ASST. PROF. DR. RAHMI ORUC GUVENC. Aziz Serhat Kural. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aziz Serhat Kural
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788835428848
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displayed a humorous side to his character with his intolerance towards Oruc Bey’s diet10. One time when he came to Cerrahpasa, I accompanied him to the bus stop for his return journey and noticed that he was taking home a nylon bag of Knorr tomato soups, which made me smile inwardly. I heard from others that he would sometimes visit fish restaurants and feast on fish until late in the evening. I should mention here that fish and tomatoes are foods that Oruc Bey never ate.

      (From Left to Right) Oruc Bey, Kamil and Urkiye Guvenc, his father and mother) Nejat Guvenc ( his younger brother) and Yasar Guvenc ( his elder brother)

      Rahmi Oruc Guvenc, the second son of Ahmet Kamil and Urkiye Guvenc, was born in 1948. Urkiye Guvenc was a housewife and Oruc Bey was the middle of three siblings. Oruc Guvenc completed his primary and intermediate level education in Tavsanli, and his high school education in Kutahya.

      3 TRT Vision magazine, August 2017, p.12

      4 Ottoman-Russian War of 1877-1878, which was known as the 93 War because it corresponded to the date of 1293 in the Rumi Calendar

      5 A township in the province of Kutahya in Western Anatolia.

      6 An area in Tavsanli

      7 These are poems formed of stanzas (M’ani) - a Turkish tradition

      8 A marbling center

      9 A neighbourhood in the Asian side of Istanbul

      10 I will give detailed information later about the strict diet followed by Oruc Bey .

      11 In pentatonic music there are 5 tones whereas in ‘makam’ music there are 7 tones


      To be acquainted with Sufism, to become informed about these subjects, is a gift that isn’t granted to just anyone. Years ago, in either 1976-77 or 78, when the former head of the Turkish Metapsychic Investigations and Scientific Research Association Ergun Arikdal was still alive, I attended a few of his significant conferences there. At that time, there was no social media, no videos and no smart phones. You could only learn new things through books, magazines or by gathering together somewhere. At one of these conferences, Ergun Arikdal iterated that many people are born, grow up and die without ever knowing or even encountering Sufism, or other such subjects that deal matters beyond the scope of physical cognition. That is why to be acquainted with Sufism means to be bestowed with a gift and it is a significant milestone in one’s life. I have reached this conclusion from my own experiences.

      Don’t judge by looking at the image

      That image is contemplating God

      So what if you always see Neyzen drunk

      He is constructing the Kaaba in the tavern

      His Holiness Seyyid Sheikh Ahmed Husammettin

      It was the era when Arabs were conquering Central Asia. The Transoxiana region (the area between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers which today covers parts of Turkmenia, Uzbekistan and Kazakstan) was being conquered by Arabian armies. But some cruel Arabian rulers