" Die Heilige Schrift" & "The Sacred Scriptures" {Sonderausgabe in Deutsch & Special Edition in English}. Johannes Biermanski. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Johannes Biermanski
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783737523547
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      As for his and our heavenly Father the Hebrew name of the Messiah was replaced by the Greek translation of Jesus Christ. This is also a peculiar fact: In reality, he was approached by his disciples with his Hebrew name “Yahshua the Messiah” [Yahshua HaMashiach] or with “Master”, “Rabbi”. Every name has a meaning in Hebrew, which is extinguished in the Greek language. Tracks are covered in Greek to wipe out the holy fundamental meaning of the name, because the name “Yahshua” contains the name of God, his father!

      The translation of name Yahshua means “YAHWEH saves”. At the same time it is a shortest cry for help of a person who prays to God for help! And the Messiah means “anointed one” (see attachment). For the Son of God was anointed when being baptized by his father:

      Matthew 3:16 LUTHER = As soon as Yahshua was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of YAHWEH descending like a dove and lighting on him.

      PFÄFFLIN = ... and he saw the Spirit of God hover like a dove and come down over him.

      KJV + EL = And Yahshua, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the SPIRIT of YAHWEH descending like a dove, and lighting upon him;

      Mark 1:10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him.

      Luke 3:22 and (the) holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON; IN YOU I AM WELL PLEASED.

      John 1:32 And John bore record, saying. I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

      The dove symbol originates from the Persian, Babylonian, pagan gods system and represents nothing else than: ‘Juno, the dove’.

      (see the lecture: “Wine of Babylon by Professor Walter J. Veith ‘)

      In Matthew 3:16 we can directly recognize the usage of our God’s name, YAHWEH is written instead of God.

      In this way the true name and the true meaning of the name Yahshua” was abolished from people’s minds. If they knew his name and the name of his father, they would not worship or prostrate before self-staged gods or deities, would they?

      Unfortunately, the facts are completely different: Almost the whole Christianity - if not even the whole humanity - is subject to this mental “dullness” {“spiritually dead as for the word of God”} and is under the domination of another spirit not coming from above. Thus the essence of our Creator God is completely shrouded to these people. They therefore have a quite different idea of the Scripture statements.

      What a grave and fatal mistake! Where it depends on the salvation of each individual being in the state of ignorance or unbelief and the attitude of rejection i.e. disobedience, neither recognizing the living, omnipotent God with his holy name “Yahweh”, nor his essence and his will.

      Will the Christian world recognize the God of the Bible? No, they rather prefer his titles: Lord, God, Father and pray even to mortal men, who have acquired or are still trying to acquire these titles – it’s strange, very strange, without any contradiction! Is the whole of Christendom struck by spiritual blindness, as if the word of God has been pulled out of their hands? Are they no longer able to think clearly and to check the spoken word with the Holy Scripture? It looks as if Satan is about to achieve his aim. But YAHWEH Sabaoth, YAHWEH our Mighty (see the Epistle to the Romans) is aware of the future and knows that there is a small fold of people that love him, want to obey him and also follow the law, in obedience to all His commandments and the faith in Jesus. To precise it - those who believe in Yahshua, as Yahshua did in his father and how he lived.

      Based on the recognition that the name of our unique God YAHWEH was removed from the Scriptures, driven by the Spirit of God, my conviction grew that the sacred name should be returned to its position in the original text. Today, an avid researcher of the Holy Scripture will still find this name in the Hebrew and Jewish Bibles, for example, in the "Sacred Scriptures - Bethel Edition" Bible.

      In combination with the old King James Version (KJV), Webster and Wesley, “The Sacred Scriptures - Bethel Edition” Bible which is written in English has been selected for this present work (English and German translations), in reference to the holy name” YAHWEH “and the name of his son” Yahshua”. The translation of the Bible by Webster dated 1883 is mainly compliant with the old KJV translation. The verification of the correct names to be returned into the Holy Scripture was made in accordance with the Bethel Edition, the Hebrew Bibles, the Greek Online Bible and the Dr. Martin Luther Bible of 1545 - based on cross references from the New Testament to the Old Testament.

      Below, the reader can find the Bible translations considered for this work:

      Dr. Martin Luther of 1912, Dr. Martin Luther of 1866, Dr. Martin Luther of 1545, old King James Version (KJV - whereby the old spelling has replaced by modern spelling), Bethel Edition, Wesley of 1755, Webster of 1833, Hebrew Bible: Biblia Hebracia, p. IO Athiae, Ioannis Leusden, Simonis Aliorumque IO, van der Everardi Hooght; August Hahn - 1839; Hebrew and Greek Bible - online dated 2009 to 2011, New English Bible, Louis Albrecht of 1926, Hermann Menge of 1928, Elberfeld dated 1871, Schlachter of 1905, Schlachter dated 2000, Frederick Pfäfflin, DL van Ess, H. D. Stern, Zurich, Dr. de Wette, Curt Stage, Bishop Ulfilas (Wulfilas) and others as well as explanations of the verses in the following prophetic books of Scripture: the Book of “DANIEL” and the Book of “REVELATION” by our late brother and missionary Ernst Simon, the author of the Simon Bible.

      Here is a quotation of the evangelist and scientist Prof. Walter J. Veith from South Africa:

      “The 'Book of Daniel’ is the key to the 'Book of Revelation’!”

      Any reader should study the statements made by Ernst Simon in the Book of ‘Daniel’ and the Book of ‘Revelation’, verify and think about it - also about his own short life - and finally make his decision. For God knows that a human is going to stay on Earth just very short.

      Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

      Psalm 103:16 For the wind passes over it, and it is gone; and the place of it shall know it no more.

      Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know hat they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

      Furthermore it is written that:

      Psalm 103:17 But the mercy of YAHWEH is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children;

      Psalm 103:18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

      We would like to apologize in advance to the English-speaking readers for the lack of partial translations of the declarations into English.

      The most difficult task was to reintroduce the sacred name YAHWEH in the New Testament, since “Lord” is used for both YAHWEH [for YAHWEH Elohim], the father, and for our Lord Jesus Christ / Yahshua the Messiah [for our Master Yahshua the Messiah]. The old Bibles still contain cross-references to the Old Testament, from which it can be recognized that it is mostly the Father who is concerned. After studying the issue of Trinity and on the basis of the Holy Scripture by Dr. Martin Luther dated 1545 and the translation by Hermann Menge, I was getting clearer and clearer that in the first centuries after the death of the beloved disciple John, the system of the Doctrine of Trinity has slowly been built up and after the councils in the years 325 and 381 until 1798 any kind of resistance was restrained