Financial Adulting. Ashley Feinstein Gerstley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ashley Feinstein Gerstley
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Личные финансы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119817314
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G7 (the world's seven largest developed economies). When you're trying to kickstart an economy it doesn't make sense to ignore women!

      Women are the world's most valuable wasted resource.

      Linda's book starts with the Gloria Steinem quote, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” Yep. Feeling that. But Linda shares some concrete actions we can take. We'll get to those shortly!

Graph depicts Women's Economic Opportunity and GDP

       Women's Economic Opportunity and GDP

       Each dot on the graph shown here represents a country's Women's Economic Opportunity Index score as related to GDP. There are approximately 100 nations shown in the graph; all those for which the data was available were included. In the graph, the upward-right direction of the dots indicates that more economic freedom for women corresponds positively to GDP per capita. Other data has converged to reach the same conclusion.

       Sources: World Bank Database for GDP at purchasing power parity; Economist Intelligence Unit for the Women's Economic Opportunity Index; World Economic Forum for the National Competitiveness Index.

      DEFINITION: Gross domestic product (or GDP) is the most common method to track an economy's health. GDP represents the value of all the goods and services produced over a specific period of time within a country. A recession is measured as two quarters of negative GDP growth.

      You know I believe this to my core. This is why I do the work that I do. I believe that getting more money into women's hands will solve many of the problems we see in the world today. A lot of brilliant experts (including Linda) agree with me.

      The following are some of the proposed policy reforms that came up over and over again in my conversations with experts, but this list is by no means exhaustive. For more resources, head to the Financial Adulting toolkit.

      Raise the Minimum Wage

      Cancel Student Loan Debt

      Tax the Super-Wealthy

      I use the term super-wealthy because people are often worried that an increase in taxes will affect them. Most experts I spoke with were focused on taxing the richest people, people who bring home millions and millions or have net worths in the billions. This would allow for more programs to invest in underserved communities.

      Pay Reparations

      In Mehrsa's book she writes about reparations: “An essential first step in dealing with the wealth gap is to acknowledge that it was created through racist public policy. Full justice demands a recognition of the historic breach of the social contract between America's constitutional democracy and Black Americans. And contract breach requires a remedy.” She doesn't recommend any remedy specifically but says we should encourage our policymakers to come up with “creative proposals that garner full and meaningful financial inclusion that reverse the effects of historic exclusions from wealth creation.”

      Mandate Paid Leave

      Build a System of Universal, Affordable, High-Quality Childcare

      Linda argues that building a childcare system would actually be the most important and impactful intervention worldwide. She says it should be treated as “economic infrastructure” (meaning it's available to everyone) and because “it's the biggest barrier to women participating in the economy it would easily pay for itself.” She adds that “there's really no excuse for not doing it except for the stupid old fashioned idea that in some moral world women should be at home. And I try to make it clear in the book that that idea comes from a history of keeping women captive.” Burning rage!

      Reform Our Healthcare System

      Medical expenses are the number-one cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States and debt rates are much higher for those who are uninsured or underinsured, which are disproportionately