The Revenge Of The Hitmons. Ludwig Böhm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ludwig Böhm
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783745038705
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      When the new experiment with the Kraken was finished, the creature grew in the glass. But then Dr. Kiviat, that they were two Krakenwesen. How had that happened?

       Hardly anyone could imagine what was going on in the Professor. Now he remembered that he had changed the XY chromosome in the DNA chain. Whether that was the reason. He did not know. The fact was that now two octopuses grew in the glass.

       Dr. Kiviat was so impressed by the result that he wanted to keep animals alive.

       "This is the matter of God," he said. Now he did nothing more, but took care of his creations.

       But not for long. Kiviat had stalled everything until he tried to make a humpster a hitmon. Until then, he could not have guessed that this would be his biggest success.

       Again the experiment was successful, but even this hitmon did not want to learn to speak. So far only Cubi was capable of speaking. In addition, Kiviat had discovered something: the new Hitmon, like Tintu, could read thoughts. He did not know why he had succeeded. Had he overlooked something in the DNA chain?

       Speaking, the hitmons, apart from Cubi, did not learn at first, for the professor took little time for his creations, because he was constantly busy with the breeds. He was so obsessed with the idea that he often fell asleep in his lab. As a lonely man, he could also decide to decide whether he came home or not, for he mostly forgot not only his stomach but also his time.

       The professor found out something else: Hitmons needed teenagers to train them. This could make a hitmon powerful. But which of the countless hitmons could it be? The professor had now found out a lot about his hitmons.

       There was not only Cubi. The Hitmon, which once came from a tiger, could not only hiss, but also kill fast-speed. Cubi fed on meat of all kinds. It probably even fed on other hitmons. Nothing could escape him, for Cubi could even hover and blow from the air.

       And there was Krauti. The harmless creature, which feeds on plants, but could fight hard. It was very resistant.

       The only hitmon that had no enemy was Tintu. The snake-like hitmon, now larger than an anaconda and endowed with immense powers, had no other creature to fear, for his teeth were the strongest and could break bones. No wonder why many hitmons hid under a tank or developed other skills.

       But the most celebrated hitmon was Rauruk, the hamsterlike creature. His best ability was to analyze the thoughts of other hitmons. Only Tintu had not had any success. However, it had even learned to read.

       There were bratokas. They looked like turtles and could spit water, but not from the mouth but from the hands.

       But there were also problems: The hitmons, first, did not come together at all. Again and again there were disputes among them. Dr. Kiviat could not reach an agreement between them because he suddenly died of a heart attack. His friend Frank found him by chance.

       This was the end of the great breed. Nobody had the professor's ability and so no new hitmons could be created. A very regrettable thing, for now nothing went on.

       The Hitmon Rauruk was smart. He knew Dr. Tracy, who was also busy with Hitmons. Perhaps he could make more breeds. Rauruk, who had just learned to speak, immediately sought the researcher.

       "What do you want?" Asked Dr. Tracy.

       "You have to help and make new hitmons," said Rauruk. "We need to talk."

       "And what do you expect from me?" Asked Dr. Tracy. "I can not make any new hitmons and I can not teach them to speak. This could only be your creator and he has been dead for a month. "

       "You have to do it," Rauruk demanded. "We need other hitmons."

       "How am I supposed to do that?" Tracy. "I can not get any hitmons and not teach them our language. It's not working. Dr. Kiviat is dead. Only he could do that and nobody else. "

       "But you must be able to do that too," said Rauruk. "You've learned so much from him."

       "I have not learned anything from him," Tracy explained. "I can not make a hitmon. I've never met Dr. Kiviat worked together. "

       "But we need more hitmons," cried Rauruk.

       "That may be," said Dr. Tracy. "But I'm definitely the wrong man. How am I supposed to do this? I do not have the knowledge of him. "

       "But maybe we can find something to help you in his papers," Rauruk said. "I ask some friends who can help me."

       Rauruk did not know Tom Bailey at that time. But one of the first coaches was a certain Clifford, who knew quite well with computers. He might find something.

       Rauruk rushed to Clifford. He was a quiet and somewhat timid guy, but he knew about computers.

      "I should have the documents of Dr. Kiviat? "Asked the latter. "Do you know how many of them are there? I'll need countless months, if that's enough. "

       "But somewhere he must have left behind, how he created Hitmons," explained Rauruk. "Perhaps he did not write this down, but stored in his computer. You have to check. We've got him back in the big room, as far as I know. "

       "I want to see what I can do." Clifford said, ran to the back computer and started him. But whether he could read anything out? Finally, he did not know whether the deceased professor had ever filed any data.

       An hour later, however, Clifford encountered a file that was only open by a certain software, but when he tried to open the file, only the window appeared that the software was not there. Clifford looked for a few of the existing floppy disks, but he was not allowed to charge them all. The hard drive was too small for it. But then he found, as if by chance, some disks, on which a strange program was spooled. He had never heard of it. Curious, as he always was, he spun the program on the hard drive. And then ... actually, he could now open the file. There were different numbers and numbers to be seen. Clifford could not do anything with it. Immediately he reached for his cell phone and called Dr. Tracy.

       "Hello Doc, here Clifford," he said. "I have found here among the things of Professor Kiviat a software that opens files with different digits and other things. Perhaps this has to do with the breeding of the hitmons. "

       "Where are you now?" Tracy asked.

       "In our computer room," Clifford explained. "Come quickly."

       No half an hour later, Dr. Tracy arrived in the said room.

       "Look at that," said Clifford. "Perhaps these figures have something to do with the old breeding."

       "You can be right," Tracy said, looking at the data. "It looks like a DNA chain, and that is huge."

       Dr Tracy looked at the file. 10 minutes later he confirmed:

       "These are actually these data. But I have to analyze them so I can recognize them. "

       "Then do it," said Clifford. "I think we've discovered the secret now."

       Tracy immediately took the disks and analyzed the data stored on them. At first he was still uncertain until he actually came across a trail that was to change his whole mind.

       2 weeks later he had deciphered the data. He immediately drummed together.

      All those were Clifford, who brought him on the trail, Calvin, the woman's hero, Maggie, the ever-cheerful girl with the red hair, and Rauruk.

       "I've discovered how Dr. Kiviat has created the hitmons, "he reported. "Maybe I can do it, too."

       He was right. With the help of the data provided by the deceased Dr. Kiviat, the doctor Tracy actually, to create the Hitmon Burny. A being that did not resemble any animal on the earth. It was spirited and consumed everything it got between the teeth. Also plastic. It could fire fire.

       One day Dr. Tracy visiting a stranger. It was Frank, the friend of Dr. Kiviat.

       "What can I do for you?" Tracy asked.

       "My name is Frank Turner." the stranger introduced himself. "I was a friend of Dr. Kiviat, and I found him when he died."

       "I'm sorry." said Tracy. "But what do you want from me?"

       "I have learned that you are continuing with the breeds." Turner explained.