6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a) Internal root resorption affecting the apical third of the ro...Figure 6.2 (a) Right and left mandibular canines radiographically displaying...Figure 6.3 Extension of TR (tooth resorption) in the furcation area affectin...Figure 6.4 Surface resorption affecting a maxillary third incisor.Figure 6.5 Replacement resorption – mandibular canine roots being replaced b...Illustration 6.1 Stage 1 Tooth resorption.Illustration 6.2 Stage 2 Tooth resorption.Figure 6.6 (a) Clinical appearance of Stage 2 external root resorption exten...Illustration 6.3 Stage 3 Tooth resorption.Figure 6.7 (a) Radiograph confirming Stage 3 tooth resorption invading a man...Figure 6.8 (a) Stage 4 tooth resorption affecting the right maxillary fourth...Illustration 6.4 Stage 4a Tooth resorption.Illustration 6.5 Stage 4b Tooth resorption.Figure 6.9 Stage 4b tooth resorption affecting the left mandibular fourth pr...Illustration 6.6 Stage 4c Tooth resorption.Figure 6.10 Stage 4c tooth resorption affecting the left maxillary canine to...Illustration 6.7 Stage 5 Tooth resorption.Illustration 6.8 Stages of tooth resorption.Figure 6.11 (a) Left mandibular third premolar gingiva appears to be raised ...Figure 6.12 (a) and (b) Radiograph revealing tooth resorption with intact pe...Figure 6.13 Clinical appearance of type 1 tooth resorption affecting the dis...Figure 6.14 Decreased opacity in the left mandibular third premolar roots ty...Illustration 6.9 Tooth resorption types – illustration.Figure 6.15 Left mandibular molar radiograph consistent with Type 3 TR.Figure 6.16 (a) Clinical appearance of inflammation typical of Type 3 tooth ...Figure 6.17 (a) Clinical appearance of tooth resorption affecting the right ...Figure 6.18 Maxillary and mandibular flap designs (dotted lines) for single ...Figure 6.19 (a) Tooth resorption affecting a cat's left mandibular canine, d...Figure 6.20 Extraction of the right mandibular third premolar: (a) Caudal ve...Figure 6.21 (a) Right maxillary third and fourth premolars affected by tooth...Figure 6.22 (a) Clinical appearance of type 2 tooth resorption of the right ...Figures 6.23 (a) Clinical appearance of type 2 tooth resorption of the left ...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Doctor and dental assistant scaling teeth.Figure 7.2 Ultrasonic dental scaling.Illustration 7.1 Scaling and root planing illustration.Figure 7.3 Abnormal 5 mm palatal periodontal pocket depth affecting the left...Figure 7.4 (a) Proper angle to insert periodontal probe into palatal defect....Figure 7.5 Bleeding on probing‐note 6 mm pocket palatal to the right maxilla...Figure 7.6 (a) Stage 2 periodontal disease affecting the distal root of the ...Figure 7.7 (a) Normal left maxillary fourth premolar gingiva (PD0). (b) Stag...Figure 7.8 Stage 2 periodontal disease affecting the right maxillary fourth ...Figure 7.9 (a) Less than 25% loss of support affecting the right maxillary c...Figure 7.10 (a) 1 mm probing depth and bleeding on probing. (b) Application ...Figure 7.11 Two walled infrabony defect affecting the mesial root of the lef...Illustration 7.2 Periodontal pocketing.Figure 7.12 (a) Gingival recession affecting a cat's left mandibular molar c...Figure 7.13 (a) Radiograph consistent with furcation involvement of the righ...Figure 7.14 Intraoral radiograph displaying approximately 35% attachment los...Figure 7.15 (a) Clinical appearance of stage 3 periodontal disease affecting...Figure 7.16 (a) Inflammation around the distal root of the left mandibular m...Figure 7.17 (a) Left maxillary canine tooth extrusion. (b) Radiograph of the...Figure 7.18 (a) and (b) Generalized inflammation of the attached gingiva in ...Figure 7.19 (a) Clinical appearance of bilateral maxillary alveolar bone exp...Figure 7.20 (a) Large swelling surrounding the root of the maxillary left ca...Figure 7.21 (a and b) Allograft material – Veterinary Transplant Services®, ...Figure 7.22 (a and b) Xenograft bone material – Veterinary Transplant Servic...Figure 7.23 (a) Maxillary canine teeth with palatal bleeding after dental sc...Figure 7.24 (a) Finger toothbrush applied to the gingival margin. (b–d) Cott...Figure 7.25 (a) Maxi/guard oral cleansing gel (with attached vitamin C). (b)...Figure 7.26 VOHC accepted PetSmile® Toothpaste.Figure 7.27 (a) OraVet® professional application on the anesthetized patient...Figure 7.28 (a) Hill's prescription Diet t/d Feline®. (b) Hill's science Die...Figure 7.29 Cat Dental Bites®Figure 7.30 (a and b) Feline Greenies®.Figure 7.31 Alveolar mucositis affecting the attached gingiva extending to t...Figure 7.32 Buccal mucositis.Figure 7.33 Caudal mucositis.Figure 7.34 (a) Complicated maxillary canine fractures, labial mucositis, le...Figure 7.35 Caudal stomatitis and glossitis.Figure 7.36 (a) Type 1 FCGS alveolar and buccal stomatitis. (b) Type 2 FCGS ...Figure 7.37 Unilateral caudal mucositis confirmed by histopathology.Figure 7.38 (a–i) Pharyngostomy tube placement: (a) Measuring red rubber tub...Figure 7.39 (a) Horizontal incision with #11 blade. (b) Exposure of the righ...Figure 7.40 (a) Inflamed area around the left mandibular first incisor. (b) ...Figure 7.41 (a) Circumferential, mesial, and distal incisions around left ma...Figure 7.42 (a) Vertical releasing incision mesially. (b) Intrasulcular inci...Figure 7.43 (a) Right maxillary fourth premolar and mandibular molar alveola...Figure 7.44 (a) Marked alveolar mucositis. (b) Scalpel blade placed into a m...Figure 7.45 (a–d) Gingivitis, periodontitis, and alveolar mucositis before s...Figure 7.46 (a) Gingival inflammation over retained mandibular root fragment...Figure 7.47 (a) Stomatitis affecting an FIV‐positive cat. (b) Minimal inflam...Figure 7.48 (a) Right maxillary alveolar mucositis and periodontal disease. ...Figure 7.49 (a) Alveolar mucositis and caudal stomatitis. (b) Laser ablation...Figure 7.50 (a) Alveolar and vestibular mucositis in a cat. (b) Laser treatm...Figure 7.51 Laser light energy applied externally