A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119692614
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the sense that the proper location gives place to appropriation, to making the lands one’s own by means of knowledge (Rabasa, 1993).

      Too much has been said on how mistaken Columbus was when he spoke of having arrived at Asia. There is clearly a blind spot in his descriptions of the new lands, but blindness and the violence that it introduces continue to haunt us all even today. In denouncing violence we must remain vigilant of treading blindly. That is, unless we want to claim that our generation has finally overcome all blind spots. If it is the case that Columbus died with the conviction that he had arrived at what medieval maps had charted at the farthest regions of the East, we still need to observe that he always imagines himself in the vicinity of Cathay (China) and Cipango (Japan), never fully there, and that along with the intent of reaching China and Japan, his voyage was circumscribed by the project of incorporating into the Spanish crown all the islands and mainland he would discover. When not identified with Asia, these new lands, which Columbus imagined on the borderlands of those thriving mercantile centers that Marco Polo had described in his Il Milione, were imagined in terms that connected them to the conquest of the Canary Islands.

      In Columbus’s writing the description of idyllic lands that he often associates with Terrestrial Paradise (a centerpiece for claiming their newness and ideologically binding his journey and persona to a prophetic tradition) morphs into a systematic inventory of natural resources and a projection of mines, sawmills, and harbors. Here I should remind the reader that the Diario as it has come down to us is a summary by Bartolomé de Las Casas, with the exception of passages in which he quotes, or at least creates the semblance of giving us Columbus’s voice. The passages I will cite from the entry corresponding to Sunday, November 25, 1492 are in the summary version of Las Casas, hence in the third person. I will lay out four moments in the process of exploring and discovering (as in uncovering).

      Writing that Conquers

      In 1511, Fray Antonio de Montesinos delivered a sermon in Santo Domingo in which he exposed the atrocities and condemned those responsible as living under mortal sin. This denunciation led to an ideological crisis that led to the drafting of the Laws of Burgos. In essence, these laws sought to establish criteria for determining when Indians could be subjected to war and, as a consequence, enslaved. The Laws of Burgos gained further solidity when the jurist Juan López Palacios Rubio wrote a legal instrument known as the Requerimiento. The Requerimiento, perhaps, constitutes the purest expression of writing that conquers (Rabasa, 2000: 67—72, 88—94, and passim). After narrating the history of the world from the creation of the earth to the universal rule granted to St. Peter, the first pope, the Requerimiento goes on to explain that a most recent pope had granted sovereignty of the New World to the Spanish crown, and that Indians had the choice of either recognizing Spanish sovereignty over their territories or being subjected to war and slavery. It also points out that those who have accepted Spanish rule live happy and prosperous lives. This document became a standard in the establishment of first contact after 1514 when Pedrarias Davila first read it in the Castilla del Oro. From the start the Requerimiento was cast as a cynical attempt to justify violence; the impossibility of conveying its meaning to a people whose language was unknown was one of the concerns, but also the absurd situation in which it was reputedly read several miles off the coast to people who, for practical purposes, could not have heard it, let alone understood its implications if they did not welcome the invading Spaniards.

      The Requerimiento plays a fundamental role in Hernán Cortés’s Second Letter to Charles V. Having committed mutiny by refusing to follow the instructions of the Governor of Cuba Diego Velasquez, Cortés constantly draws from the Requerimiento to establish the legality of his conquering expedition into the hinterland of Mexico to subdue Motecuzoma in Tenochtitlan:

      And, trusting in God’s greatness and in the might of your Highness’s Royal name, I decided to go and see him wherever he might be. Indeed, I remember that, with respect to the quest of this lord, I undertook more than I was able, for I assured Your Highness that I would take him alive in chains or make him subject to Your Majesty’s Royal Crown. (Cortés, 1986: 50)