Provoke. Geoff Tuff. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Geoff Tuff
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Экономика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119787549
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throughout. There were five people in the meeting with me. One of them – Joe – spoke first as we moved out of the presentation into discussion: ‘I'm supportive. I really think the concierge program is a big opportunity and we need to move on it quickly.’ Then, Reshmi shared a similar perspective: ‘I like it, too. I also don't think the competition is looking at anything similar so we can get out ahead.’ Two other people nodded.

      “I then said, ‘Okay, great. I'll get the team moving on a prototype.’ I thought we were moving forward this time. I really did. Then the fifth person, Molly, who had been sitting silently said, ‘One quick question, Sammy. Have you guys given any thought to how we'll scale this across some of the smaller markets? I know we're starting in the large markets, which makes a ton of sense. Have we thought about how we'll roll this out to the broader markets?’”

      Geoff knew what was coming next.

      Sammy sighed. “That's when the floodgates opened. Antonio then weighed in. ‘Molly makes a good point. It's probably not a bad idea to put some thinking behind this.’ And then came Paula. ‘I agree, it can't hurt.’ Joe then sealed the deal. ‘Sammy, why don't we give you a few weeks to think this through, and then we can see your analysis.’”

      It was at this point that Sammy picked up the phone and called Geoff. He was at his wits’ end and ready to quit.

      “Honestly: we have to make a move here or we'll be stuck trying to play catch-up. Why is it that herd mentality tends to favor caution and incrementalism instead of being bold?!”

      We expect that the story depicted in the “training video” is recognizable to most of you. It happens just about every day in organizations around the world. A combination of basic human biases – what we call fatal flaws – and organizational dysfunction mean that most businesses systematically miss the opportunity to take early action against emerging trends – whether they are still in the “if” stage or the early stages of “when.” They wait until the only choice is one of adaptation.

      We call these cognitive biases “fatal flaws” only somewhat in jest. People aren't literally dying from them, but they can make the difference between an organization failing or thriving. Successfully spotting subtle – or not-so-subtle – trends that meaningfully impact the prospects for businesses is a fundamentally important capability that impacts every business, big or small, old economy or new economy, virtual or physical.

Cartoon illustration of a group of people looking at a board reads, S O S.

      At the end of Detonate we pondered the value of being a pop-up firm: one that is formed and launched with a planned extinction date. Temporary retail stores – ones for limited edition goods in Japan or Halloween costumes in the United States – are great examples of this. Vaccine sites (we hope, at the time of writing) could be another. These entities have taken the ultimate step in embracing impermanence as a way to create advantage for themselves. Bringing some of the pop-up mindset to the wind-down world, whether you end up there with foresight or by accident, is a critical tool for any company operating in an uncertain market. Based on our experience, though, we think most management teams want to avoid being wind-down firms. Unfortunately, they don't make the logic clear with the other members of the management team. We believe that having an explicit conversation about whether to ride a falling trend or make the necessary investment to evolve a business model is critical – and most organizations never have this conversation as a result of the fatal flaws.

      The first step in adapting is seeing change in the external environment, and the second is choosing to respond. If you can't even see the changes coming, you can't get to a point where you can effectively debate how you'll respond and, even at that point, other biases prevent action. Companies must be aware of the human biases that create the precondition for systematic organizational blindness and inaction. Let's explore several of the cognitive biases, starting with those that make it hard to see trends.

      Availability bias. If we had a nickel for every time someone, when challenging market research, cited preference of a family member to discredit or support the research, we'd have a lot of nickels. You've probably been in a meeting like this, too, where someone would say something like, “I gave a sample to my daughter and she hated it.” Although it's unfortunate that his daughter disliked the product, it certainly does not imply that the research is faulty. It's also clear that, in addition to not appreciating the relevance of sampling size, the person in question might be suffering from the availability bias – that is, the tendency to rely on examples that are easy to access mentally. It was challenging for our friend in Chapter 1 to see the possibility of cord cutting because the concept simply wasn't mentally accessible to him at that point.