The stars look quiet tonight. Gertrud Tõrra. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gertrud Tõrra
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005634382
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there wasn’t that sociable or just busy like her aunt. The area itself is quite close to the city. It is a secluded place, but the never ending passing cars on the highway make it rather loud. Jay raised her head as she heard the sound of the bus coming. It soon stopped in front of her and opened the doors. She stepped on to the bus and held her bus card up to the validator. As soon as it registrated she walked to the back of the bus and sat in a window seat. The bus doors closed.

      The city was unusually busy. It seemed a little too hectic for Jay who had gotten used to the peace and quiet back at home. The city buildings looked smaller than they were last spring. Despite the lively city life, the bus was almost completly empty. Jay brought her knee up to her chin and put her leg down on to the seat. She rested her head on the bus window and looked out. Endless cars drove by the bus while it was stuck in traffic. ««How nice if it would be stuck in traffic forever’’ that tought quickly went through Jays brain.

      For some students the first day of school is a happy day. They get to see their classmates and friends that they haven’t made contact with during the summer, make new memories or generally just study. In Jay’s mind things looked different than that. School was not a great place for her. Gossiping students, demanding teachers and that last category. The worst category that only grew in numbers with time. School is a place for both hope and hopelessness. That’s at least what Jay thinks and believes. The bus started moving again. It didn’t take long from there to get to school. At this point there is no turning back. For Jay it is her last year in high school. Her wish right now, walking in from the school gate, is that all the students from her grade would only think about studying hard to finish school with good grades. You never know what this year will bring and how people have changed. But for the people in that category, change is a foreign thing. A school bag hit Jay’s face as soon as she stepped in from the gate. She had to take a step back to not lose her balance. «„Hey porter! Aren’t you going to pick up the bag?“» a male voice yelled. Jay picked up the bag without looking at the speaker. A few other students that were behind the boy snickered. Just like Jay thought. That category, bullies, really don’t change. The boy walked closer to her with others following right behind. «„Guess the dog still knows who its master is,“» he stopped before Jay. A boy, much taller than her, with short dirty blonde hair and a face covered in plasters. «„How interesting! We are in the same class again this year. This must be fate, isn’t it!“» he gave the girl a friendly smack to the shoulder. Jay didn’t react much and continued to stare at the ground. «„Hah!?“» the boy drew his face closer. «„You should look at someone when they are talking to you!“» he waved his hand infront of her face. Jay held the bag in her hands tighter, but still inverted her gaze. The boy grinded his teeth and grabbed her face with the hand he had been waving with. He pulled her chin up making it harder for Jay to avoid him.

      «„Dirk! What are you up to again!“» someone shouted from the school entrance with a furious voice. The boy let go of Jay and turned his head to see who had bothered him. It was the boys PE teacher. A middle aged man who was considered too energetic for his age. Some of the students that were gathered in the group behind Dirk quickly walked away. Dirk grabbed his bag from Jay and walked off with a pissed off look on his face. The girl let out a sigh of relief. Most of the students had already entered the school building. This was more or less how Jay imagined her first day of school to go. At least she hoped to be in a different class, but luck truly wasn’t at her side. She looked up at the building. It also somehow seemed smaller than it was last spring. The school yard slowly became emptier and emptier until Jay was the only student there. «„Guess I’ll go in too,“» she started running to make it to the school ceremony on time. The assembly hall was filled with students. It took some time for her to find her class and start making her way through the people. The principal tapped on to the microphone «„It’s good to see you all again!“» Jay finally made it through the crowd of underaged people. Some of the students continued to talk and ignored the principals presence. Unbothered he carried on with his speech. «„Summer break is over and it’s time to get your young brains back into studying. Some people have just stepped into the world of middle school and some are ending that this year. I hope that everyone here will have a great year and study hard. Last year we had great results in many international olympiads. I hope I’m not going to be disappointed this year either. Now I would like to proceed with a nice poem I found while reading during summer,“» students started to fidget and many complained about their legs starting to hurt from standing. «„I really don’t like that old man. Who cares if he will be disappointed or not. Last year was awful for me, because I had to be the only one studying extra for all those pointless olympiads. Well mabye those accomplishments will be good in the long run, but he has no right saying that. It’s not like he did anything,“» Jay lightly frowned, but then quickly lightened her expression thinking about why she even cared about that so much. The poem was very long and boring. Everybody listening knew that the poem was probably some random one he found right before the ceremony. The principal wasn’t exactly the reading type. Jay stopped paying attention to the speech and looked around the hall. It wasn’t necessarily a place she liked. The principal talked for a really long time. Even the teachers started to yawn. Some looked like they were having a battle against whether to fall asleep or pay attention. When he finally ended the ceremony, everyone rushed out. Jay was one of the last to leave the assembly hall. There wasn’t much left to do, besides getting the new school books for the year, but that can wait. The library is rather small, so not many students can fit in there at the same time anyway. Jay walked around the familiar corridors, that were unusually empty. She made her way to a small window and looked out. The view opened to the front of the school. All the students that were done with their business were going back home. Dirk’s group was hanging out by the side of the yard. Laughing and kicking each other without a care in the world. She knew, that if she goes out now, she will most likely be caught by them. Becoming a plaything while Luna was home had to be reduced as much as possible. If she were to go out now, she would end up crossing paths with people she rather wishes not to meet.

      The sky still looked bright as ever. Only the tree leaves that were moving around because of a light breeze, were slightly losing their bright green color. Though there wasn’t any feeling of a great fall starting as most things were still stuck in summer. She rested her elbows on the windowsill and stared blankly at the leaving people. «Lucky bastards» was the only thing that came into her mind. «„Maybe next year, when middle school ends can I go home like them. Without any worries, only stupid dreams that will probably never come true, but you never know, maybe those lucky bastards have some immense luck.“» Jay’s dream was simple. Just to get into a top university. Somewhere nice and quiet where all the students were big nerds, only thinking about studying. Not like she wasn’t a nerd herself. There was also another reason. It bugged her, but she still thought about it often. The reason was simple, she can’t live with her aunt her whole life. She needs to become independent and strong. Someone who can buy her own house and make her own money. Like those adults that were picking up their kids outside at the moment. She laughed a little and buried her face in her arms. «„I guess even I have some stupid dreams.“» Most of the students had already left, and only a number of them were still waiting. Even Dirk’s group didn’t have enough patience to wait in school and they also slowly walked out of the gate. Jay looked relieved. Her morning paleness could no longer be seen as the sun shined on her face. «„At last, they left.“»

      Chapter 2

      Jay straightened her back and turned around to also get going. She managed to make a few steps down the corridor when suddenly the ground started slightly shaking. Jay’s eyes opened a little wider. Those sensations were definitely not an earthquake. They spread around the hallway. Through the walls and even making the class windows shake, even if you couldn’t see that with your eyes. That tingling sensation also spread all over her skin and into her wrists. It felt like her heart made a few louder beats. It was a feeling Jay had never felt before. She stopped and tried to find where it was coming from. She looked at the ground while trying to catch a quiet sound from the center of those vibrations. It was a little