Quit Quitting Smoking. Nelli Davydova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nelli Davydova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005641137
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uitting Smoking

      Nelli Davydova

      © Nelli Davydova, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0056-4113-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      About the Author

      My dear reader, thank you for taking time to read this book.

      Let me introduce myself. My name is Nelli Davydova, and it will be complicated to define what I do in just one particular word. I’m a researcher, and at the same time, the subject of my research. This is how I live: I learn about myself as a divine being by looking at the world around me as my continuation and people as my reflection.

      The irony is that to dig deep inside myself, I need to interact with the world, with you, which is also Me. Therefore, I deliver the knowledge through you back to myself. It multiplies and expands me.

      I have a blog where I share my vision of the way I see the world. I can say it out loud that I’ve already helped tens of thousands of people to solve their problems in various spheres of their life by changing their thinking. The number of positive feedback on my channel will soon hit a little over twenty-five thousand.

      I’m sincerely grateful to have you. We exist. And our existence is the best thing that could ever happen to this world. We make it beautiful.

      Thank you and mentally hug you.

      Quit Quitting Smoking

      Even without knowing you, I already deeply respect you for your interest in reading this hacker-book to start a new life. You have made your decision. And I can assure you, this is a good enough reason to become a non-smoker. Yes, your decision is already triggering a series of events that will make you quit.

      After reading the book till the end, you will say to yourself, «Finally! I’m a non-smoker. I’m free.» You will be praising yourself. And the most extraordinary thing is that you will be saying it without any of my recommendations or having your mind set on it. You will do it just because you want to.

      You might lightly slap yourself on the forehead and say, «I’m such a fool! Why did I smoke? What was the point? Now I’m finally free.» It will come directly from your heart, and you will make the decision by yourself. I will just draw your attention to a few things that, in reality, are strange and stereotyped misconceptions about smoking.

      I even chose the title «Quit Quitting Smoking» so that you can make your choice and put a comma anywhere you want after reading this book. For now, you can even enjoy a cigarette and read the book at the same time. We don’t need to quit smoking at all. Not now or later, you will not have to give anything up at all. Your reality will simply change and you will become a non-smoking person. Everything is very simple. There are no difficulties at all. Our minds continually give us a million reasons why it’s difficult. Don’t trust it. When we figure it out, you will understand why.

      Also, it doesn’t actually matter what you smoke: vapes, electronic cigarettes, regular cigarettes, tobacco heaters, weed. It makes no difference. This book will help you understand why you have such addictions, why you keep smoking, and that all of the addictions are of similar nature. And using the method I suggest, you can deal with any addiction: food, alcohol, drugs.

      There are far more opportunities that this method entails. They are much greater than they seem at first glance, because this book is not just about smoking. It turned out to be a multipurpose book. It covers a wide array of matters. I like to kill several birds with one stone. Even non-smokers, after reading it, will understand how many addictions there are in our life that we tend to lean on just like on crutches. But these «crutches» only slow down our movement towards a fulfilling life in all areas: finance, personal relationships, health, hobbies.

      Similar to the smokers’ fears, you can gradually deal with issues in other spheres of your life. By removing the fears we have created in our minds, we change our reality quickly and painlessly. There is a strong, proven correlation between the inner world and the outside one. Many of my subscribers and friends apply these principles to solve their problematic issues. Also, thousands of positive reviews prove this. Check and see for yourself how well these rules work.

      Are You Ready To Become A Non-Smoker And Free?

      «Oh, I still think about it…”. Perhaps the thought will slip through your mind. «I don’t know yet whether I want to quit or not.»

      Stop it! Stop it. It’s our «fear» talking. The fear of losing something. But when you realize that, in fact, we don’t lose anything, and as a bonus, we gain, then all your doubts will disappear. In addition to that, we will dispel the greatest delusions of our minds: the delusions of «I want to smoke» and «I like smoking.»

      So, stop doubting for at least a couple of hours while reading the book. You will agree that if you keep «Quit Quitting Smoking» in your hands, it means that you’re ready to quit smoking. Am I right? I can hear your «yes» answer. Nod your head at least once. Otherwise, what is the point in reading it?

      By the way, before publishing the book, I formed a focus group of people who had agreed to try quitting with the help of this book. The group was very diverse. Some had already tried to quit smoking multiple times before. Others had only recently decided to quit but had not yet attempted to, having held a strong belief that they could do it any time they wanted. There were also actively resisting ones. For example, my relatives and friends declared that they would not quit smoking under any circumstances because they love it and are quite satisfied with their life as it is.

      What did I do? I just smiled and slipped them my drafts. My argument was: «Just read it; you don’t have to quit straight away. I need to know your opinion in order to improve the impact of this book. The feedback will help me better understand smokers and identify more stereotyped beliefs about smoking that I will challenge. You don’t have to quit smoking. No pressure, just help me.» I certainly achieved my goal thanks to this trick. I did it for their own good and for the good of all future readers.

      The years of smoking among focus group participants varied from 5 to 45. I got the picture: it doesn’t matter how many cigarettes per day you smoke or what your smoking history is. Gender and age don’t play any role either. The only reason you want to smoke is because you have been brainwashed. And you’re blind to see it. Or maybe you want to quit, but somehow you can’t do it. You have tried many times, but have not achieved anything apart from a feeling of despair. It’s possible to get through to everyone and make him or her forever free and happy. It works on everyone.

      I will tell you this: you will need to reflect on each word in each sentence and thoroughly digest the information to inevitably become free from this addiction forever. No willpower will be needed. I promise you will neither suffer nor experience negative emotions or cravings.

      Just read what the participants of the experiment wrote about the book. I will not publish all their comments here. If you decide to have a look at what other smokers have gone through, you can find the reviews on my channel. Here is some participants’ feedback with the author’s style fully intact:

      «I’ve been thinking about quitting smoking for a long time, but I kept putting it off: there’s no time, there’s already a lot of stress. I thought quitting would increase the stress. So I was comforting myself and, as it turned out, I was fooling myself. After all, the right moment may never come. By chance, I saw an advertisement for the book „Quit Quitting Smoking“ by my favorite coach, Nelli Davydova. It hit me. The time has come. Nelli has analyzed our fears and thinking patterns, why we hold on to them, and what benefits we get from them. Throughout the entire book, I kept smiling and being surprised at how simple everything was. Of course, after reading the book, I didn’t immediately forget about cigarettes. I had some minor cravings, but the tips from the book have come in handy. I managed to reduce stress and take my mind off them. A few days after the last cigarette I ever smoked, I was