5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Cell distribution for the three cases considered in the grid indepe...Table 5.2 Properties of heat transfer fluids.Table 5.3 Properties of capsule wall and phase change materials (PCMs).Table 5.4 Numerically obtained parameters and heat transfer coefficients for ...Table 5.5 Geometrical specifications of the ice capsules considered in the ca...Table 5.6 Physical properties of the substances encountered in the case study...
6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Thicknesses and thermal conductivities of selected materials.Table 6.2 Thermodynamic properties at state points for the system in Figure 6...Table 6.3 Thermal properties and sizes of components used in the simulation.
7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Thermodynamic properties of selected molten salts at 1 atm and 300°...Table 7.2 Thermodynamic properties of selected molten salts at 1 atm and 500°...Table 7.3 Design parameters of the solar energy‐based integrated system using...Table 7.4 Thermodynamic properties for state points in the integrated system ...Table 7.5 Work and heat rates of the main components.Table 7.6 System parameters considered for the case study.Table 7.7 Process data of the integrated solar energy‐based system using CAES...Table 7.8 Average wind speeds for the selected area in Istanbul.Table 7.9 Main assumptions and results for case study.
8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Plant performance data with inlet air cooling options.Table 8.2 Comparison of three main types of TES systems for the project.Table 8.3 GIMSA Hypermarket average temperatures, liquid/solid icing ratio, a...Table 8.4 Data for streams during discharging.Table 8.5 Performance data for system units as well as the chiller cycle and ...Table 8.6 Comparison of total costs (in US$) for four different options for b...Table 8.7 Present and planned future capacity of the trigeneration plant.Table 8.8 Main equipment and their capacities for the trigeneration plant.Table 8.9 Techno‐economic comparison of diffusers.Table 8.10 Equipment and capital costs with and without TES.Table 8.11 RT‐27 PCM specifications.Table 8.12 System data for the latent TES system and its PCM.Table 8.13 Electricity use data for two TES scenarios for the NBH hotel for S...Table 8.14 Monthly electricity cost data for two TES scenarios for the NBH ho...Table 8.15 Economic analysis of the use of chilled water TES for the NBH hote...Table 8.16 Comparison of annual energy use and GHG emissions for a Drake Land...Table 8.17 Design values for the heat pumps.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Illustration of pressures for measurement.Figure 1.2 The state‐change diagram of water.Figure 1.3 Temperature–volume diagram for the phase change of water.Figure 1.4 A generalized compressibility chart obtained for 13 fluids (gener...Figure 1.5 Representation of four polytropic processes on a pressure–volume ...Figure 1.6 Velocity profiles for flows: (a) one‐dimensional flow, (b) two‐di...Figure 1.7 Schematic diagram of velocity profile moving away from a wall (i....Figure 1.8 Fluid flow in a stream tube.Figure 1.9 Relationship between velocity, pressure, elevation, and density f...Figure 1.10 Uniform flow between two stationary parallel plates.Figure 1.11 Uniform flow down a plate.Figure 1.12 Uniform flow in a pipe.Figure 1.13 Development of boundary layer in a viscous flow along a plate.Figure 1.14 Representations of heat transfer modes: (a) conduction through a...Figure 1.15 Conduction in a slab (a) and in a thin slice of the slab (b).Figure 1.16 A wall subject to convection heat transfer on both sides.Figure 1.17 A composite wall with many layers in series.Figure 1.18 A hollow cylinder.Figure 1.19 Heat conduction in a hollow sphere.Figure 1.20 Heat conduction in a slab with uniform heat generation: (a) asym...Figure 1.21 Natural convection on a vertical plate.
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 A classification of energy storage methods.Figure 2.2 A pumped hydro storage plant.Figure 2.3 Representation of underground pumped hydro storage.Figure 2.4 Compressed‐air ES systems: (a) sliding pressure system and (b) co...Figure 2.5 A flywheel and its components.Figure 2.6 Comparison of rechargeable batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. (a)...Figure 2.7 Schematic illustration of a liquid‐acid battery.Figure 2.8 High‐temperature sodium–sulfur battery [18].Figure 2.9 Schematic view of Li‐ion battery: (a) prismatic cell [19] and (b)...Figure 2.10 Representation of energy levels in a cyclic system converting li...Figure 2.11 Operating principle of a chemical heat pump system.Figure 2.12 Mechanism of biological ES for a human body.Figure 2.13 Illustration of the formation, transport, and impact of acid pre...Figure 2.14 Illustration of the greenhouse effect.Figure 2.15 Illustration of sources of natural and anthropogenic ozone‐deple...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Global electricity production processes and energy flows in 2007....Figure 3.2 Seasonal TES charging and discharging activity during the year.Figure 3.3 Cold storage (a) and heat storage (b) systems and the three proce...Figure 3.4 Checklists for (a) evaluating a TES project and (b) integrating T...Figure 3.5 Generic inlet‐air cooling system (the cold storage inside the dot...Figure 3.6 A solar rock‐bed TES system.Figure 3.7 Position of inlet and outlet, and effective quantity of water (ha...Figure 3.8 Schematics of various tank configurations; (a) single medium syst...Figure 3.9 Concrete TES system.Figure 3.10 Solar storage tanks: (a) heat storage tank tied directly to both...Figure 3.11 Schematic of a cylindrical combined water‐rock storage.Figure 3.12 Schematic of the operation of an ATES system.Figure 3.13 Some environmental benefits of ATES.Figure 3.14 An ATES system combined with a heat pump.Figure 3.15 Operational principles for ATES systems using heat pumps.Figure 3.16 Cross‐section representation of a typical salinity‐gradient sola...Figure 3.17 Evacuated solar collector TES system.