To avoid becoming overwhelmed, and to keep the business-planning process in perspective, break up the plan into the basic sections that every good business plan needs to include. This should apply to both a written plan as well as a PowerPoint presentation. Take a moment to review the sections of a business plan.
Executive summary
Your executive summary touches on every important part of your business plan. It’s more than just a simple introduction; it’s the whole plan, only shorter. In many cases, the people who read your plan don’t need to go any further than the executive summary; if they do, however, the summary points them to the right place.
The executive summary isn’t much longer than a page or two, and you can wait until you complete the rest of the business plan before you compose it; that way, all you have to do is review the plan to identify the key ideas you want to cover.
The preceding little note might be helpful to recall if you deliver a summary of your business plan as a verbal plea to a VC (venture capitalist) or some comparable funding source. The senseis of Silicon Valley are known for requiring their acolytes to make the Big Ask as succinctly as possible, which has become known as “the elevator pitch.” (The idea being that these gurus’ time is so valuable that all you’ve got is the minute or so it takes to ride up the elevator with them to their palatial office digs.) But aside from the personal indignity involved, it’s actually not a bad idea. See whether you can boil down your concept to as simplified a version as possible — say, two or three sentences at most (but please, don’t take James Joyce as a model here). Chapter 4 gives you more on this topic.
Company overview
The company overview provides a place to make general observations about the nature of your business. In the overview, you highlight the most important aspects of your industry, your customers, and the products and services you offer or plan to develop. Although you should touch on your company’s business history and major activities in the overview (if you’re an ongoing enterprise), you can leave many of the details for the later sections.
To put together a general company overview, you need to draw on several key planning documents, including the following:
Values statement: The set of beliefs and principles that guide your company’s actions and activities
Vision statement: A phrase that announces where your company wants to go or paints a broad picture of what you want your company to become
Mission statement: A statement of your company’s purpose; establishes what it is and what it does as a business entity — and succinctly demonstrates its relationship to your vision
Goals and objectives: A list of all the major goals that you set for your company, along with the objectives that you have to meet to achieve those goals
To begin constructing these statements, turn to Chapters 3 and 4.
Business environment
Your business environment section covers all the major aspects of your company’s situation that are beyond your immediate control, including the nature of your industry, the direction of the marketplace, and the intensity of your competition. Look at each of these areas in detail to come up with lists of both the opportunities that your business environment offers and the threats that your company faces. Based on your observations, you can describe what it takes to be a successful company.
For more information on how to explore your business circumstances and the overall environment that your company competes in, check out Part 2.
Company description
This section should go into much more detail about what your company has to offer. The description includes information about your management, the organization, new technology, your products and services, company operations, your marketing potential — in short, anything special that you bring to your industry.
In particular, look carefully and objectively at the long list of your company’s capabilities and resources. Sort out the capabilities that represent strengths from the ones that show weaknesses. In the process, try to point out where you have real advantages over your competitors.
Examining your company through your customers’ eyes helps. Today many interested observers of business organizations want to know your plans for dealing with issues of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and creating staff inclusiveness policies. Be sure you address these. With a consumer viewpoint, you can sometimes discover customer value that you didn’t know you provide, and as a result, you can come up with additional long-term ways to compete in the market.
To start to put together all the things that your company brings to the table, flip to Chapters 9 and 10.
Company strategy