3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Normalized singular values obtained from the SVD of matrix [C].Figure 3.2 Comparison between the original data and the estimated data from ...Figure 3.3 Normalized singular values from the SVD of matrix [C].Figure 3.4 Comparison between the original data and the estimated data from ...Figure 3.5 Comparison between the original data and the data added with whit...Figure 3.6 Normalized singular values from the SVD of matrix [C].Figure 3.7 Comparison between the original data and the estimated data from ...Figure 3.8 RCS of a sphere as a function of its radius and generated over a ...Figure 3.9 Scattering efficiency as a function of size parameter. (a) Input ...Figure 3.10 Generation of stopband response using passband data. (a) Reconst...Figure 3.11 Generation of passband response using stopband data. (a) Reconst...Figure 3.12 Broadband device characterization. Solid lines, extrapolation us...Figure 3.13 Comparison of theoretical PDF and numerically simulated PDF’s. S...Figure 3.14 Comparison of theoretical PDF and numerically simulated PDFs. SN...Figure 3.15 A Conducting Cube with a Square Hole.Figure 3.16 Radiated far‐field Power density of the PEC Box due to an incide...Figure 3.17 Comparison of Original and Interpolated Data (Down sample Rate =...Figure 3.18 Error Percentage Rate over the entire band (Down sample Rate = 1...Figure 3.19 Comparison of the Original and Interpolated Data (Down sample Ra...Figure 3.20 Error Percentage Rate (Down sample Rate = 20).Figure 3.21 Comparison of Original and Interpolated Data (Down sample Rate =...Figure 3.22 Error Percentage Rate (Down sample Rate = 30).Figure 3.23 Comparison of Original and Interpolated Data Around the First Nu...Figure 3.24 Comparison of Original and Interpolated Data Around the First Nu...Figure 3.25 A Horn Antenna.Figure 3.26 An input Gaussian Pulse.Figure 3.27 Power Spectrum Density of Horn Antenna.Figure 3.28 Actual, Reconstructed and Difference of Phase Functions.Figure 3.29 Time Domain Responses.Figure 3.30 Sifted Time Domain Responses.Figure 3.31 A Microstrip Patch Antenna.Figure 3.32 Power Spectrum Density of the Microstrip Patch Antenna.Figure 3.33 Actual, Reconstructed and Difference of Phase Functions.Figure 3.34 Aligned Time Domain Response from the Patch Antenna.Figure 3.35 Phase of the scattered fields from a Conducting Cubic Box with a...Figure 3.36 Time Domain Response from the Conducting Box with a hole.Figure 3.37 Flowchart of the proposed interpolation algorithm for adaptive i...Figure 3.38 The initial interpolation result for the patch antenna.Figure 3.39 The second interpolation result for the patch antenna, the inter...Figure 3.40 The error of the second interpolation result for the patch anten...Figure 3.41 The initial interpolation result for the hollow PEC box while th...Figure 3.42 The second interpolation result of the hollow box while the base...Figure 3.43 The third interpolation result of the hollow box from updated sa...Figure 3.44 The fourth interpolation result for the hollow PEC box with two ...Figure 3.45 The error of the final interpolation result for the hollow PEC b...Figure 3.46 A SDPA array with 11 elements.Figure 3.47 Far‐field radiation pattern of the SDPA array.Figure 3.48 The initial interpolation result of the SDPA array with base sam...Figure 3.49 The second interpolation result of the SDPA array with base samp...Figure 3.50 The third and final interpolation result of the SDPA array with ...Figure 3.51 The error of the last interpolation result for the SDPA array sh...Figure 3.52 Waveguide filter. Model of S11 and S22 with common denominator....Figure 3.53 Microstrip filter, the numerical based MoM model generating the ...Figure 3.54 Microstrip filter, result from the MoM model and its wide‐band r...Figure 3.55 (a) HOBBIES simulation model for the 0.15‐m‐diameter PEC sphere....Figure 3.56 Natural poles of the 0.15‐m‐diameter PEC sphere from the SEM and...Figure 3.57 (a) HOBBIES simulation model for the PEC wire with 0.1 m length ...Figure 3.58 (a) HOBBIES simulation model for the PEC disk with 0.1 m diamete...Figure 3.59 (a) HOBBIES simulation model for the PEC ellipsoid with 0.02 m d...Figure 3.60 (a) HOBBIES simulation model for the PEC sphere with 0.1 m diame...Figure 3.61 (a) HOBBIES simulation model for the PEC cone with 0.1 m diamete...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 (a) Original data – 415 points, (b) Truncated Data ‐40 points mis...Figure 4.2 (a) Truncated Data – 60 points missing. Comparison of the reconst...Figure 4.3 (a) Truncated data with a nonzero initial guess (80 missing point...Figure 4.4 These arc plots of the frequency domain data of a microstrip band...Figure 4.5 These arc plots of the frequency domain data of a microstrip band...Figure 4.6 These are plots of the frequency domain data of another microstri...Figure 4.7 These arc plots of the frequency domain data for the input impeda...Figure 4.8 These are plots of the frequency domain data for a microstrip not...Figure 4.9 Comparison between the Lomb periodogram and the modified method p...Figure 4.10 F 1(ω) and Hilbert transform of F2(ω) for different va...Figure 4.11 Processing time reduces using the Hilbert transformation.Figure 4.12 Accurate Estimate for the amplitude is given by equation (4.83),...Figure 4.13 (a) DOA Estimation using a half wavelength spaced 15 element arr...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 An overview of the NF‐FF transformation using the SRM.Figure 5.2 Relationship between the field acquisition domain and the equival...Figure 5.3 Original and the Equivalent problem with a magnetic current sheet...Figure 5.4 Equivalent magnetic current covering the aperture of the antenna ...Figure 5.5 Plate So on the xy‐plane where the equivalent magnetic curr...Figure 5.6 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 0° cut for a 32 × 32 ...Figure 5.7 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 0° cut for a 32 × 32 ...Figure 5.8 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 0° cut for a 32 × 32 ...Figure 5.9 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 0° cut for a 32 × 32 ...Figure 5.10 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 90° cut for a 32 × 3...Figure 5.11 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 90° cut for a 32 × 3...Figure 5.12 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 90° cut for a 32 × 3...Figure 5.13 Co‐polarization characteristic for φ = 90° cut for a 32 × 3...Figure 5.14 Cross‐polarization characteristic for φ = 0° cut for a 32 ×...Figure 5.15 Co‐polarization