ASST. PROF. DR. RAHMI ORUC GUVENC. Aziz Serhat Kural. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aziz Serhat Kural
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788835428848
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event depicts the innate inheritance of the order by Sadeddin Cibavi directly from Our Prophet (mPbuH). The details of this event were later to become elements that determined the character, modus and practices of the Sadiyye Order.



      Elhamdu lilâhi rabbil’âlemiyn.


      Mâliki yevmiddin.

      İyyâke na’budu ve iyyâke neste’iyn.


      Sirâtalleziyne en’amte ‘aleyhim gayrilmagdubi ‘aleyhim veladdâliyn. (Âmin)

      Innallâhe ve melâiketehi yusallune alen nebiyyi yâ eyyuhellezine amenu sallu aleyhi ve sellimu teslimâ. (Âmin)

      Allâhumme salli ve sellim ve bârik âlâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin ve âlâ, âlihi ve eshâbihi ejmain.

      Subhane rabbike rabbil izzeti ammâ yasifune ve selamun alel murselin velhâmdulillâhi rabbil âlemin.

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ Resulullah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ habîballah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ halilallah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ nebiyyallah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ safiyallah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ hayre halkillah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ nure arshillah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ emine vahyillah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ men zeyyenehullah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ men sherrefehullah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ men kerremehullah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ men azzemehullah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ men alleme hullah

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ seyyidel murselin

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ imâmel muttakin

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ hâtemen nebiyyin

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ rahmetellil âlemin

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ shefiul muznibin

      Esselatu vesselam aleyke yâ rasule rabbilâlemin

      Salavatullâhi ve melâiketihi ve enbiyâihi ve Resulihi ve hameleti arshihi ve jemii halkihi âlâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin ve âlâ, âlihi ve eshâbihi ejmain.

      (Allâhumme salli âlâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin abdike ve Nebiike ve Resuliken nebiyyil ummiyyi ve âlâ âlihi ve sahbihi ve sellim) x 3

      (Allâhumme salli âlâ seyyidina Muhammedin innebiyyil melihi sahibil makamil âlâ vellisanil fasih) x 3

      Allâhummej’al efdâle salavâtike ebedâ ve enmâ berekâtike sermedâ ve ez kâ tahiyyatike fadlan ve adedâ âlâ eshrefil halâikil insâniyye ve mejmâil hakâikil imâniyye ve turit tejelliyâtil ihsaniyye be mehbitil esrârir rahmâniyye ve arusil memleketir rabbâniyye ve vasitati ikdin nebiyyin ve mukaddimi jeyshil murselin. Ve kâidi rekbil enbiyâil mukerremin ve efdalil halki ejmain hâmili livâil izzil âlâ. Ve mâliki ezimmetil mejdil esnâ shâhidi esrâril ezel. Ve mushâhidi envaris sevâbikil uvvel. Ve terjemâni lisânil kidem, ve membail ilmi vel hilmi vel hikem, mazhâri sirril judil juziyyi vel kulli ve insâni aynil vujudil ulviyyi vesuffli.

      Ruhi jesedil kevneyn x 3

      Ve ayni hayatid dâreyni el mutahakkiku bi a’lâ rutebil ubudiyye vel mutahalliku bi ahlâkil makâmâtil istifâiyye.

      (Selam) El halilil âzam vel habibil ekrem seyyidinâ Muhammedin Ibn-i Abdillah Ibn-i Abdil Mutallip ve âlâ Sâiril enbiyâil murselin ve âlâ melâiketikel mukarrabin.

      Ve âlâ ibadillâhis sâlihin, min ehlissemâvâti vel ehlil erdin ve gafele an zikrikel gâfulune, ve sellim ve radiyallâhu ta’alâ an eshâbi Resulillahi ejmain.

      12 A gathering of Sufis to perform the whirling rituals of the Mevlevite and other orders. I will give detailed explanation on this in the following chapters.

      13 Dergah is a sacred place where dervishes of a certain order gather or live.

      14 A monthly magazine that was published by the above-mentioned Meta Psychic Investigations and Scientific Research Association.

      15 The practice of regression to past lives under hypnosis.

      16 A great Sufi and a virtuose Ney player known for his satirical poems targeting politicians and the general state of affairs. A Ney is a reed flute, usually associated with the Mevlevite order or Sufism in general. Neyzen means ‘Ney player’.

      17 Imam is a religious minister who leads the prayers and who also has other duties.

      18 Agabey literaly means elder brother and is used very commonly for show respect to people who you are close to and are older in terms of age.

      19 A former Soviet Republic in the Caucasus populated mainly by Tatars ( a Turkic tribe) which now is a part of the Russian federation.

      20 DNA is able to Illuminate Islam’s Lineage -

      21 A Turkic tribe


      23 An Islamic practice of seclusion, like that of Tibetan hermits.

      24 Baba and Dede are titles of mystical Masters.

      25 A place where followers of the Mevlevite Order gather, live or perform religious practices.

      26 Orders or Tarikats are dervish groups where a certain path is followed to reach enlightenment

      27 Sheikh here means a spiritual Master of an order – in this case the Sheybani order.

      28 Http://, last access: 15-09-2018
