Provoke. Geoff Tuff. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Geoff Tuff
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Экономика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119787549
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paper with a delivery date of six weeks out, just in case. They even ordered a brand of wet toilet paper they could find online for quicker delivery: “Dude Wipes.”

      In times of dramatic change, humans are known to change habits, which can lead to permanent behavior change. At the time of writing, it's not yet clear what new habits will stick once we emerge from the pandemic, but it is clear that many longstanding habits will be challenged. A greater proportion of people will certainly be able to work remotely on a more frequent basis, even when there is return to office work. People will likely pay more attention to frequent handwashing. And maybe people will continue to make sourdough regularly at home.

      During the pandemic, many of these habits were challenged. For both of us, used to getting “our coffee on the outside” (to quote another Seinfeld line), we had to adapt during the lockdown. Geoff returned to getting his coffee on the outside as businesses opened up, while Steve is more than happy to continue to brew his own, having become proficient at making coffee with a French press. As sticky as they are, when habits do change, they impact businesses considerably.

      The critical question this raises – for paper supply companies, for white goods manufacturers, and for consumers looking to move when prices are right – is whether this shift is a one-time blip in sales or a more permanent trend toward the use of bidets among Americans.

      Let's leave the bathroom behind for a moment and generalize the concept that we are going to examine for the remainder of the book. Broadly, there are two phases of any trend, each characterized by the nature of the uncertainty around the trend. In the initial “if” stage, it's still uncertain if the trend will come to fruition; in the “when” stage, the trend has progressed, gathered momentum, and crossed an important inflection point where it's no longer uncertain whether it will come to fruition. It's only a question of when and, sometimes, to what extent.

Cartoon illustration of a hill is split with a vertical column labeled, the phase change. Text on the left and right parts are labeled, if and when.

      The “if-to-when” shift is, as we wrote in the Introduction, similar to a rollercoaster. That big initial climb as a cable pulls the car up the hill is the “if” stage. The rollercoaster cars are building up a ton of potential energy, and if they stop, they might just slide backwards. But when the cars get to the peak and start to tip, that potential energy becomes kinetic and the momentum takes the cars through loops, twists, and turns, seemingly with a life of their own. Once you hit that inflection point, the “when” stage kicks in. During this transition – something we call the “phase change” – the critical question is how long it will take for the trend to resolve into inevitability.

      The most critical aspect of desirability is the degree to which the trend has an unequivocally better outcome than the current state. If the endpoint of the trend is better for all customers on every dimension relative to what exists today, then it's only a matter of when it will take off. That assumes it is or becomes feasible and someone figures out the right business model to make money from it … but we're strong believers in almost anything being possible if the right demand conditions are in place. If the improvement is only marginal or only meaningful to a small proportion of the population, then feasibility or viability needs to be off the charts – likely via a cost advantage – since it offers less potential economic reward.

      Consider the cord-cutting example from Chapter 1. The main benefit of cord cutting is that you get to watch the shows you want to watch, when you want to watch them. When compared with the need to conform to someone else's predetermined schedule, it is unequivocally better to have the flexibility to watch your show on your time. Even if by some amazing coincidence you wanted to watch the shows at the exact time that all the networks scheduled them, you would be no worse off than before. In this case, there is no uncertainty around the trend's desirability. Cord cutting is clearly better for consumers, so the question is whether you can overcome the feasibility and viability barriers.