The Revenge Of The Hitmons. Ludwig Böhm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ludwig Böhm
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783745038705
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"I think it was just a misfire," Kimo said. "This can happen once."

       "But not on all four rockets," Gordon replied.

       "Why not?" Came his counselor. "Everything is possible. One thing is certain for me: nobody has turned it. "

       Meanwhile the fight continued in the arena. Paul sent Zuli to the arena. Tom guessed what his opponent was up to. At that time Tom had won because he had used Rauruk. But now his opponent sent Zuli. Tom sent Tutu to the arena.

       It made a huge "Rumms ..." and already hit the hitmons. Tutu had turned into a Zuli. Tutu was thrown back, while the strong, stronger Zuli remained triumphantly in the air. But Tutu had caught up again and attacked again. But as hard as it was, Tutu remained the stronger Hitmon and hit as often until Zuli was exhausted.

       As a challenger, Tom was allowed to exchange his Hitmon. So he chose Rauruk again. The famous Hitmon was enthusiastic and jumped into the ring.

       Tutu also took Rauruk's shape and hurried toward his opponent. As if on command, they sprang up and thrown their thunderbolt attacks against each other. Rauruk jerked off while Tutu grabbed the full load. But it did not show the slightest reaction and jumped to Rauruk. A powerful blow to the head, and his opponent was completely dazed. Immediately Tom shouted back his hitmon, but it did not react, rattled himself up again and jumped into the air again.

       "Go on, Rauruk," Tom shouted. "Do not give up!"

      Tutu had known this and wanted to be in the air as well, but Rauruk whispered to his opponent and drilled his teeth into his body. Tutu shrieked, trembling like an aspen run, and sank to the floor with a swoon.

       It lay motionless. Paul withdrew his hitmon. As an Arenaleiter he could not exchange Hitmon and had to be defeated. It was clear. Tom was the winner.

       "Tom Bailey won!" A voice sounded from the loudspeakers. "He is also the Hitmons champion with 42 hitmons undisputed!"

       Tom jumped with joy. His friends stormed at once, conspiring with congratulations. At that moment, Professor Tracy approached him. He knew Tom would join this tournament, but he did not make it in time. He ran toward the boy and said,

       "All right. The missiles have already flown into space. Until they go up, they have long since passed the lunar orbit. You really did a great job. "

       Everyone rejoiced.

       "Then you could just make a triple party," Maggie said.

       At that moment, Paul appeared. Tom was only thinking that he wanted to take this revenge, but he said,

       "Congratulations, Tom. You are now the new Arenaleiter. Get the contract from the referees what you have to do next year. "

       "I'll do it," Tom promised. "Thank you Paul."

       Shortly thereafter, everyone from the arena marched. Tom held his rauruk in his arm. They all shone over their faces, circling Tom and congratulating him on his victory, because he had finally done what he had been training for over a year.

       From his friends and many hitmons, he strutted through the streets. Rauruk stomped with joy with his little paws and with his sweet voice always called his motto "Huki, Huki" into the crowd. His blue cheeks had become even more blue, and his little eyes sparkled like rare aquamarines. It was not to be overlooked how happy Rauruk was.

      The other hitmons joined him and shouted at him out of bodywork.

       A few kilometers away in a castle-like building, a huge monitor ran along the wall, where the scene outside was closely followed with Tom and his companions. In the middle of the large room stood a giant armchair, on which sat the gold-blonded Martin Gordon. He was very close to his goal of taking over the world power, when Tom came and destroyed everything, because only by reprogramming the rockets was it possible to suppress Gordon at all.

       With disgust and hatred for Tom, Gordon watched the scene outside. While the monitor was still running, he muttered,

      "I only owe this to the villain that I have to start over again. Had never guessed that he would crack the codes. But I will give him a lesson that he will not soon forget. "

       "Why do not we eliminate him?" Asked his advisor Kimo, who was standing next to him. "That would be quick and easy!"

       "Quick and easy," Gordon repeated. "Quick and easy!" He switched the monitor quietly with his remote control and continued:

       "You can quickly and easily switch off a device, make a phone call, prepare food, write a letter ... no, no."

       He rose from his chair and thought. Then he said,

       "The two are smart and prepared for everything. No matter what kind of weapon you're targeting. Tom reacts lightning fast, is as alert and nimble as a weasel. Did you see his eyes? This can not be distracted even now. Apart from this, do not forget Rauruk. When this beast first gets his rage, he can lash my whole system with his teeth and keep an army at bay. No! Violence is not a solution. Besides, the police would come to me immediately, because who would be so stupid to get rid of the two? They are much too popular, and they have saved the earth. There would be no reason for anyone to get rid of them, apart from me. There would be a possibility, however, without someone coming to me. "

       "But I do not understand," Kimo said. "I said earlier that no one could have been there. Why are you so convinced that Tom was there? The dogs would have had to track him. "

       "I'm sure they were here," Gordon whispered.

       "Maybe you let your lightning flash on the two," Kimo burst out. "This could be camouflaged as an accident!"

       "It will not work," Gordon replied. "Rauruk has a kind of umbrella and can turn off all the lightning from himself and Tom. All magic does not help. But that brings me to an idea. If I can get the two to a different place, the world will be more likely to be looking for them. "

       "And what good is that for?" Kimo asked. "I'd just eliminate them. Why do you want to do so much work for guys who are not worth it? "

       "Because I know how to win," Gordon replied calmly. "What do you think I've never lost?"

       "So, suppose you want to send the two to another country," Kimo muttered. "What were you thinking of?"

       Gordon went to a large earth map and said:

       "I've thought about some place in Europe. Maybe I could put them in another time, but it's not that simple. Another place would suffice. This also provides me with the necessary time to rebuild my power. Out of sight, out of mind, as it is so beautiful. And they will not even have the money to come back again, I bet. I'll prepare everything. "

      Meanwhile, Tom and Rauruk were still running through the streets. Tom's friends wanted to celebrate a party in the evening, but no one could guess that it would not come so far.

       Gordon had already prepared everything with his technique. Now it was about activating the transmitter to send Tom and Rauruk to Europe.

       Gordon switched on the set and the first flashes were shown. He murmured some incomprehensible words, and the lightnings piled up.

       Meanwhile, the others celebrated Tom's victory. He cried:

       "At last I have achieved what I wanted to achieve! I thank you all, that I have come so far. And Rauruk has fought excellently. Because of that, I am now at the top. The title takes me so quickly no more. "

       "Will you be back next year?" Calvin asked.

       "I have to," Tom explained. "I am now the new Arenaleiter. Next year, Rauruk will sweep everyone else off the pitch. I know that."

       In the meantime white swirls appeared. Tom and Rauruk had noticed. A white swirl surrounded her, and before they realized they had disappeared.

       The fright that spread among the others mocked every description.

       "Oh, God, they are hit by lightning."

       "But there is no ashes there. Besides, we have blue skies. There must have been something else. "

       "Come on, we must look for her."

       But they did not know where to look. The kids and the hitmons screamed for the best