6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Classification of thermal management methods.Figure 6.2 Hybrid ammonia fuel cell and TES.Figure 6.3 Effect of current density on (a) voltage and (b) power density at...Figure 6.4 Effect of current density on (a) energy efficiency and (b) exergy...Figure 6.5 Effect of temperature on specific thermal energy storage capacity...Figure 6.6 Integrated building heating system consisting of a ground source ...Figure 6.7 Exergy destruction rates of the system components.Figure 6.8 Entropy generation rates of the system components.Figure 6.9 Efficiencies of the system without PCM and with PCMs of various t...Figure 6.10 Influence of PCM materials on system efficiencies relative to th...Figure 6.11 Volume and mass requirements for various PCMs.Figure 6.12 Water/PCM‐cooling‐plate‐based lithium‐ion battery module.Figure 6.13 Variations in module temperatures with cooling plate height.Figure 6.14 Variations of module temperatures with cell spacing, i.e., gap b...Figure 6.15 Variations of module temperatures with inlet mass flow rate of c...Figure 6.16 Variations of module temperatures with PCM thermal conductivity....Figure 6.17 Experimental setup for examining three battery thermal managemen...Figure 6.18 Effects of temperature variations on thermal conductivities.Figure 6.19 Variations of temperature difference of the module with cycle nu...Figure 6.20 Variations in temperature difference of the maximum temperature ...Figure 6.21 Minimum and maximum temperatures of the three considered configu...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Global electricity production through various sources.Figure 7.2 Annual change in global electricity production from renewable ene...Figure 7.3 Electricity generation from low‐carbon sources (nuclear, hydropow...Figure 7.4 Electricity generation from renewable energy sources. Other renew...Figure 7.5 Illustration of a solar tower energy collector with multiple ther...Figure 7.6 Primary mechanical energy storage options: (a) flywheel, (b) comp...Figure 7.7 Schematic illustration of electrochemical energy storage in the f...Figure 7.8 Schematic illustration of the solar energy‐based integrated syste...Figure 7.9 Variation in the number of heliostats (N) and total heliostat sur...Figure 7.10 Variation in the hot TES storage tank temperature (T2) and tempe...Figure 7.11 Variation in overall efficiencies with charging period duration....Figure 7.12 Variation in charged and lost heat with charging period duration...Figure 7.13 System layout of the integrated solar energy‐based system using ...Figure 7.14 Exergy destruction plus exergy loss rates (in kW) of components ...Figure 7.15 Exergy destruction plus exergy loss rate of the overall CAES pro...Figure 7.16 Thermal efficiencies of the overall CAES process and its subproc...Figure 7.17 Schematic illustration of the integrated system combining wind a...Figure 7.18 Effect of seawater speed on total electricity production rate an...Figure 7.19 Effect of wind turbine blade radius on total electricity product...Figure 7.20 Effect of current turbine blade radius on total electrical power...Figure 7.21 Effect of wind speed on t total electrical power generation and ...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Gas turbine inlet air cooling system (E‐303 NH3 condenser, V‐304H...Figure 8.2 Gas turbine generator system (a) without precooling and (b) with ...Figure 8.3 Simple in‐line inlet air cooling system (a) without TES and (b) w...Figure 8.4 Simple in‐line inlet air cooling system with TES using ice‐on‐coi...Figure 8.5 Simple in‐line inlet air cooling system with TES using flake or s...Figure 8.6 Gaseem TESTIAC system.Figure 8.7 Evaporative condensers, plant room and ice TES system.Figure 8.8 Daily building cooling requirements.Figure 8.9 Schematic of ice CTES system.Figure 8.10 Thermal storage coils integrated with air conditioning system....Figure 8.11 GIMSA hypermarket front facade (a), side facade and chiller sect...Figure 8.12 Ice CTES system for GIMSA Hypermarket.Figure 8.13 GIMSA Hypermarket maximum hourly cooling loads for the hottest d...Figure 8.14 Ice‐slurry system for the project.Figure 8.15 Ice‐slurry CTES system design load.Figure 8.16 System loads during ice‐slurry CTES operation.Figure 8.17 Slurry‐ice system.Figure 8.18 Practical ice‐slurry CTES system for a residential application....Figure 8.19 EXPO'98 trigeneration plant (a) schematic and (b) computerized v...Figure 8.20 Temperature profiles (a) design case and (b) actual.Figure 8.21 TES charging and discharging.Figure 8.22 Chilled‐water CTES unit in an integrated system for multigenerat...Figure 8.23 Chilled‐water CTES unit in an integrated system for multigenerat...Figure 8.24 (a) Bangsar district cooling plant, and (b) STL system.Figure 8.25 PCM ice storage tanks (a) installation and (b) internal storage ...Figure 8.26 Transformation steps of the actual PCM CTES setup into a simpler...Figure 8.27 System diagram of the chilled water distribution loop [18].Figure 8.28 Measured mass flow rate (a), measured and modeled temperatures (...Figure 8.29 Capacity profiles of the solar power tower [20].Figure 8.30 Schematic of the solar power tower.Figure 8.31 Integration of latent TES in wall layers by adding PCM.Figure 8.32 Latent TES system with PCM integrated into building wall [22]....Figure 8.33 Energy performance of latent TES system [22].Figure 8.34 Energy efficiency of latent TES system [22].Figure 8.35 Exergy performance of latent TES system during charging [22]....Figure 8.36 Exergy efficiency of latent TES system [22].Figure 8.37 The PAHS residence [23].Figure 8.38 Aquifer‐based sensible TES system integration [22].Figure 8.39 Energetic performance of the aquifer‐based sensible TES system [...Figure 8.40 Energy efficiency of the aquifer‐based sensible TES system [22]....Figure 8.41 Exergy rates of aquifer‐based sensible TES system for various op...Figure 8.42 Exergy efficiency of the aquifer‐based sensible TES system [22]....Figure 8.43 Exergy rates of the aquifer‐based sensible TES system for variou...Figure 8.44 Schematic of the air conditioning system of the NBH hotel. The c...Figure 8.45 Electrical load for the NBH hotel for several cooling loads (for...Figure 8.46 Simplified schematic of the principal energy components in the D...Figure 8.47 Photograph of one row of houses and garages covered with solar c...Figure 8.48 Schematic of the DLSC energy center, showing the heat exchanger,...Figure 8.49 Borehole thermal energy storage at DLSC. Layout of the 144 boreh...Figure 8.50 Construction photograph of the DLSC borehole thermal energy stor...Figure 8.51 Layout of the DLSC energy distribution system, showing the 52 ho...Figure 8.52 Borehole thermal energy storage system at UOIT, showing borehole...Figure 8.53 Illustration of four boreholes and the ground composition and ge...Figure 8.54 View of construction of the UOIT borehole thermal energy storage...Figure 8.55 Cross‐section of borehole and U‐tube borehole heat exchanger.Figure 8.56 Schematic flow diagram of the BTES and related equipment at UOIT...Figure 8.57 Variation of COP vs. heat pump supply temperature.
4 Preface
8 Index
9 Wiley End User License Agreement
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