      They said goodbye and disappeared from each other’s lives again.


      Six months later Svetlana found herself in those places once more, already for business.

      Having parked the car, she went straight to the office building for a business meeting, not knowing yet that it would end suddenly and simultaneously with the breath of her life, according to the decision of the Judges to transfer Svetlana’s soul in Heaven by thromboembolism. Chances to change destiny in order to remain on Earth are not always given to people in unlimited quantities, sometimes it even seems unfair that, for example, a worthless drunkard lives to a ripe old age, while an admirable business woman is recalled prematurely.

      Passing by a liquor store, crowded with not quite sober people, Svetlana noticed the gaze of an unattractive man.

      «Hello,» said Artyom, approaching her staggeringly.

      «I didn’t expect to see you… here! What’s happened?»

      «My canary’s damn dead,» he muttered.

      «Who is dead?» Svetlana asked to clarify the unheard.

      «My last friend… He used to wait for my returns home from work… He tweeted something in his own language… And… he died, unable to live in our damn family! Now my friend visits me at night. As a ghost… Do you believe in ghosts?»

      «Do you mean your canary?» Svetlana asked again, and Artyom nodded.

      «Run away from money!» he whispered in her ear. «I’m going to spend all I have not to spoil my children!»

      «What are you talking about?!» Svetlana exclaimed, recoiling from him in horror and thinking, «What a blessing our paths diverged!»

      «Yes, our paths diverged,» said Artyom as if reading her thoughts. «One can’t return to the past because one doesn’t have to return… However, who knows, if you hadn’t left me then, perhaps it would have been you walking in my shoes now…»

September 21, 1995

      10. Кошачье имя

      У неё было кошачье имя, которое не выговорить ни одной собаке, но она никогда не пахла кошкой, поэтому я не желал ей зла. Я запомнил её хорошенькой: добрые собачьи глаза и тёмная шёрстка… то есть, простите, волосы. Если считать, как считают люди, лет ей